View Full Version : Why I don't keep chooks.

25-10-2013, 12:37am
Coming home late from work tonight, swerved to miss this 2and a 1/2mtr critter soaking up the warmth from the bitumen.
Stopped the car, took a quick pic with my mobile, then gently tapped it on the tail to move it on so it didn't
become another road statistic. But it was reluctant to move, so I hopped in the car, revved the engine and slowly
it moved. Uless you have a very secure cage for your chooks up here, they,(the chooks) will become a statistic:eek:
I once saw a walaby struggling for its life when one of these pythons snatched it hanging off a branch.(if only I had my camera)
IT managed to get away.
http://i1087.photobucket.com/albums/j471/ryzchard/20131024_230338Copy_zps75588f64.jpeg (http://s1087.photobucket.com/user/ryzchard/media/20131024_230338Copy_zps75588f64.jpeg.html)

25-10-2013, 7:56am
Good on you for helping to keep it safe from becoming road kill! Personally, I don't like snakes (or spiders) but I do appreciate that have a role in the ecological system we all inhabit, so live and let live.

Mary Anne
25-10-2013, 10:06am
Well Done for helping it out of humans way :2encou:
Its only the last three years we have not had chooks and seeing pythons around the chook house in Townsville has never discouraged us from keeping them.
They were always locked up securely in their two houses in the late afternoon where not even a mouse could get at them
Hubby would often came across pythons of a night when out toad bashing, he would yell out to me and out I would go thongs on feet and no torch, he had it
And as much as I dont like some of the things I see, they do have to eat too.. Thanks for Sharing and Thanks for Caring.

25-10-2013, 10:50am
WhoDo, Mary Anne, thanks for the replies. Cheers:)

Mark L
25-10-2013, 7:38pm
So many people swerve to purposely run over snakes.
:th3: for not being one of them.

aussie girl
25-10-2013, 9:19pm
I doubt I would have tapped it on the tail:eek:

25-10-2013, 10:44pm
Thanks Mark L.... aussie girl, I was very careful not to antagonize:eek: Think all us happy snappers would have done the same:D

29-12-2013, 5:45pm
Thanks for your kind action. I wish you a great new year and many more sightings.