View Full Version : The preparations begin!

15-12-2013, 10:12am
It has been a while for me, as some of you may know I have been overseas waiting for my wifes visa to be approved for the past 18 months.

Well, FINALLY, it has been approved and we are getting our things together to head for Australia. It has been a VERY long road for us. We now have a beautiful daughter who is almost 3 months old at the moment :) This has been the reason for my major lack of contribution on the forum. I also used some of the down time to get my website renewed, and up and running again. With a new look and feel all together :) Feel free to check it out further. Link is in my signature.

Now its time to prepare for my trip home, and for my family to prepare for their new life to begin in Australia.

Look forward to taking more photos of Australia finally too :D It was fun showing the forum a new side of the world however! :) For those of you who missed my photos, they are on my new website so feel free to check them out there and see a new part of the world you have probably never heard of :)

Thanks everyone for reading!! :th3: :tog:

Debra Faulkner
15-12-2013, 10:37am
Welcome again and all the best for your return travels. :)

15-12-2013, 8:48pm
Thank you Debra! :)

Mark L
16-12-2013, 9:56pm
One journey is nearly complete, then another begins.
All the best wishes for the three of you.

Mary Anne
16-12-2013, 10:59pm
What an exciting time for you and your Family and enjoy your journey home.

17-12-2013, 2:41am

Having just been through the same scenario myself I know your excitement. Wishing you and your family the best of luck for your new life in Australia.

18-12-2013, 11:45pm
@MarkL - That is very true. The next step is the real beginning for us :) Thank you.

@Mary Anne - Thank you :) We leave on friday!

@Brian500au - The past 18 months is not something I would wish to go through again! While there have been many many great experiences, the stress of it all is beyond words or explanation. Thank you for the well wishes. I hope you and your family have taken a big leap forward now that you have gotten through a similar situation.