View Full Version : IT help with computer

Ms Monny
13-09-2013, 8:59am
A short time ago I got a virus and I needed to my computer cleaned out. The IT guy reset my computer to its 'factory default' settings and thus I have lost a lot of 'info' in different sites.

Firstly, here on AP I have lost all the icons that come with the posting of a thread.....this is what my computer looks like....


When I am typing it actually goes right off the right hand side, over the emoticons!

In Flickr it isn't showing any of my images. I can hover the mouse over the empty squares and see the names but not the images itself.

How do I reset all this back?????? It is frustrating and annoying. I understand it needed to be done but I would like it looking back to how it use to.

Any advice you can give me I would appreciate!

13-09-2013, 9:24am
Hey mate,

I work in ICT and might be able to give you a hand. Can you tell me what internet browser you are using?

Cheers, Sam.

13-09-2013, 9:28am
MM, does this happen with everything your browser shows, other sites, etc?

What browser and version are you using? (Help - About...) If Firefox, the latest version is 23.
If Google Chrome, then : Version 29.0.1547.66 m.

I suspect a settings file for your browser, though how the "IT guy" could have affected this is not clear. I'd say if anything,
it might have been the work of the infection.

Ms Monny
13-09-2013, 9:44am
Thanks for your reply Am and Sam

If I use Firefox, everything is still there BUT I don't wish to use Firefox because it chews up a lot of data AND it isn't as safe. I am using Internet Explorer atm and it affects EVERYTHING! Facebook, Flickr, AP. These are the sites I usually use. I haven't tried my banking site yet. :(

He said that he had to change it to default settings and remove some stuff due to the virus but said I should be able to get it back somehow. He wasn't sure how (????) and said to just ask on Flickr forums, facebook forums etc.

*roll eyes* Great lot of help that was. There is nothing anywhere showing how to restore icons etc from a default setting....only how to actually get the default.

13-09-2013, 9:53am
OK, well, if it helps, I will say that I use FireFox precisely because it is (supposedly) safer than IE. As second choice, I use Google Chrome.
I hope Sam answers you soon because all I can suggest is that you install or re-install the latest of your Internet Explorer. To me it seems
that whatever is left of IE on your computer is the problem. Some necesssary files might be crook.

Also, if you reply before Sam does, don't 4-get to give us Operating System and version numbers for all these.

Ms Monny
13-09-2013, 9:58am
My firefox version is 23.0.01

I don't know where to locate my version if IE??

EDIT: I think I found it..... is it 10.0.9200.16660 ?

13-09-2013, 10:04am
Hmm. That's the latest. Well, where's Sam?

Edit. I'll see this thread later as I must go out...

13-09-2013, 10:08am
Have a look at this... http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=How_Do_I:Site_access_problems:_fix_methods_troubleshooting_guide

Ms Monny
13-09-2013, 10:16am
Thanks Kym but nothing on there helped. :(

Im at a loss. I don't wish to use Firefox but it looks like I will have to. I will wait to see if Sam has any idea on what is happening.

13-09-2013, 10:22am
IE10, Firefox 23 and 24, Chrome all work for me -- sadly something is not right on your 'puter

13-09-2013, 10:34am
You guys did a bang on job of troubleshooting,

sadly in my experience IE has lived up to its rep as a low quality browser, I always use chrome except for dev programs at work.

generally with viruses, I like to do a fresh install of windows after an infection because in the past I have sometimes not been able to get them 100% clean, however this is obviously a massive inconvenience.

I would try chrome, you can import all your browser settings and bookmarks straight in from IE. Let me know how you go :)

Ms Monny
13-09-2013, 10:41am
Thanks Sam

I have chrome installed but Ive never used it! How do I import browser settings and bookmarks from firefox/IE to chrome??

EDIT: It asked me to import bookmarks etc when I opened chrome. Lets see how it looks.....

13-09-2013, 10:48am
Thanks Sam

I have chrome installed but Ive never used it! How do I import browser settings and bookmarks from firefox/IE to chrome??

EDIT: It asked me to import bookmarks etc when I opened chrome. Lets see how it looks.....

Thats the one! If that doesn't work you can import the settings manually by following these instructions: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95418?hl=en

Ms Monny
13-09-2013, 10:48am
YAYAYAYAYAYAY! I think I will use Google Chrome from now on! Thanks everyone for your help.... looks like IE just was not working. Lets hope there is no remnants of the virus but I think the IT guy pretty much got everything.

13-09-2013, 11:31am
I agree with the above IE is the most non industry compliant browser there is. I would not use it even if Bill Gates paid me to. Firefox/Chrome would be my choice any day over IE.

13-09-2013, 11:34am
I agree with the above IE is the most non industry compliant browser there is. I would not use it even if Bill Gates paid me to. Firefox/Chrome would be my choice any day over IE.

Well said, and MS Monny should also find the Chrome is pleasingly fast compared to IE (just as a bonus).

Ms Monny
14-09-2013, 10:15am
Just a quite note to say, yup, I enjoy the Google Chrome and all is working well!! :th3: