View Full Version : DOF Focusing

16-10-2013, 6:26pm
Hi everyone

Just a quick question for all the pro's out there:
What is the correct way to focus when taking landscape shots:
Using DOF calculations or focusing a third of the way into the scene ?
I am using a Nikon D5100 with stock 18-55mm lens.


16-10-2013, 6:31pm
Welcome to AP.

Your thread is not really something that will get a straight answer. The answer lies in what is the main subject. If it is the foreground, then focus on that, if it is the middle ground then that, if it is the distant stuff then that. I tend to focus 1/3 or 2/3 of the way in, depending on what my main subject in the scene is. So the correct way.. is not set in concrete, the correct way is dependent on the scene.

Now that is done, hope we see you on the forums and giving others some tips back too.

16-10-2013, 7:09pm
Thanks Rick for the quick reply, looks like I have been focusing the correct way.