View Full Version : This summers hottest day - care to predict ?

12-10-2013, 2:11pm
Wow, for a year now , every month has set new record temperatures ( High not low ) ...
Even October looks to scorch ...

So how hot is this summer going to get ? Anyone dare to predict ? :confused013

Personally I fear we may top 50 deg C on the main continent : :2peach: ( I hope we get no where near that - in fact id like to see snow for Christmas - Thats how warm I want to see it get )

12-10-2013, 3:51pm
During the bushfires earlier this year in NSW the temp was 49c recorded at a weather station but was 50c+ easy when I was driving on the princes hwy at Wandandian

I predict there will be 50c+ temps throughout summer and lots of blackouts. I dont get how Climate change deniers can claim nothing has happened?

12-10-2013, 6:17pm
... - in fact id like to see snow for Christmas - Thats how warm I want to see it get ...)

Quick! Some chords! Alas! I was only dreaming...

12-10-2013, 6:23pm
In Melbourne : 38.5°C.

Mark L
12-10-2013, 7:57pm
Last summer we topped our previous highest temp twice.
Very dry here, total fire ban again, and it's only October.
If the weather continues as predicted, many people should do a Bush Fire Survival Plan. It's here ....http://www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/dsp_content.cfm?cat_id=4073

Page 16 and 17 are the important pages, the rest simple helps you to answer the questions
Apparently 70% of people that live in bushfire prone areas don't have a plan. :eek:
Ember attacks can happen well away from fires. Are you sure you don't need a plan?

12-10-2013, 7:57pm
shepparton 40.8
cheers macca

13-10-2013, 6:46am
Not looking forward to summer at all. It's the humidity that kills me up this way - retirement will definitely see a move southwards.

13-10-2013, 7:42am
Funny. I just passed thru G a 2ple of days ago.
Yeah, I was sure glad it WASN'T too bad just then.
Been invited back in January. (PASS!)

13-10-2013, 8:22am
Adelaide will need to beat 12 January 1939, 46.1 °C (115.0 °F)

I remember some stinking hot summers in the 60's and 70's

Don't forget the Federation drought(s) 1896 to 1902

13-10-2013, 9:22am
When dealing in anecdotal evidence, you need to be mindful of the age of the person who's recounting the anecdote. People under 50 should be banned from saying "This is the hottest weather we've EVER had". And this applies doubly to young, giggly, ABC reporters. On-line temperature records for my area only start in the 1940's, yet many of our hottest/coldest/wettest/driest records still stand from that time. There is only one certainty in life other than death and taxes. That is that every time we have a hot day or a cyclone, some idiot will be on TV or the Radio telling us it is caused by Anthropogenic Global Warming. This may or may not be true, but it reinforces the cynicism that many hold about the way the whole debate is conducted - via the media.

The relationship between cause and effect is not always straight-forward. There was a rather eccentric politician up here who used to have a very large electorate. When he'd drive the roads in this electorate, if he noticed the local council had either graded the road or slashed the verges, he'd give the local paper a press release saying that maintenance needed to be done on such-and-such road. Everyone who travelled that road for the first time after his press release would say, "Wow, that Vince knows how to get things done!". He got re-elected against the odds year after year. People didn't know that he wasn't the cause of the effect, and as usual, the media didn't bother checking. There's a reason that journalists, politicians, and used car salesmen rank so low on the trust ladder.

13-10-2013, 10:38am
Quick! Some chords! Alas! I was only dreaming...

Not really , many years ago it snowed @ christmas here in Melbourne ... Was a very cold summer = I was a happy camper that year

Was it 73 or 74 , was a stinking hot summer .. Was so hot the bitumen was melting , and we were out in the heat singing Christmas carols - Teachers were Crazy ( Nutters ) back in the 70's

At least they have some OH&S these days ...

- - - Updated - - -

When dealing in anecdotal evidence, you need to be mindful of the age of the person who's recounting the anecdote. People under 50 should be banned from saying "This is the hottest weather we've EVER had". And this applies doubly to young, giggly, ABC reporters. On-line temperature records for my area only start in the 1940's, yet many of our hottest/coldest/wettest/driest records still stand from that time. There is only one certainty in life other than death and taxes. That is that every time we have a hot day or a cyclone, some idiot will be on TV or the Radio telling us it is caused by Anthropogenic Global Warming. This may or may not be true, but it reinforces the cynicism that many hold about the way the whole debate is conducted - via the media.

The relationship between cause and effect is not always straight-forward. There was a rather eccentric politician up here who used to have a very large electorate. When he'd drive the roads in this electorate, if he noticed the local council had either graded the road or slashed the verges, he'd give the local paper a press release saying that maintenance needed to be done on such-and-such road. Everyone who travelled that road for the first time after his press release would say, "Wow, that Vince knows how to get things done!". He got re-elected against the odds year after year. People didn't know that he wasn't the cause of the effect, and as usual, the media didn't bother checking. There's a reason that journalists, politicians, and used car salesmen rank so low on the trust ladder.

:lol: :confused013 :lol2:

Problem is = Lag time ...

It is estimated that lag time between cause and effect is around 50 years ( so called experts ) , so what ever effect we are seeing ATM was caused 50 years ago , and if that is really the REALITY of it , then Im sorry to say the human race is in seriously deep Do Do , and in another 10 years we should see who is right .. Unfortunately if we wait 10 years , the human race - as in modern civilization - may in fact collapse ..
And if you look at what Governments around the world are doing , you may come to the conclusion I have - Governments are preparing for collapse ... To save their own collective butts ( politicians etc )
And if that is the case , does that mean it is simply too late to do anything in the short term ( Earth Time ) , and the powers that be are only interested in saving themselves , and are prepared to see billions die in the oncoming global disaster . ( To hard to fix )

If we look at human history , every civilization has collapsed for what ever reason ... :confused013

I would love to be wrong , really I would ...

But with so much happening ? Melting glaciers , melting poles , changing warming ocean currents , ????
Predictions range from the Earth becoming a hot house , to the start of another ice age ...
Certainly be an interesting Decade ahead for us all

13-10-2013, 12:28pm

If we look at human history , every civilization has collapsed for what ever reason ... :confused013


LOL! .... the sooner the better I say.

(at the risk of starting another futile roundabout debate) Fact is that global warming(and cooling) is a fact of life, and has been for the past 4 billion years.
Icecaps and glaciers have come and gone long before we've had any apparent affect on them, and I'm sure they'll continue to do so long after our collective collapses.

In fact, it wasn't that long ago(a couple of million years) that Antarctica was completely covered in lush rainforest.
I wouldn't mind seeing this in person to be honest .. Frozen wastes, while appealing to a certain extent don't really appeal to me all that much anyhow. :p

Australia warmed up and dried out at about the same geological time scale(when it split from Antarctica) and there's no reason to think that this process has ever really ceased.

What's amazing, is to think that a fair part of QLD was covered in glaciers only 5000 years ago, and in areas where it's not uncommon to reach 40°C and above today.

Personally I doubt the next two decades will change all that much from the kind of weather we've experienced over the past 100 or so years anyhow .. cold-hot-cool-wet-dry-damp-cold-hot-cool-damp-wet-dry ....

One thing is for sure, and that is the progress of humankind, out of their caves and to the moon and back has really only developed due to the constant of climate change! Anyone that refuses to believe in this fact should return to their cave! :D

13-10-2013, 12:50pm
And further to that Arthur, there are examples like this all through history.


Climate changes naturally. The impact of us on those changes cannot yet be quantified. If anything population is the root cause of deforestation and increased carbon dioxide emissions. So, hands up who is going to tell the third world that they can no longer have as many children, or the west to stop increasing their peoples' life-spans. If that is too hard, then just impose a tax. That'll fix it.

13-10-2013, 7:25pm
During the bushfires earlier this year in NSW the temp was 49c recorded at a weather station but was 50c+ easy when I was driving on the princes hwy at Wandandian

I predict there will be 50c+ temps throughout summer and lots of blackouts. I dont get how Climate change deniers can claim nothing has happened?

Well were overdue for an IceAge
PPl can predict what they want but this is part of a cycle,not just 150,000years but by a factor of X100-1000

Mark L
13-10-2013, 8:19pm
I'm no expert, ...........

13-10-2013, 8:28pm
I'm no expert, ...........
If you feel a chill coming on, set a place for a mastodon.

14-10-2013, 9:55am
Seeing as Julia Gillard and Tim Flannery both bought waterfront properties after telling us that the oceans were going to rise so much that Alice Springs would be a seaside resort, I put little credence into what politicians say about Global Climate Change.

In the 70's the scientists said we were heading for an ice age. :eek:

The facts are that oceans are NOT rising, and that Polar Bears would actually have more to eat if there was no ice on the North Pole in summer.
Some of the longest running and most accurate measurements of the oceans are at Fort Dennison in Sydney Harbour.
A couple of years ago, they TRIED to release their findings on ocean levels over the last 150 years, but the Labor government wouldn't let them release the report to any fanfare as the results showed that over the last 150 years, the ocean had risen by perhaps 3mm.
Yes, ONLY 3mm. It seems the government didn't want the report to be made public as it would look bad for their Carbon Tax.
And seeing that in Labor's first budget they cut the funding to the CSIRO by over $3Billion, it didn't seem they were too worried about trying to fix any conceived problem either.

There have been many periods in the Earth's history where CO2 levels were around 1,000 times greater than they are now, and the Earth survived quite well. In fact, if CO2 levels double, then plants would grow 40% faster and therefor, animals would be better fed - both herbivores and carnivores and the birth rate of wild animals would increase as their birth rates are often controlled by how much food is available.
More food, more births.

It amazes me that the climate change zealots have no factual basis for their ideas, yet they believe in them as strongly as they believe in night follows day, yet the ones who have actually studied the REAL facts and have looked at the past history of the Earth realise that there is nothing really wrong with Earth's climate.
Hence why so many of the PPL scientists have pulled out.

Of course, the movie that Al Gore made, that started all this garbage, has been proven to be fictitious and in many parts of the world, like the UK, when this film is shown, they have to first show a disclaimer saying that the facts in this movie have been skilfully manipulated and that many things have been left out.

Of course, you do know that Al Gore makes a LOT of money out of selling carbon credits, don't you?

Lance B
14-10-2013, 4:49pm
The sun drives our climate, period. It makes up 99.86% of the mass of our solar system!!!!! Just let that sink in for a few minutes...99.86% of the total mass of our solar system, just how completely insignificant and inconsequential we all are compared to the sun and it's awesome power. Now, if you think that man makes a difference, then you are wildly mistaken. If the sun gets a slight snivel, we get a massive fever. Sunspots are what affect our climate mostly. That's the end of it.

14-10-2013, 6:39pm
17 posts!

This, the 18th, is only an observation.

14-10-2013, 7:15pm
...... That's the end of it.

Well put! :th3:

Strangely, some scientists have put out data that Mars has seen a significant increase in temperatures over the past few decades as well, all pointing back to the Sun as the source of the issue.

Surely these climate change worriers(pun intended!) can't claim that we humans have aided and abetted in this situation as well? :confused:

My biggest gripe with this notion of rising oceans(rhyme intended :p) is that a few thousand years ago, oceans were at a much higher level than they currently are, and scientists have discovered that the ocean shore here in Victoria reached in as far inland as Stawell/Horsham!! That's 150klms inland as the crow flies.
The question/answer they should be seeking is not are the seas rising, but what is a natural or balanced sea level to begin with.

My guess is that a much higher sea level is where the oceans should be, and it's all returning to a non icy balance as per the natural geological cycle.

So, on one hand scientists have proof that seas were once higher(and much lower too mind you) and that glaciers existed even as recently as 5000 years ago in what is now hot/tropical geography. And on the other hand other scientists are worrying about higher sea levels and melting glaciers! ... Whichever way the weather turns, scientists need a job, and to maintain these jobs they need research grants .... and the easiest way to get research grants is to scare the masses into irrational thinking!
It seems that scientists not only want their cake and the ablility to eat it too, but they also want another, and another and everyone elses cake to boot!

I remember reading these scientific articles in all manner of well respected publications where they were predicting an ice age 30 or so years back too.
Given 'em another 10-20 years and it'll all change from global warming to global cooling again, and so the scientific cycle begins all over again! :rolleyes:

My only hope in all this is to live just long enough to see the poles exchange polarity(again) ... I've always thought it might be nice to live in the Northern hemisphere for a bit.
The natural switch just makes it easier(for me) than a wholesale pack and move(which is just a PITA).

Just not too sure how fragile and frail I may end up in about 10,000 years or so. :p

14-10-2013, 9:00pm
if you let the Japanese keep whaling they will take a heap of space out of the ocean which in turn should drop the water level
got me stuffed why they did not think of this before
cheers macca

14-10-2013, 9:14pm
If global warming becomes a problem, enlist the aid of the Flat Earth Society. Then the water can run off the edges, and...
Or reshape the planet into a cube - ie, not a globe...
Just :D

15-10-2013, 8:22am
If global warming becomes a problem, enlist the aid of the Flat Earth Society. Then the water can run off the edges, and...
Or reshape the planet into a cube - ie, not a globe...
Just :D

Very edgy AM. :D