View Full Version : Where to host photo slideshows?

09-07-2013, 2:52pm
Hi all,

Hoping for your advice please. I have used a wordpress website for my photography business, and am wanting to upload photo video slideshows for my clients to view. Unfortunately the maximum size limit is 10MB to upload for mp4 files, so I am looking for an alternative to host my slideshows, and then email my clients a link.

I've had a look at Vimeo, and even though the interface is quite easy to use, aren't too impressed with all the text and images that appear all over the page when you go to view your movie. Is there an alternative that is similar, that has a nice clean interface and good quality hosting? My slideshows are around 80MB in size.

Any suggestions welcome!


09-07-2013, 3:09pm
Hi Virginia

How about going back to your last thread and at the very least thanking members for taking the time to reply to you : http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?120121-Course-for-professional-photoshop-editing

Then next up how about giving some other members some CC or advise, instead of just posting when you want something? You have been a member for nearly 2 years and all we have seen is you asking us when you want something. Give and Take?

09-07-2013, 3:44pm
Hi Rick,

Fair enough point. Let me fill you in though about what has been happening on my side.

Six months ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I have had a complete mastectomy, four months of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, plus a family with two young kids to look after. I came close to losing my life. As you can imagine, it has been no stroll in the park for me. My photography business has taken a back burner and I have struggled to keep it going. So if I have forgotten to reply to a previous post, please forgive me, but I have had other more pressing issues in my life to deal with lately.

I do believe that your site is fantastic, and when I have felt well enough over the last six months have occasionally come on to read other's posts and information. It is a great resource. I do plan on coming on in the future to post questions, and to give honest and constructive feedback to others.

After your post above I don't believe anyone is going to help me now with my question. Perhaps you should not be as harsh with users before judging them like you have done with me above. A bit of tact would be nice.


Steve Axford
09-07-2013, 3:48pm
Not sure what you mean by all the text and images in vimeo. I've never noticed a problem and it is clean for me. Maybe I paid for it, I can't remember.

09-07-2013, 5:08pm
Hi Rick,

Fair enough point. Let me fill you in though about what has been happening on my side.

Six months ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I have had a complete mastectomy, four months of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, plus a family with two young kids to look after. I came close to losing my life. As you can imagine, it has been no stroll in the park for me. My photography business has taken a back burner and I have struggled to keep it going. So if I have forgotten to reply to a previous post, please forgive me, but I have had other more pressing issues in my life to deal with lately.

I do believe that your site is fantastic, and when I have felt well enough over the last six months have occasionally come on to read other's posts and information. It is a great resource. I do plan on coming on in the future to post questions, and to give honest and constructive feedback to others.

After your post above I don't believe anyone is going to help me now with my question. Perhaps you should not be as harsh with users before judging them like you have done with me above. A bit of tact would be nice.


Dear Virginia,

Thank you for the reply and I appreciate you have had hard times in the past 6 months and I wish you all the very best with your ongoing recovery.

However, you have taken the time today to ask a question and then post a very detailed reply to me, in this thread, so it is obvious you can spend time formulating replies, so please, give something back to the site, with at least a THANK YOU, to the members who took the time to reply to your last thread, as I linked above. It is only polite! Surely two words 'thank you' is not hard to do? I am not asking you to write a huge response, just acknowledge that others took time to answer your question. If you consider that harsh, then that is your choice, but I simply see it as good manners to acknowledge help given!

To answer your question above, you can host video files anywhere, but it would seem that what you want is a free option? Get a dropbox account and pay for the Pro level and you can put your videos on there. Perhaps buy some server space from a website hosting company. Basically all you need is some server space, somewhere, to put your files to then link to your wordpress site. There are heaps of options available to you, you just need to be willing to pay for them

09-07-2013, 7:28pm
Thanks Rick,

It is extremely poor form on your side to acknowledge that someone suffering from a life threatening illness has been through hard times, then refuse to concede your original, poorly chosen advice that I thank people that responded to my question. As I already explained, I was undergoing chemotherapy at the time. You obviously have no understanding of what that involves.

I appreciate you answering my question, but to be quite frank, am disgusted at your response.

What ever happened to a bit of empathy and respect? You have shown none.

10-07-2013, 6:42am
Thanks Rick,

It is extremely poor form on your side to acknowledge that someone suffering from a life threatening illness has been through hard times, then refuse to concede your original, poorly chosen advice that I thank people that responded to my question.

I posted my original reply at 4.09pm and this reply was written by you at 8.28pm. All I asked was that you go back to your thread, I even gave you the link to click, and say thank you to those who answered your questions. Four hours later all you can do is argue with me and state that it was my poorly chosen advice that you thank people. How is asking someone to say thank you, poorly chosen advice? In the four hours between my post and this one of yours you could have easily clicked the link and said 'thank you everyone'. I will never concede that general politeness and manners are poor advice.

What ever happened to a bit of empathy and respect? You have shown none.

Respect is earned not given out freely. All I asked is that you acknowledge those who helped you with a thank you. You would rather argue with me than actually type two words to those that have given you advice in the past.

I do wish you all the very best with your recovery. As per your message to me, about not coming back to the site, I have removed your access to the site. I hope you learn to use those two little words on the next forum you join. Having a medical condition does not excuse you from being polite to others.