View Full Version : Terrible Real Estate Agent Photos

20-09-2013, 8:01pm

I came across this today and thought some folks here might get a good chuckle out of it..

20-09-2013, 8:10pm

Mark L
20-09-2013, 8:58pm
#4 made me :lol:

20-09-2013, 10:49pm
Haha, that's great. We recently bought a new house and I was amazed at the amount of really horrid photos out there. Between really bad shots and really over-saturated HDR shots, there is some real rubbish out there. Just makes the quality ones stick out a little more.

Ms Monny
21-09-2013, 12:13am
Hahaha! This is so appropriate as I was looking at some houses yesterday and the images were the worst HDR I've seen! Not subtle to help with deep shadows, but really over-the-top HDR that made me cringe. Actually detracted from what the images were showing!

21-09-2013, 8:05am
When I was looking for somewhere to live (where I ended up at my current unit), I noticed that a lot of real estates have discovered the "joys" of HDR.
Want a laugh? Look through rental ads and see what real estates define as creative.

(At least it's better than the one display picture being of a toilet?)

21-09-2013, 9:00am
Oh dear. Lol

aussie girl
21-09-2013, 6:00pm
and not all agents or their staff know how to enlarge, reduce or crop a photo using Excel either, they just bring the photo in which then squashes it lenghways or height ways making the photo look like a very skinny house, room, yard etc. I actually told one of the agents how to reduce and crop it properly when they came round with an appraisal which had all these photos of recent sales with skinny or very stretched houses :lol::lol:

21-09-2013, 6:30pm
Oh my.