View Full Version : Haida Filters

14-11-2013, 9:44am
I have just recently bought some Haida ND filters and thought I would post a little review.

First off they are cheap filters by comparison to other big names in filters.

I'm only just getting around to doing this now as I have been very busy with work, to busy to be honest.

I have to throw out a shout to a member by the name of paulheath, as without out his help, I would have never bought these filters at all, as the postage was far too much.

I took a couple of shots with the Haida ND 0.9 8x and the Haida ND 1.8 64x stacked together to get the shutter speed way down as the photos were taken in the middle of the
day, so effectively the filters stacked were 9 stops.

I have done no post processing except to resize the two photos for the web, the two I have are of the same shot, just one at 11mm and the other at 16mm, I shoot with a crop sensor
camera too a 1100D.

I haven't done much with filters, but I do like what the filters have done with the water, bought it out nice and smooth, and the vignette can always be managed in post I would think.

IMO they are a very good cheap filter for the beginner, that you can learn with before moving up to the more expensive filters.

If anyone would like to ask any other questions, I will try and answer them for you.

Anyway here are the two photos.


http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315/xms3500/Filter11_zps1da9902c.jpg (http://s155.photobucket.com/user/xms3500/media/Filter11_zps1da9902c.jpg.html)


http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315/xms3500/Filter16_zps606cf123.jpg (http://s155.photobucket.com/user/xms3500/media/Filter16_zps606cf123.jpg.html)

14-11-2013, 10:58am
I know HD filters are supposed to blur movement but the whole of both images look blurry. It might have soething to do with the stacking. They lack sharpness.

14-11-2013, 1:38pm
I know HD filters are supposed to blur movement but the whole of both images look blurry. It might have soething to do with the stacking. They lack sharpness.

They are a little blury but as they were shot in RAW and have had no post processing at all, they aren't too bad, they can be sharpened, but i wanted to try and show what it looks like as shot.