View Full Version : I am no longer a photographer.

20-12-2013, 10:22pm
Sold the lot. Yep, made the decision (been thinking about it for a while) and put it all up on Facebook and a couple of forums in Australia. Sold it all in less than a week, with most of it going within the first 8 hours of it hitting the net.

I have too much on my plate, am spread too thin and am trying to be good at everything. Dabbling in weddings, done about 8 now, real estate photography, lost count, portraits, baby, wildlife, macro, landscape, astro, even a bit of product and corporate work.

With a full time job, back to school to get quals in conservation and land management, a toddler to look after, outdoor adventuring, my creative side int he workshop... the list goes on... it's just impossible.

I'm a bit shell shocked and gutted actually. It all went so fast. About to head out bush in the kayak over Christmas with no camera, I won't know myself.

My photography is going nowhere, nothing is selling. Customers are few and far between. Pushing the business and developing my skills has been fairly fruitless in returns for the amount of effort exerted.

I've been at this since 2010 as a professional and earlier as an amateur enthusiast. Nobody has been buying my stuff save for a very small few. Not enough to make it all worth it. I've pushed and pushed magazines, TV, Radio, church, friends, family, internet forums, Facebook, newspapers, CSIRO, National Geographic, Australian Geographic, Wildlife parks, and much MUCH more and NO-ONE, but NO-ONE is interested. Photos might be good and I thank all my friends for their moral support, but no one is buying.

It's OK though, I'm not bitter by any means. I just have come to an impasse and have taken a great deal of heavy-hearted thought to change directions and pour all into my passion of sharing God's creation of the universe through the telescope. There's plenty of very good wildlife photographers out there who can step up in my stead.

I'll be upgrading the observatory and specialising in astrophotography only now.

So far I've made enough money and gone and bought this! Picked it up in Sydney yesterday but haven't had time to scratch my arse yet so I haven't played with it.


I've also ordered this to go on top of it. It arrives in mid-February.


21-12-2013, 6:04am
Good Luck to you!

21-12-2013, 6:43am
Looking forward to seeing some astro stuff (photos) then soon.

21-12-2013, 7:37am
Sad to hear you sold the lot but I totally understand where you are coming from. I, like Rick, hope you attach a camera to that beautiful astro rig and share any shots with us. Photography for me is a hobby and in keeping it that way I avoid most of the frustrations you have cited. Good luck in your adventures.

21-12-2013, 9:43am
Thanks all. I'll certainly be sharing the astrophotos as they come out of the new rig when it comes online.



old dog
21-12-2013, 12:07pm
looking forward to seeing more of the big guys handiwork with this new kit.

Mary Anne
21-12-2013, 12:40pm
Once a Photographer always a Photographer Baz. All the best with the new gear.

21-12-2013, 3:58pm
Thanks guys. Looking forward to the road ahead!


21-12-2013, 5:39pm
Hi Baz, Been there did that, I think it is what we call middle age crisis and it affects people differently however you have made a very fair call and and realised that sometimes you just have to drop some things in order to fit the rest of the stuff in. I believe that you will always be a photographer taking photos of the things you love. For now it will be astrophotography in time it may be something else. I definitely hear you, and wish you all the very best. I have thoroughly enjoyed your photos posted in this forum and I wish you well in your future endeavours. We will look forward to seeing some of the astro photography examples that you post. Once again all the very best

Kind Regards

21-12-2013, 6:16pm
Ahh..it is always the same. When you turn a hobby into a profession, it loses something. Luckily I never have been, or ever will be, good enough to even think about trying to sell any photos....Nor am I interested in doing so.
But I agree Baz...you were spreading yourself pretty thin. Even when I was young and healthy I wouldn't have been able to keep up with that load!
Good luck and I look forward to seeing some Astro images from that impressive piece of kit!

26-12-2013, 12:50pm
I gave it away 20 years ago while i had kids but the last few years it has drawn me back and now i have fallen inlove with it all over again.Hope it grabs you again in the future:)

26-12-2013, 4:06pm
Sorry to see you have sold all your gear but glad to hear your not giving up but just changing your focus.

So does this mean we can expect to see a Barry Armstead version of "Louie Giglio's Indescribable Video"

All the best with all you have going on and along with many others I look forward to your Astro shots being posted in the near future.

26-12-2013, 4:30pm
I can certainly understand your frustrations on the photographic side, it is a very competitive industry, and many clients want images for practically nothing, or for us to "donate" them - in the end not realising the amount of effort and time that goes into creating that image. But then again, they don't have to do they?

Nice choice in quals too, you have an affinity with our land and flora and fauna and it seems the perfect choice Baz. Good luck on your new ventures mate!! :th3: