View Full Version : Corrupt SD card....help!

Ms Monny
26-08-2013, 8:36am
Morning all...

Well it looks like I have a corrupt SD card. I was downloading images from the Footy Carnival yesterday, when it got to a certain point and stopped. Unfort, I had to force the closing of the computer because it froze it and wouldn't close down properly. I called an IT guy, thinking it was the computer, and he said it was the SD card. He also showed me that I should transfer the images from the card to a folder in the computer first, before importing into LR (I import from card to LR). I admit I was editing pics as they were being uploaded.... I now know to be more patient!

As the images were transferring into the folder on the computer, they stopped at the same point as when I was importing into LR.....and it did the same thing to my computer. I couldn't cancel the transfer and couldn't shut down properly, so I had to force the shutdown.

So this morning I put the SD card through a Recovery software and once again, the process finished and said all files had been recovered....and when I open up the images and look at the last one....yep, you guessed it, the last image is at the same point as before.

Which means I have lost 300 images, one being of my friends son kicking his first goal for the season, in the dying moments of the last game of the season! I am devastated!

Is there ANYTHING ELSE I CAN DO to see if I can recover those last images?? Or are they gone forever??

If I put the card into the camera and physically delete the images that I have got, up to THE point where I don't, will I be able to then recover the rest of the images? The IT guy said something about I have crammed the card full of info and there is no space left to help with the transferring. I am a noob when it comes to this stuff, so I am not sure how to explain it. I think that I did something to the card when I was editing (cropping) images while it was importing them into Lr.

Whats your advice on this????

Mary Anne
26-08-2013, 9:02am
I am having the same problem with my largest Sandisk CF Card recently I emailed Sandisk last week and they sent me this Windows http://www.lc-tech.com/pc/sandisk-rescuepro-and-rescuepro-deluxe/ Mac is there too you could try that.. Don't know if it works with all Brands though. Is this the same recovery one as you used.

By time they emailed me this download I had got them off cant remember how, now I cannot format the card so I have emailed them again as Sandisk have a life time warranty

Ms Monny
26-08-2013, 10:12am
Thanks Mary Anne!! My card is a Sandisk card so I will give that a try. I didn't know about the lifetime warranty either. Cross fingers it will work!

Mary Anne
26-08-2013, 12:19pm
I spend that day at Seaworld and even though I bought that 16GB CF Card on-line from B&H in New York in Feb last year its the first time I have used it past about 4GB.
I managed to save around 800 of the 1065 images.. Because I bought a lens and a few diffusers lucky also I still have the Box they came in with the CF card packet and the receipt.
This is the only card I did not register with Sandisk guess I forgot though I will make sure I do in future
They want to know who you bought it from to make sure it genuine, before they give you an Authorization number to post it back to them. I dont think they replace ones with R on the back
Not sure what Card you use some have 10 years warranties, others like mine 30 years look here > http://www.sandisk.com/about-sandisk/warranty-and-user-guides/warranty-table/

26-08-2013, 1:23pm
Have you tried importing all photos except the one that it keeps stopping at? Could be the file that is corrupt and not the card.

26-08-2013, 6:54pm
Even a corrupt file should still import onto the PC.

Makes no difference whether you import via LR or transfer to a folder on the PC first .. it amounts to the same thing.
The difference is that you have more power in using LR, as it catalogs at the same time .. etc, etc.

I just think it was a card problem.

Dame issue here too yesterday.

Strangely I have the D70s sitting on a bench behind me, and I was just stuffing about with it. Mounted a lens, took two quick shots, and went to zoom in on the first image, only to see(on the D70s, not the PC) that "Zoom is not available for this image" message.

:confused: :confused:

Whaddaya mean zoom is not available? Dumb @$$ camera.. no wonder I put it out to pasture a few years back.

So I supposedly have 2 images shot, yet scrolling through the images now only displays image number 2 ... ie. 2/2 .. and I can't see #1.

:confused: all over again.

Ahhh! of course .... another hopeless Sandisk card gone bung.
Pulled the card out, into the PC, and transferred the only image on the card. Card corruption .. of course. :rolleyes:

Formatted the card multiple times(full not quick), all to no avail. So card was placed on the pile of things to throw out.
I have many more Sandisk cards, so whacked in one of the others, with no issues.
Placed the bung card back in, and 'ya wouldn't read about it .. there's now nothing wrong with it!

Needless to say, it went into the bin on the next trip into the kitchen :th3:

I'm done with Sandisk cards now.

BUT!!!!! Ms M .... you should wait until all files have been transferred to the PC before you start editing anything.
I can't say for sure that this caused the issue, more likely it was just a corrupted card section at the specific point where the issues started, but you should still wait until all all files have been transferred first anyhow.

And technically, you should always copy the files to the PC, not move them. That is, don't let the software that moves the files, delete them from the card too.

At least this way, you always have a set of copies if there is ever any issue with the transference of files to the PC, and you suddenly find corruption in any of the files.
You probably have a greater chance of recovering a corrupted file from the original media.

Once the files are on the PC safely, it's not hard to clean out the old files with card formatting .. full format being the best option, but not always necessary.

If you can be bothered, a full format is best, but I tend to do it every now and then rather than with every transfer of data to the PC.

If you format via the camera, it's only a quick format as per the PC quick format type. A full format literally wipes the card of data(blanks it out).

Ms Monny
26-08-2013, 9:07pm
Firstly, I just want to say it was a verbatim card, not a Sandisk as I thought initially (I was out when replying to Mary Anne and actually thought it was!)....

Anyhoo, I did manage to skip some files and then get the rest off the card. Yay.....my images were saved! :D

Thanks Warren, I did what you suggested and it worked!

Arthur, yes, I NEVER 'cut' from the card and 'paste', I only ever 'copy'. I certainly wanted to wait and see that I had all the images before deleting them from the card.

Now, that card.....I delete images on the card via camera by Menu > Erase images > All images on card. Is this the best way to 'format' the card? Or is there another way? It doesn't actually say 'format'.

By the way, I have learned that I need to be more patient when importing images into Lr.....go make a cuppa and come back when it has finished!!! :p

26-08-2013, 9:27pm
I think you have a 60D like me?
To format just skip along a couple of menu functions (the first yellow) and Format will be listed there.

Ms Monny
27-08-2013, 8:15am
Thanks Courty...yup, it's there. Not going to trust the Verbatim card regardless but now I know where the format part is! :)