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Nick Cliff
05-10-2013, 6:45am
Hello, I am a recent convert to digital photography and have been very happy so far with the olympus system particularly with the option of using my 35mm legacy glass.So I gather with this system I may have joined the dark side looking at this sites camera poll .Looking forward to some interesting feedback re different areas of photography ,regards Nick.

05-10-2013, 6:54am
Welcome Nick. Olympus make some great gear. In the end it is the photo that matters, not what it was taken with. We could line up a heap of photos, all taken with different brands and ask members to tell us which photo was taken with which brand in a poll, and they would only ever be guessing. Anyone who tells you Canon are the best, only ever get Nikon, etc..those people need to be avoided cause they don't know shi#..:D

So show us what you can do with the Oly, and join right in

Nick Cliff
05-10-2013, 8:57am
Will do Rick,thanks for the reply, am being amazed at some of the old lenses, however with the micro 4/3 system you find with the crop factor of 2 any weakness in other systems lenses, which has been interesting, like friends you learn to choose lenses carefully, regards Nick

Mary Anne
05-10-2013, 12:40pm
Hello Nick :action66: and Welcome to AP.. Will look forward to seeing what you post on the Forums. What do you like shooting.
With me its the tiny creatures and the :bird: that swim in the Birds Baths we have in the Garden

Nick Cliff
05-10-2013, 3:11pm
Mary-Anne,thanks for the interest,my present areas of interest photographically have been plants, animals,and insects seen frequenting flowers,with birds much as I love them my lenses are not really suited re bird focal lengths as a rule ,plus my technique is seriously lacking at present.When it comes to cityscapes the area of interest are what can be topically Brisbane re the wooden houses and numerous flowering trees we are so fortunate to have,and who can not love the riverine and beach environment for landscape photos ,as a country we are blessed, and then the rainforests are sublime ,regards Nick

05-10-2013, 3:32pm
Welcome for another minority.. I came from Minolta so shoot Sony these days. Olympus are starting to poke their heads up in numbers at our local camera club these days so do not be intimidated by the numbers of Canons and Nikons around...john

Mary Anne
05-10-2013, 3:33pm
Exactly my kinds of interests Nick.. I am not into cityscapes like in the CBD though I do like the houses you mention.
There is beautiful scenery for landscapes all over and I am going to have a go at that real soon also. We are the Lucky Country.

Nick Cliff
05-10-2013, 4:57pm
Chappo,thanks for the minority support, I guess as a group we have a sense of the enormous potential these new systems have going for them ,the thing that amazes me is the DOF for macro style photography and the performance and craftmanship of lenses of a bygone era ,what a priveliged time we inhabit to be able to revisit the cult lenses of the past,regards Nick.

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Mary-Anne, am in agreement re CBD type architectural photos ,its a hard area to project a community feeling ,even though its there in west end for instance ,plus its hard to not invade a persons personal privacy ,and or dignity sometimes with the camera in such a crowded environment.The Brisbane CBD skyline from a distance is a different matter of course ,regards Nick

Nick Cliff
05-10-2013, 7:09pm
John my apologies I realize I have used the wrong name thanks for the support regards nick

05-10-2013, 9:18pm
:gday: & Welcome
- lets see some photos in the main CC forums (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?5) maybe try a competition or 2 and have fun!

06-10-2013, 6:40am
Welcome to AP, enjoy the site and look forward to seeing some of your pics in the forums

Nick Cliff
06-10-2013, 7:56am
Kym and Wayne thanks for the welcome ,have upgraded my camera in the last month and will get some photos pronto of some ideas that can do justice to this systems strengths regards Nick

06-10-2013, 4:39pm
Hi Nick,

My first camera was the Olympus OM1 and unfortunately lost it many years ago when I left it behind in a taxi in Thailand - heat and humidity do not do good things to my brain. These Zuiko lenses are just a marvel of engineering.

Nick Cliff
07-10-2013, 11:02am
Costa ,great of you to respond ,my experience is far more limited than yours re olympus however it has been all good once you work out the menus ,have been having fun this weekend with spring up in brissy with the oly, it doesnt hurt to slow down and really look, I was once advised by a wise man and of course photography gives me some zen moments and olympus system has delivered over my expectations .It might be that others think we olympus types may be aiming too low and miss as Peter Ustinov once said about people and life expectations ,I am happy ,so who gives a flying fig regards nick.

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Costa re the summertime humid heat in the tropics and subtropics here in brissy certainly can affect mental ability ,sorry to hear you lost a camera with this climactic influence, we tend to have to use cool water in litres and some electrolytes no doubt you have already worked this out, I just mention this so others do not learn the hard way, regards nick.

07-10-2013, 11:18am
Looking forward to seeing some of your photos soon, in the CC forums, Nick

07-10-2013, 4:38pm
Hooray, another Olympus user. G'day Nick & welcome.
You'll have to vote in the camera brand poll & see if the Oly users can finally crack the 3% mark

While I use a basic Nikon for sport, I find my Oly EPL1 is used for almost everything else.
Heaps of fun experimenting with adapted lenses as well.

Nick Cliff
10-10-2013, 8:35pm
Matt,am having problems replying over the last few days re your welcome,thanks for the welcome and yes adapted lenses are great fun,and I have voted on the camera poll olympus has cracked the big 3% ,have fun regards nick.