04-08-2013, 9:50pm
I am trying to get a better understanding on what is happening in LR4 when I import my images... basically by concern is that when I look on the back of the camera the picture looks pretty well exposed, after import I find it quite under. I had the issue again today, and found that what I saw on the back of the camera matches the preview in the LR4 import screen, but once imported I have had to increase the exposure by half a stop. My understanding is that the preview and LCD are showing me a jpg preview, but I don't understand why there is such a major difference in the exposure of the main subject. I have taken screenshots below, ignore my poor pp skills!
Image Preview at Import / Back of LCD
Image Once Imported
Post-Processed, Notice Exposure Increase
I am trying to get a better understanding on what is happening in LR4 when I import my images... basically by concern is that when I look on the back of the camera the picture looks pretty well exposed, after import I find it quite under. I had the issue again today, and found that what I saw on the back of the camera matches the preview in the LR4 import screen, but once imported I have had to increase the exposure by half a stop. My understanding is that the preview and LCD are showing me a jpg preview, but I don't understand why there is such a major difference in the exposure of the main subject. I have taken screenshots below, ignore my poor pp skills!
Image Preview at Import / Back of LCD
Image Once Imported
Post-Processed, Notice Exposure Increase