View Full Version : This festive season: Stay safe of the roads (graphic content)

03-12-2013, 6:14am
Warning: graphic content


With the festive season fast approaching and people attending functions etc, please stay safe on our roads

Mary Anne
03-12-2013, 8:18am
Very emotional Rick :( Hoping every driver in Australia looks at it, it may make a difference. Thanks for Posting.

Duane Pipe
03-12-2013, 3:59pm
I hope that AP members and their family's stay safe over the Holidays:th3:

I Hate hearing the stories of the innocent people taken by drunk/drugged and dangerous drivers.
Listening to my scanner in rural vic is enough for me and I could only imagine the metro:(

04-12-2013, 11:01am
What an incredibly powerful & emotional piece that is ... I wish it was played on a continuous loop in the waiting area of every states motoring authority ... it might get the message through some thick heads.

04-12-2013, 11:44am
Heartbreaking, powerful and gut wrenching this ultimately shocking piece should be shown far and wide continuously until people get the message.
Thanks for posting this Rick I'm going to put it on FB and hopefully get the message out to some more people
Please stay safe

Bear Dale
04-12-2013, 11:51am
People NEED to look at this. It's no good pretending that it doesn't happen.

Be safe everyone.

07-12-2013, 10:40am
A very good and well produced video.

We all need to think about our driving, and also become more courteous on the roads.
I see so many selfish idiots out there cutting corners, speeding through roundabouts and taking stupid risks that I'm surprised our death tally isn't higher.

I am a student of advanced motoring, and have instructed people on how to drive on a race track, yet I am floored by how many bad drivers there are out there on the roads with no concept of anything but getting there as fast as possible without any regard for other road users.
You only need 2 of these idiots coming together (in more ways than one) to make a real mess of not only their lives, but the lives of others.