View Full Version : What to do with MEMORABILIA

27-07-2013, 10:06pm
Subsequent to "Brisbane Then & Now", I thought about the enlarger used, which I still (mostly) have. After purchasing our Contaflexes, we could not afford an enlarger. So we made one. My friend Ray was a pattern maker at Jeffress Foundry, so he could have parts cast at no monetary cost. The rest was mostly of soldered sheet metal. Neither I nor anyone I know has any use for it, but I am reluctant to consign it to the TIP.
Your suggestions, whether sensible, helpful, practical, humorous, or stating cold hard facts, will be appreciated.

28-07-2013, 12:27pm
Alas dear sir it is a bygone era, and as hard as this sounds it is no longer relevant to the young they have grown up in an an age where digital is king. The Internet was always there and mobile phones which can communicate on just about any medium are expected. Like you I remember the enlarger I had a Durst which was given to me me by a dear old guy who saw I shared his interest in photography. He has passed on now and the enlarger has too. I can understand not wanting to part with it. First is having to admit that the creativity and ingenuity you showed in getting this built in the first place is a skill no longer required. The second is accepting that everything has a used by date. What you might do though is get in contact with the local community college and see if there is some way to pass on that creativity of yours. You are obviously a good problem solver. Or you can simply put it in the bin.

Kind Regards

Mary Anne
28-07-2013, 5:26pm
Sad isn't it though that's how it is today. Though Thank You for Sharing your Memorabilia its good to see these items.
I give my hubby anything I dont want and he pulls the items apart saves anything he can use again, screws, nuts bolts, metal..
Many of the parts are made into other things we can use, and if you cannot give them away perhaps you can recycle them also.

28-07-2013, 10:41pm
Thank you LIVIO, for your sympathy and words of wisdom. Kind regards marty.

- - - Updated - - -

Thanks Mary Anne, come to think of it, recycling is a bit like religion and reincarnation.
kind regards, marty.