View Full Version : So I just sold my first ever image

14-09-2013, 9:30am
Ok...it was only for 96 cents on iStockPhoto but good feeling non the less :D

14-09-2013, 9:45am
Congrats! I remember when my Father sold his first picture, exciting stuff.

14-09-2013, 1:29pm
:party7: Awesome stuff

14-09-2013, 1:54pm
Congratulations on your first sale but to sell an image at such a low price shocks me :eek:

14-09-2013, 3:50pm
Making money from photography eh ? That makes you a professional photographer !! (actually you may well be professional, if so, apologies but I would love to sell an image for even 2 cents to claim that title) ...john

14-09-2013, 4:19pm
According to my home and contents insurance, if I make any money (which I do ) from photography, then my equipment is not covered by the policy. Professional insurance is too expensive in my opinion (as mentioned, I make some money, but not a lot!) - so I don't insure any more and no longer buy high end gear. Public liability insurance; equipment; time, etc, are all costs that should be added to the value of our images. That's why we shouldn't under value then. My recommendation would be to find a higher paying agency. Graphics and web design companies aren't charging their customers peanuts, but they are paying peanuts for the images.
All that said, regarding the 96c sale: I'd be interested to know the type of image, and what it was purchased for (usage), etc.

Mary Anne
14-09-2013, 4:49pm
Good on you that great and :wd:

14-09-2013, 5:33pm
This is the image


I've never had any intention of making any money out of my photos and really only uploaded to iStockPhoto to see if my photos met their "standards" (using the word in the loosest possible sense). Curiosity more than anything else.

I have absolutely no idea what the image was purchased for but it would be quite interesting to find out.

Thinking about it, it is pretty depressing that an image that took me half a day to produce is "worth" 96 cents...

14-09-2013, 5:56pm
Well done. I love the image as well.

True, it is sad to think that it is only worth a dollar - but imagine if it went totally (totes for the young people) viral and 1 million people bought it :) Ahhhh those dreams keep me buying lotto tickets :D

14-09-2013, 5:58pm
What a beautiful image, personally I don't think I could create such a piece of artwork but I do sell for alot more money. I think your talent is being sold way too cheaply.

14-09-2013, 6:02pm
Aaw...thanks guys :o

I only really take images for my own pleasure and it it's something that others enjoy then that's more reward than I ever expect.

I've sometimes thought about putting more effort into selling but I don't think I have the focus to be honest :)

Fess67, that is the ultimate dream ;)

Mark L
14-09-2013, 6:23pm
I only really take images for my own pleasure and it it's something that others enjoy then that's more reward than I ever expect.

Can relate to that. I share photos with some of my friends because they tell me how they enjoy looking at them. One or two may be just being nice to me, but they all can't be wrong.
Anyway, that photos worth at least $2.:D

15-09-2013, 3:27pm
Not too sure on how many enter online photo comps, but these are how advertising companies can get their stock for a very low price (a cheap camera or a meal for two etc). Often, every entry becomes the property of the organisers - whether you win or not. They also state they have the rights to use the images for what ever purpose they wish - which can include selling them on. I've met people very unhappy to find their images in tourism magazines, that they never got a cent for. While I have images in the same brochure, etc, that I did get paid for.

While it's nice to see your image in print, that's another sale from someone who once made a living from photography. The feeling of someone else making decent money from your own image soon takes over the joy of seeing your shot in print.


16-09-2013, 9:22am
I've only entered comps on community based sites like this.

I doubt Rick has some diabolical plan to try and claim rights to all our images...hopefully :D

I see what you're saying but I hardly think I am stealing the food out of the mouths of struggling pro-togs by selling an image for under a dollar. Let's face it, whoever bought it would have probably ended up finding something similar for the same cost (or even less/free). The people who shop on stock sites aren't suddenly going to go out and spend hundreds of dollars commissioning a photo because they can't find exactly what they are looking for. They're just going to go with whatever is cheapest and fits their requirements closest.

It is sad for those who are trying to make their living from photography but the market has changed so much it's never going to go back to what it was "in the good ol' days". My sister has given up full time photography to train as a dentist for this very reason.

16-09-2013, 7:33pm
I had to change tactics to make sales. I now make more from $200 sports video cameras, than I can with an SLR. Even some of the big names in photography are now running tours rather than trying to sell images. I agree the market has changed for photographers - but it's also the people who use our images to make big money with, after paying nothing for them.

As an example, if a large bank decided to use someone's unique image for their symbol (and is more than able to to pay $$$ for it, but got it for a few cents) I'm sure the original owner would feel jaded.

I was once approached by a non profit group for some pics, which I donated for free. They then told me that one of their sponsors liked one of these pics, and wanted to use it in their advertising. The sponsor was a huge multi million dollar (literally!) company. I quoted $100 - a pittance for this company, and they declined! So no pic!

20-09-2013, 9:54pm
Well done on the sale. It's been a really long time since I tried, but last time I tried I was still yet to get an image accepted onto istockphoto, so that, to me, is already a good achievement. Good, nicely done shot too.