View Full Version : Magic Lantern and my 60D

27-08-2013, 5:02pm
Hey guys and girls,

I've been thinking about the Magic Lantern firmware tweak, and was wondering if it was worth installing it on my 60D. It caught my eye because I saw that it has intervalometer functionality, but I've already got a Hahnel Giga T Pro II. I've read some of the other threads but no one's actually posted much in the way of how it's affected the quality of their images, etc.

I've had a scan over the FAQs and the other stuff on the wiki, but some of it is a bit beyond my depth of knowledge (i.e. I didn't quite understand what "zebras" were until I read that it's just another way of identifying blowouts or underexposed areas).

My main question is, should I choose to shoot in low light at higher ISO settings (like maybe up to 3200 because beyond that I've noticed a lack of sharpness in the compromise to keep noise reduced), does the firmware have any effect on the noise that'll be evident in my images, or will the camera still be limited by the hardware? Are there any other "weaknesses" in the 60D (or any of the compatible Canons) that the Magic Lantern successfully addresses, even to a small extent?

I'd love to hear some experiences here so I can decide whether to make the leap and download and install the firmware.


27-08-2013, 6:26pm
Having both the 60D and the Magic Lantern firmware - I can say it is AWESOME - though low light HDR video is crap, everything else is good. You will always be subjected to what hardware you're using and the limitations thereof. Here's a thread that most of the images I shot using the auto bracketing feature on Magic Lantern for me to blend:

In my opinion, worth it - especially for the lower end camera like ours! :D Seriously, I'm glad I put it on. The intervalvometer was the big seller for me! As for shooting in low light/high ISO - depends on what you're shooting, seeing as I'm predominately a landscaper I barely get over ISO200! :D

05-09-2013, 7:22pm
Alright, I think I'm going to go ahead with this, all I need now is the time to download, install and learn to use it...

In the mean time, does anyone else wanna share their experiences?

05-09-2013, 7:41pm
I have it on my 600D. There is no downside, as you can ignore it and use the camera normally, but then when you need a feature, it's there to use.

For example, I initially installed it because it provides a feature that I liked on a cheap P'n'S camera I had. That is the magnified area in the middle of live view (Magic Zoom), that you can use for fine focus adjustment. Zebras are also something I can use.The intervalometer is a feature that I intend to use also and I intend to look at using bracketing and motion detection.

06-09-2013, 4:25pm
I use it on my 50D. Mainly to play with raw video. The intervalometer is really handy, and being able to auto take more than 3 exposures for an hdr photo gives noticeably more flexibility to an hdr. I just have it installed on one card, so I have to remember to put that card in the camera if I want to use any Magic Lantern features.

It was a steep learning curve and confusing at first. I'm still exploring. Worth it - definitely!

Mark L
09-09-2013, 9:02pm
. There is no downside, as you can ignore it and use the camera normally, but then when you need a feature, it's there to use.

this confused me a fraction.

I just have it installed on one card, so I have to remember to put that card in the camera if I want to use any Magic Lantern features.

So now I think I get it.
The card you put in the camera that has Magic Lantern on it makes it work. If I put a card in the camera that doesn't have M.L. my camera will work as it always has?
Is that right?
And if so, I should have been using it ages ago.:eek:

09-09-2013, 9:08pm
What I meant, but said badly, is that having Magic Lantern loaded, does not stop you using the normal Canon menus and settings (unless you change a ML setting to override something I guess). It has it's own separate menau system, and you can use either ML or Cannon menus, or both.

09-09-2013, 9:58pm
Yes that's right. If the card does not have ML on it, your camera works as normal. If the card does have ML on it, your camera works normally also, until you want to use a ML feature. Then you access the ML menus by pressing the "Delete" button on your camera.

There are many different features to try. Motion detecting is very interesting. When I get a bit more time, I'm going to try leaving the camera on a tripod pointing at where the sparrows bath and set the motion detect going. I'll have to fiddle with the settings to get them right. Then maybe I can leave the camera to photograph the birds without my interference.

01-01-2014, 10:56am
Currently have ML on both 60D and 5DII , definitely worth using .
As mentioned above once loaded on your card you can use it or just use the canon menu .
It is kind of like having an extra set of menu or functions along side the original canon menu.
Love the magic zoom feature and the HDR mode gets a fair amount of use as well.
I recommend it to any one who wants some extra features on their camera.
I also find it hassle free.