View Full Version : TK actions

07-08-2013, 8:23am
I recently purchased the TK actions and everything had been working well (well maybe not my use of them just yet), until a couple of days ago. Now if I try to load the masks I get a script alert "this command is currently not available". Have tried reinstalling them and still no change. Everything else is working as per normal. Any suggestions as to what to try.

08-08-2013, 10:16am
mailto:tony.kuyper@hotmail.com (tony.kuyper@hotmail.com)

I went to the TK Actions website as I had never heard of these particular ones before and found this link to contact the maker so maybe shoot him an email and he might be able to help you trouble shoot. Good Luck with it :)

12-08-2013, 4:41pm
Thanks Ktoopi - had actually emailed him already but he was out in the field so being impatient was hoping someone here could help. All sorted now.

12-08-2013, 8:18pm
:th3:glad it's sorted:)

05-10-2013, 4:01pm
wow this set of actions looks like the first set of actions ive seen that would actually be awesomely good
i just checked the website. did you get the pack with the vidoes $72? or just the action pack itself. im still a bit sceptical though having been burned by actions before

10-10-2013, 11:14am
I got the pack with the videos which I've found extremely helpful - the visual seems to work better for me than just the written explanations of the actions. I like them but still experimenting with them and a lot to learn.