View Full Version : Considering the D610

06-11-2013, 10:43am
Considering the D610 or but probably not D800, $'s, as an upgrade from D5000. Has anyone bought the D610 and thoughts please.

06-11-2013, 1:05pm
I upgraded to the D600 from the D5000. I considered the D800, but selected the D600 for a number of reasons; most notably being the smaller file sizes. I'm very happy with it.

Some things to think about:

- the resolution is fantastic and benefits from good quality lenses to get the full benefit of the qualities of the sensor.
- the AF points are central which leaves the outer areas of the frame without AF cover. I have not found this to be a major problem, but it may be a factor for others.
- the body is smaller than some other FF bodies, but materially larger than the D5000. I found the addition of the battery grip really improved the ergonomics - particularly with larger and heavier lenses.
- similar to the D800, the sensor resolution requires higher shutter speeds to avoid blur, particularly where the lens does not have VR.

Feel free to have a look at my Flickr account to see some examples of shots taken using my D600.

06-11-2013, 7:16pm
I do agree they could have handle the whole thing a lot better than they did. Not quite sure yet if I'll take that step just yet as I've got other gear to get but having a good look at it and like to hear how others who may have purchased it are finding it.

Current list, Sb-700 or (SB-910 ?) AF-S 85mm 1.4, 1.8, or 105mm Micro, 24-70mm, and a few filters. option of equivalent in Sigma.

06-11-2013, 9:31pm
Don't have the 600 or 610.
However, I'm sure the 610 will be everything the 600 is + more, without the sensor issues of course

06-11-2013, 9:46pm
I bought my 600 earlier in the year and have been very pleased with it.

The resolution is brilliant.
The high iso Capablity is very good.
I find it very comfortable to hand hold.
The file size isn't an issue.
The cropping ability is excellent
I have no problem with the AF points.

Paired with both my 300 and my 16-35 have given me some lovely shots. I thought long and hard about going full frame and have not regretted this purchase. Most of my Flickr shots have been taken with the 600 except my macros which are still the d90 . Hope this helps

06-11-2013, 10:29pm
Think of reasons to update the camera!

If you have valid reasoning to update the camera, then a camera update is the best way forward.

If you can't think of any area where the D5000 is letting you down, then you may not be as pleased with the resultant images you're subsequently getting from the camera.

In this situation maybe a lens or two may be a better way forward instead.

D610 costs approximately $2K.
if you have $2K to spend(on the body) .. that money may better serve you spent on lenses instead.

I think for a body upgrade, you need to have 'good reasoning' to update so that once you start collecting images from it, you feel more of a sense of achievement from the purchase.

From your list of lenses .. you only have one lens listed that will work 'fully' with a D610(the Sigma 120-400) .. all the others will only really work in crop mode(Dx mode) .. plus a bit.
This point in itself isn't an issue .. I used my Sigma 10-20mm for a year on the D800 without reservation in doing so, so there's nothing wrong with using your Dx lenses on a full frame camera, either in Dx mode or cropping later(which I used both methods).
They both worked well enough for the purpose I intended.

The point of it all, is that while a D610 may inevitably produce some pictures for you, your next steps(post D610 acquisition) will be to acquire full frame lenses .. and they add up considerably! .. many more thousands in the long run, and during all this you have to ask yourself .. have your pictures improved by any amount.

List some reasons as to why you think a new camera purchase is something you may benefit from.

06-11-2013, 11:44pm
Thank you.

When checking the Nikon along with Photozone site they listed and tested the AF-S 85mm f/1.4 G and the 24-70 in the FX section on FX bodies. So perhaps I'm misinterpreting something somewhere.

The 610 idea is not a main priority

07-11-2013, 10:30pm
The Nikkor 85mm and 24-70mm are FX lenses so you shouldn't have a problem.
As mentioned in my comment above, good quality lenses really shine on the D600 / D610.

09-11-2013, 12:20am
Thank you.

When checking the Nikon along with Photozone site they listed and tested the AF-S 85mm f/1.4 G and the 24-70 in the FX section on FX bodies. So perhaps I'm misinterpreting something somewhere.

The 610 idea is not a main priority

Aha! apologies: somehow I missed your reply about the other items on your list :confused:

.. makes more sense when read with that information.

09-11-2013, 10:09pm
All good, I get lost with all the different configurations and always going back to see if I'm following up the right lens, but do appreciate your input.

The only reason I would go the 610 is partly because I would be able to and anything higher I can't really justify even though I could if I wanted to. Posted a Lorie the other night which would enable you to see what I'm getting from the Sigma 120-400.

10-11-2013, 9:17am
something to be mindful of, which is why I replied asking if you could think of any reasons, or limitations you've come across where the camera update would help.

Looking at the lorrie thread, I reckon a better camera update would be a D7100, even a D5300.

Reason: you've posted an image which was then subsequently cropped a bit.
If you're reasoning for wanting/needing a new camera is partly for more cropping, a D610 at this point is probably the least effective choice!

D610 is a 35mm format camera and as such will give you the traditional field of view with 35mm lenses.
D5300/7100(as well as your D5000) are APS-C, and hence only give you cropped FOV with that same lens.
.... you know, the old 120-400mm lens is a 180-600mm lens on APS-C argument!

While the FOV of your lens is cropped, the lens does give you what appears to be a longer reach.

Changing to a full 35mm frame camera will do the opposite for you. Your once "180-600mm lens"(using inverted commas for a reason here! will now be a proper 120-400mm lens on a D610.
That is, you will have lost reach and for example, in the lorrie image you would have had to crop a lot more(heavier) than you did.

So if its for getting more pseudo reach, then a D7100/5300 would be a more ideal camera to look towards as it will allow much more headroom for cropping the images(compared to a D5000).

And for noting: even tho a D800 has 36Mp being a full frame camera still means that compared to a D7100/5300(both being 24Mp) it still will not give the same detail capture if using the same focal length lens.

If you wanted an Fx camera for any reason, those reasons would have to be along the lines of: I want the ability to render shallower DOF, I want better noise at high ISO, I want wider and wider FOV with lower distortion ... etc.

To get what you have for chasing birds now using a D610 as the camera base, you would then need something like the newly announced Tamron 150-600mm lens (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?126305-Tamron-SP-150-600mm-F-5-6-3-Di-VC-USD-announced&highlight=tamron+150-600mm).

I'm thinking(going by your last post) if you wanted a decent birding setup at a reasonable price this new lens + D7100 would give you an advantage over what you currently have.

10-11-2013, 4:50pm
One thought regarding the 610, is there a function that allows for the camera to simulate a crop sensor it had been suggested that this function was available the little I have read has not indicated that but I may have not have come across this in what I have read yet, but as previously stated I'm undecided with any camera changes at this point, just not throwing the possibility out the door, but trying to leave options available for later.

10-11-2013, 5:57pm
Can't speak for the D610, but with the D600, when a DX lens is mounted (Nikon brand) the camera automatically adjusts accordingly.

With the Sigma 10-20 mounted it does not automaticaly adjust resulting in heavy vignetting as per the sample below.

http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u251/JED_HSV/Aus%20Photography%20uploads/DS6_0046%20-%20Sigma%2010_zps7d28a944.jpg (http://s170.photobucket.com/user/JED_HSV/media/Aus%20Photography%20uploads/DS6_0046%20-%20Sigma%2010_zps7d28a944.jpg.html)