View Full Version : How many cameras do you own?

27-08-2013, 8:54pm
I'm doing a bit of a gear stocktake at the moment and realised that I currently have a lot of cameras in my possession. Maybe too many. How many is too many?

At present, I own the following:

Multiple digital cams
Old film camera from the 30s

How many cameras is too many?

27-08-2013, 9:07pm
Members : Please be aware that this forum (f-stop) is publicly viewable (non members can see it). I would exercise caution in posting to many details of what you own if your profile would allow someone to work out who you are, where you live etc.

27-08-2013, 9:19pm
Rick makes a good point. I'll just change my question to "how many is too many?".

27-08-2013, 9:46pm
well for me i have a new and old camera, and my iPhone that i am really starting to work more with and experiment with, but funny you should ask the question, i have been haunted all week by the memories of my old beloved Pentax p30n, my first serious camera, like a lost love of youth i wish i had never let her go, and of all the things i miss the most it was the gentle, metallic click , and the feel of the film advance arm under my thumb. But i digress the answer is 3 is enough, 4 seems overkill

Mark L
28-08-2013, 7:27pm
2 old SLR's. 1 not as old SLR. One DSLR and it's the only camera I use.
"how many is too many?".:confused013
And as for any thieves out there. Read my signature and go somewhere else (though I do also have a really nice tripod!!).

28-08-2013, 9:14pm
Depends on if you them all or only some. I have 5. Two are keepers as they were my fathers. I use one and one I use to teach my daughter. The fifth will be sold when I need a second body, or maybe a new lens, or maybe something else.

29-08-2013, 10:16am
Well I'm thinking that my ideal number should be 3 - one FF DSLR for landscapes/portraits, one APSC DSLR for sports/wildlife and a compact/mirrorless system for portability. I'm starting to feel that I have a few too many options at the moment and I'm spending more time thinking about which gear to use, rather than focusing on shooting.

29-08-2013, 1:12pm
I am unsure if I can post an image here or not but I guess I will find out.
Do wooden ones count when you are tallying up? ...john

http://i912.photobucket.com/albums/ac328/chappo/_DSC1760_zps1afbc876.jpg (http://s912.photobucket.com/user/chappo/media/_DSC1760_zps1afbc876.jpg.html)

29-08-2013, 1:40pm

30-08-2013, 9:23am
Just the SLR and my phone. It is a new phone mid you, and I am blown away by its quality. While it's nowhere near my 7D it is the 'camera I have with me' so in that respect it's very good indeed :)

30-08-2013, 10:23am
... How many is too many?

Depends on your reasons for having them. Some people collect them so they can probably never have enough.

But you could also say that you can't use more than one camera at a time, or can you?

Largish files, approx. 1Mb.

Is this one camera or two (the above 'ElephantCam' was from an experiment in stitching)?

30-08-2013, 10:36am
I have three... a DSLR, a mirrorless, and an old (2004) Kodak digital point and shoot (which is no longer used).

30-08-2013, 11:18am
If you count wooden ones like the Puck Camera I posted then I have 10.....john

Mary Anne
30-08-2013, 1:08pm
Well I'm thinking that my ideal number should be 3 - one FF DSLR for landscapes/portraits, one APSC DSLR for sports/wildlife and a compact/mirrorless system for portability. I'm starting to feel that I have a few too many options at the moment and I'm spending more time thinking about which gear to use, rather than focusing on shooting.

I agree.. Three like this is the way to go :2encou:

30-08-2013, 5:46pm
all donations of unwanted, over stocked, or moral net worth damaging photographic items gratefully accepted

09-09-2013, 1:48pm
one compact one dslr

16-09-2013, 1:53pm
3 DSLR's (one 300D on permanent loan to a friend) and one high end compact.

...oh and my phone although that doesn't really count.

16-09-2013, 2:43pm
I stopped counting at 13 cameras years ago..

I was given my first film camera at about 12 years old.. Kodak Instamatic 104 I think was the model number..

Should I throw all those old film cameras in the dump including my 2 1/4 TLR..

Some do

In answer to the question, at least 2 DSLR's, to avoid dusty lens changes and a good compact makes 3...

19-09-2013, 6:30pm
One 35 mm film SLR and one DSLR.

In the world of cycling there is a formula for the number of bikes you should own:


Where N=The number of bikes you currently own.

If I recall there is another formula:


Where D= The number of bikes that will get you divorced.

These formulas can be applied to just about anything and cameras are no exception.