View Full Version : Nikon D7000 user saying hi!

30-09-2013, 3:30pm
Hi All,

I've obviously just signed up to the website. My intention is to continue to develop my photography skills. Unfortunately I don't really have any like minded friends I can really share my photography enthusiasm with. I have always loved photography but only seriously started shooting when I bought my D3000 several years ago. I have now progressed to a D7000 which I've had a for a little over a year.

I want to ensure that my skills and understanding continually progresses. My next aim is to shoot in full manual mode, to get a better appreciation of the inner workings.

I hope to post photos I've taken to get some feedback, whether good, bad or indifferent.

Current gear:
Nikon d7000
18 - 55 mm Nikkor kit lens
55 - 200 mm Nikkor
35 mm / 1.8
50 mm / 1.8

Look forward to contributing.

30-09-2013, 3:36pm
Welcome. I love my D7K with the 35mm attached.

30-09-2013, 3:50pm
Thanks Gav. Certainly my preference also.

30-09-2013, 4:23pm
:gday: & Welcome
- lets see some photos in the main CC forums (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?5) maybe try a competition or 2 and have fun!

30-09-2013, 4:52pm
Here's where you'll get the meeting of like minds, Kris. Welcome to AP and join the club (so to speak).

Mary Anne
30-09-2013, 5:17pm
Hello Kris and Welcome to AP.. Will look forward to seeing what you post on the Forums.

30-09-2013, 6:21pm
Welcome to AP. See you on the forums

T J Garvie
30-09-2013, 7:17pm
I like that there are other Nikon D7000 users here. I guess it will make it easier if we have questions.

Mark L
30-09-2013, 10:36pm
G'day KrisBrud, welcome aboard.

Unfortunately I don't really have any like minded friends I can really share my photography enthusiasm with.

You've found some.:)
Don't be afraid to ask questions, post photos and generally get involved. Helps us all learn.
Not that there's much happens, but keep an eye out for any activity here ..... http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?95-VIC
You Vics need to get together more often.:lol2:

old dog
01-10-2013, 10:17am
hi from another D7k owner. great camera and I hope you get into manual mode and learn some more. Plenty of info on here to get you straight.

01-10-2013, 2:27pm
Thanks for all the kind welcomes. Looking forward to getting involved.