View Full Version : Old lens on Panasonic DMC G3 Body.

06-12-2013, 4:37pm
I have recently purchased a SMC Pentax-M 1;1.7f 50mm lens for $69.00 it must be at least twenty years old, I slapped it on to my Panasonic DMC G3 with a lens converter and a 10mm extension tub and wow, I now know what photograph is all about, I heard other guys talking about focusing in to the sweet spot I’ve never been able to get quite there with my Panasonic lenses, this has given me a new lease in life with my photography. I will have to post some photos when I have sorted them out.
I’m So Excited, as the song go’s.:lol:


06-12-2013, 8:25pm
I use old manual focus lenses pretty much exclusively for my own photography and also for professional work whenever possible. I'm a big fan old enlarging lenses in particular.

A couple of questions, why the 10mm extension tube (unless it's simply because you want to shoot close-up/macro)? And, why/how has this lens changed your photography (I'm not sure I know what you mean by "focusing in on the sweet spot")?

06-12-2013, 11:09pm
Gotta be careful Alpacamike.:eek:
Old lenses are very, very addictive. I've been playing with an old Minolta Rokkor X & Konica Hexanon on my m4/3 Oly. Heaps of fun!:D

08-12-2013, 9:19pm
Yes a lot of my work is close-up shots that’s why the extension tube and my Panasonic lens just have not given me that real clean shot, it could be just the lack of experience on my part I don’t know. The sweet spot to me is when you focus on a spider you can not only see the hairs on his legs but you can also see the dandruff, if you know what I mean.
Thanks For Your Comments

- - - Updated - - -

Hi Matt
Sorry to say I’m hooked already, up to my 5th old lens this year, it’s worse than the pokes

21-12-2013, 2:16pm
If your hooked on that Pentax m 50mm/1.7 which is a great lens, sharp even wide open, don't look at any Takumars or you'll be on that slippery slope like me.
Takumars in any of their iterations are works of art and unbelievably cheap especially when they're sold on dead camera bodies. I've bought some for as little as $5