View Full Version : Nikon D3S +" Man Of Steel"

20-07-2013, 11:27am
Recently took the family along to "Man of Steel" the new Superman incarnation. (Good movie BTW)

There's a scene fairly early on in the movie, where Lois Lane grabs the O'l D3S and I think a Nik 24 - 70 mm (Nikoners can correct me if wrong please) and takes shoots of the "Man" high above on an iceshelf in the near pitch black - in burst mode.

She them reviews her images on the backscreen and magnifies them. I tell you, I'd nearly be tempted to by a Nik if it was only that real. :lol: :lol:

Has anyone else seen this in the movie, and been tempted?

20-07-2013, 3:20pm
I guess, that is why they call it Science-Fiction.. :)

21-07-2013, 9:06am
Maaate! .. It's a D3s .... for sure it's real. :th3:

... and yes .. you should'a got a Nikon :p