View Full Version : 1st day using - Tamron 70-200 f2.8 VC

14-09-2013, 7:05pm
So, on Friday my shiny new Tamron 70-200 f2.8 VC arrived. Today I was at my daughters dance concert and had a chance to give it a reasonable go. I thought I would give it a quick review...

Why I wanted a 70-200 2.8
Like a lot of people, I have dreamed of getting one of these lenses. As my daughter does dance (usually in poorly lit halls) I have a need for both the range and the ability to raise the aperture as high as possible. In the past, I have hired the Nikon v2 and of course loved it. It was quick, super sharp and simply unbelievable to use. HOWEVER, like many the price was just too much.

Very Comfy!
The first thing I noticed was that the Tamron was really comfortable to use. When I have used the nikon for a couple of days straight, I was left with a tender left hand. But the Tamron is noticeably different. The collar and foot are perfectly sized. The combination of the size of the foot and the distance the foot is from the collar itself means that you can balance the lens in your hand and support it via the foot. This also meant that there was no inadvertent 'bumping' of the focusing ring, which many reviewers talk about. This may seems like a silly thing to talk about but it was honestly the first thing I noticed. After a day using it I was left with the desire to... do it all over again :D

Quick, Sharp and VERY Quiet
To me (IMHO) the lens was quick and produced some lovely sharp images. OK, it is not as good as the nikon, even I could notice that. There were times when it didn't focus and some images, especially at 200mm at 2.8 aren't super sharp. However, for me, the fact that it was half the price of the nikon (even comparing, Tamron local vs Nikon grey import) excuses this. Because I was still able to get the shots I wanted 90% of the time. The lens also seemed to produce best results at f4 or above especially when at full zoom. Another thing I noticed was just how quiet this thing is. To be honest, I don't think I could hear it working at all.

I have only just arrived home and haven't even loaded the shots yet, When I do, I will post here ASAP. I simply wanted to get my thoughts down about the lens while they were fresh in my mind.


15-09-2013, 4:48am
Glad you got the results you wanted. Like you I tend to graviate towards Tamron or Sigma over Nikon because of the price or in the case of the Tamron 24-70, it had VR. Will be interesting to see your photos.

15-09-2013, 2:20pm
So here are three images that I took yesterday. The first couple do well to show the sharpness of the lens.

1) ISO 1600 95mm f2.8 1/60
2) ISO 1600 200mm f2.8 1/60
3) ISO 640 70mm f3.5 1/100 (this image was the second in a burst where we he was moving towards me. That and the low shutter I think has resulted in the blur)

All using D7000

Tell me what you think?

15-09-2013, 2:59pm
First two look OK, first one not as sharp looking as the second.

I think the blur in #3 may have more to do with misfocusing, rather than simple movement or motion blur tho.
If the fellow was coming towards you, and you used AF-S focusing mode, then the camera focused at one point, but the chap may have moved half a foot closer towards you by the time the exposure was made.
I can't see any of the in camera detail settings in the exif data to verify this assumption tho.

If you did indeed use AF-S mode in camera, then for your reference, AF-C mode would have been the better option to use in this situation.

15-09-2013, 3:16pm
Arthur - yep totally agree with what you said about moving towards one another (miss focusing). I thought that was the case, which was why I said that it was the second of 2 and he was moving towards me. ;)

Thank you for your feedback.


14-10-2013, 3:41pm
Just got my tanrom 24-70 2.8 (love it!) and now I'm looking to complement it with the 70-200. Can I ask you where you got yours from?

14-10-2013, 4:46pm
Just got my tanrom 24-70 2.8 (love it!) and now I'm looking to complement it with the 70-200. Can I ask you where you got yours from?

can we ask to see some of your photography soon?

14-10-2013, 7:45pm
Sure, just reactivated my account today so I'm just getting around the forums now ;). Just posted my introduction and first photo for critique in the member's photo secion

This is a quick shot from the University of Sydney with the tamron 24-70. Not the best shot to showcase the lens but haven't been able to play a lot with it yet.


16-10-2013, 4:12pm
Hi danny,

I'm thinking of getting this 70-200 lens.
What do you think after using it for ~ a month?
To be honest, the first 3 shots do not really convince me! :)

17-10-2013, 8:21pm
Hi danny,

I'm thinking of getting this 70-200 lens.
What do you think after using it for ~ a month?
To be honest, the first 3 shots do not really convince me! :)

I hope you are not basing your understanding of this lenses capabilities on my photos only. ;)

IMHO - the nikon is quicker and doesn't seem to miss focus. This tamron has a SLIGHT tendency to miss focus or not lock on as quickly as the nikon does. That said I am really starting to fall in love with using the Tamron.

I was going to post these in their own thread but to give you more images...


19-12-2013, 4:41pm
I bought this lens about a month ago and love it!
It is very sharp at nearly all apertures and only when pixel-peeping can you really see any softness.

You can see some sample pics here. http://www.flickr.com/photos/96781302@N05/sets/72157638506856976/


12-01-2015, 1:19pm

I know that some considerable time has passed since this thread had any activity but I would be keen to know how you have found the lens over a period of time? I am currently researching it and though the majority of reviews are positive there are still occasional comments about AF being slow or inaccurate. Then you read other reviews which are glowing. An update from a user who has used this lens for some time would be greatly appreciated.

12-01-2015, 1:55pm
I have the Nikon 24-70 & 70-200, however, having played with the Tamron, if I had to go back, i would have purchased the Tamrons. Its not that there is anything wrong with the Nikon, they are amazing and worth what I paid for then, but given the cost of the Tamron, I think they would have been more than sufficient for my requirements and I could have invested the additional funding on more glass.

The Tamrons are roughly 50% of the cost, so for the cost of the Nikon's i could have had the same lenses along with also being able to buy a 85 1.4 sigma, a 90 macro, and a 50mm art or 20 1.8. that's quite a lot more.

Given the recent release of the Tamron 15-30, I think it's a lens that may find it's way into my bag soon. (along with the Sigma 150-600 sports).

I think it's good that the third party lens manufacturers have upped their game.

12-01-2015, 8:46pm
Hi Pete,
The lens has been great. Since posting this thread I have even got the 24-70 Tamron to pair with the 70-200. Is it as good as the Nikon…. no but it is very close. If I was a wedding photographer that needed to ensure that I got 'every' single image possible in a fast, high pressure situation, then I would have got the Nikon. Because the focusing is faster and does not falter at all. However for me, a happy amateur who also does the occasional family portrait work. The Tamron works perfectly. It is sharp, focuses well/quickly and is comfortable to use. And the big thing… it only cost me $1000 from a local supplier. I also do a lot of work with the local theatre company. This environment is tricky, it is fast, the lighting changes dramatically and I need to get a close crop portrait of individual actors as they are on the stage. The 70-200 is what I use all the time and it works great. The limitations come more from me then from the lens.

As MissionMan has stated the two tamron lenses have cost me $2000 total which is around what one of the nikon equivalents would have cost.

I did have a problem about 6 months in with the lens. It wouldn't focus at all at 200mm I took it back to "Georges" in Sydney where I got it from and they sent it to the Australian distributor (WA) and had it back to me within a few days working great again.

In summery….

If you are a pro that works in situations where you have one opportunity to get the perfect shot and therefore charge enough to not worry about cost buy the Nikon (however, due to the fact that you are asking advise I would suggest that this is not you ;) )

If you are anybody else buy the Tamron you'll love it.

Hope this helps