View Full Version : Cheap Grad ND Filters for Lee System

13-09-2013, 5:07pm
Hi guys,

This might be a stupid question, but I'm looking to get some cheap grad nd's for my Tokina 11-16 for sunset and sunrise landscape shots, and I'm going to order the Lee 4x4 Filter Holder and the 77mm Wide Angle Adapter Ring, but I'm wondering if it's possible to buy cheap eBay filters rather than spend hundreds of dollars on the genuine Lee filters while I'm learning how to use them. Do all filters 100mm fit in the Lee holder or only Lee filters? I plan on buying the genuine thing but as I'm just starting out I want to learn how to use filters properly before investing so much money into them.

13-09-2013, 10:39pm
You can get the Cokin 100mm relatively cheap and OK quality, then there's Hitech more expensive but better quality - still cheaper than Lee.


14-09-2013, 5:44am
Really cheap means cheap quality and loss of image quality as a result. But as wobbles says the Cokin z pro stuff is 100 mm and the hitech 100m stuff works to. If you want really cheap get on ebay but be warned quality is variable and speeding less might just mean wasting money.

14-09-2013, 7:43am
Thanks. Might just hold off for a while then and save for the Cokin or Lee filters.

15-09-2013, 1:11pm
Depending on your setup, and requirements this might be an alternative solution:

When taking the photo, bracket the shots. Then, using photoshop (or your favourite software), layer the photo's, and use a graduating mask to fade between the images.

I've done this a few times. Will save loss of quality as you won't be shooting through poor glass, and will (in most cases) give you the same effect.


Remember you are dealing with a beginner photographer who started this thread (each members experience level is listed next to their posts with their usernames). Most beginners will not yet have the skills to bracket, layer in PS and do grad masks etc.

Getting it right in camera is always preferable over editing! So I say filters beat using PS anyday!

25-09-2013, 11:25am
*removed - read the site rules, rules 3-7 in particular*

14-11-2013, 5:30pm
Just out of interest, where are you purchasing the Lee setup from? Im looking at getting the exact same setup for my Tokina 11-16.

14-11-2013, 6:36pm
Just out of interest, where are you purchasing the Lee setup from? Im looking at getting the exact same setup for my Tokina 11-16.

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