View Full Version : SMH/ The Age - you suck!

22-11-2013, 5:21am
The Sydney Morning Herald/The Age have introduced a program called 'Clique', where people can pay $25 or $50 to join a photography program for the newspaper. You then submit your photos with the chance to have your photos published in The Age. Yes you pay them and they might publish your photo

Each month you will be given an assignment.

But here is the kicker, not only do you pay them to give them your photos. They also take the rights to every photo submitted:

each participant grants the Organiser (and its related bodies corporate) an irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide licence to deal with participants’ images (in any format)

Oh but they do tell you that:

Copyright of the images submitted or shared for the purposes of the Program, including any competition, will at all times remain the property of the photographer.

Nice of them, eh?

22-11-2013, 5:34am
LOL! 'suck' is putting it mildly! ... more appropriate terms exist, but aren't publishable on a family oriented website such as AP!

Here's the catch with this 'comp' club .. or whatever they're masquerading it as ....

..... Each month, members will receive assignments on different themes designed to test their skills

Basically with that line of text, what AMH/Age are doing is getting you(the mug) to pay to work for them, by giving you assignments to complete! :confused:

So ..... YOU'RE PAYING TO WORK FOR THE NEWSPAPER! .. Brilliant stuff huh?

Fairfax should be made aware of how insulting this is to everyone out there .. not just the (now mostly)unemployed news photographers.

Of all the shonky (so called)photography courses out there .... this one takes the prize for the worst possible incarnation.

22-11-2013, 8:20am
Call the Union rep!!
Or more importantly report them to Fair Work Oz http://www.fairwork.gov.au/pay/student-placement-and-unpaid-work/pages/unpaid-work-research-report.aspx

22-11-2013, 8:26am
I heard there were a number of photographers retrenched from The Age, sounds like it's a cost cutting thing. It's a bit like the Australian Open tennis advertised for amateur photographers and copped a bit of flack.

23-11-2013, 1:30pm
Tropical! Topical! Typical!
Am(saying no more!).

23-11-2013, 3:49pm
There must be an up side of this,for every action there is a equal and opposite reaction,if you were given a Press pass you could win,no need to take their photos,
set the shutter speed to two seconds and submit. win win for you.


24-11-2013, 12:44pm
I think most of you will pick up what I'm putting down

24-11-2013, 12:48pm
Hehehehehe , we are moving closer and closer to going back to unashamed slavery !
But seriously , BOGUS to the Max ...

Whats that ABC show = Media Watch ! I did like media watch .... :lol2:

Is it still on ? If they are , now thats who you would let know ....

24-11-2013, 1:53pm
Ahhh, but you might WIN an internship with the paper.

So what do we have:
You have to pay to participate
They don't pay you for your photos, regardless of them being Pulitzer prize quality
and if you are really successful, you can work with them and not get paid....

I thank the Gods everyday that I quickly chose this to only ever be a hobby.

Also, on a side not, but kind of relative, the newspaper that the photographer who took the pic of Lee Harvey Oswald worked for, GAVE him the negative. They wanted him to earn as much as possible from that photo.

How times have changed.

- - - Updated - - -

Ahhh, but you might WIN an internship with the paper.

So what do we have:
You have to pay to participate
They don't pay you for your photos, regardless of them being Pulitzer prize quality
and if you are really successful, you can work with them and not get paid....

I thank the Gods everyday that I quickly chose this to only ever be a hobby.

Also, on a side not, but kind of relative, the newspaper that the photographer who took the pic of Lee Harvey Oswald worked for, GAVE him the negative. They wanted him to earn as much as possible from that photo.

How times have changed.

I @ M
24-11-2013, 2:15pm
I think most of you will pick up what I'm putting down

Belly, it is far more subtle to just type W:anc:S :rolleyes:

24-11-2013, 2:23pm

How times have changed.

sure have!

Now the times are such that news corporations steal images(usually off social group sites) and then don't pay, as they claim it to be either an oversight or a mistake .. and then it takes three years for the photog to get any compensation from them.

13-12-2013, 5:54pm
I noticed recently that DCW, Canon and Adobe have "joined" the program. Canon and Adobe i can understand...but its a bit dissapointing for DCW to join in as well.

Mark L
13-12-2013, 7:46pm
^ a chance to sell product as people think they are improving and therefore need to buy better equipment maybe.