View Full Version : Anyone using a car window clamp?

13-07-2013, 3:57pm
I've noticed that when I'm out driving I see lots of birds close to the road. I can pull up quite close and usually they don't seem alarmed and go about their business but open the car door and they are off.

So it seems a clamp that can be quickly attached to the car window may be a good option to get some shots that I'd otherwise miss.

I have an old Nissan Patrol with flat windows that are quite thick, so I don't think the weight would be a worry.

Just wondering if anyone has one and how you rate it.

14-07-2013, 6:32am
I have experimented (Subaru Impreza RV a small/medium sized car) and found that even with a suitable ball head the range of movement can be quite limiting especially if you are in the driver’s seat (steering wheel limits your body position).

In my experience it has been very useful in working on say, a shrub where the bird is hopping around in a well-defined location. Once or twice I saw a bird in a different location and I couldn’t get the range of movement to pick up the bird in the camera.

Even though I had anticipated a restricted range of pointing inside the car, the first time I used it I was still a little surprised at how confined I felt compared to being outdoors on a tripod.

It is nice to be able to drive along (slowly and not on public roads) with the camera/lens mounted on the car door and have it ready to use if you spot a bird.



14-07-2013, 10:43am
Thanks for the reply Dennis.

My old Patrol is more like a truck than a car. I did some experimenting and also found some restriction of movement but the main obstacle is the bloody big rear-view mirror.

However there is enough room between the front seats to slip through to the rear and use the rear windows.

I'm also considering trying something like a sandbag/beanbag.

I appreciate your input.



14-07-2013, 12:40pm
Hi Kevin

I did try a sand/bean bag and it was a little too low by itself on the metal/rubber window sill.

When I wound up the window to the correct height and then draped the bag over the glass, it worked okay and allowed for more freedom of movement as I could slide the bag across the top of the glass to re-position the camera without having to undo and re-position a physical clamp.



14-07-2013, 1:41pm
Hi Kevin, I tried using a ( "Bushnell Car Window Mount" model 78-4405 ) some years back, for the same use in mind that you mention... I still have it...
This is a sturdy pan and tilt device, and is well made. Unfortunately I found that I was quite severely restricted by being so close to the side window of the car door!
It was difficult to both get at the camera controls, and then to peer through the eye finder from the sitting position close to the window...

ER __ I'm a tad more portly now, I guess it would be impossible for me today... :( :o

http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h212/Snowypete/Bushnell78-4405CarWindowMount.jpg (http://s65.photobucket.com/user/Snowypete/media/Bushnell78-4405CarWindowMount.jpg.html)

Here's what the window mount I have looks like...

14-07-2013, 3:37pm
Kevin, I'm guessing from the truck mirror comment your vehicles either an MQ or a GQ ute and those mirrors are large alright.

That suggests that you might need the camera up high so a bean bag on top of the glass would probably be the go, however, just as effective would be a bag of rice from the supermarket. Cheap and lets you experiment.

old dog
14-07-2013, 6:24pm
you are a cagey devil Kevin. Hope you come up with something that works.

14-07-2013, 8:02pm
@ Bucky........ Ta for the input. I looked at the Bushnell mount, and I hear what you are saying about not being able to get far enough away to comfortably use the camera controls.

@ John......... It's a MK wagon with, I suspect, after-market towing mirrors. And I just happen to have an unopened bag of rice in a fairly strong bag so I will have a play.

@ Graeme...... Cage by name, cagey by nature. And Mate, necessity is the mother of invention.

