View Full Version : Sydney meet - ideas anyone?

09-07-2013, 8:11am
I would love to have another meet soon before I head off overseas in late August to visit my son.

Alas, I am all out of ideas so I would love to here from any Sydney AP members of what they would like to do as a group.Looking at holding a meet in the next few weeks so PLEASE POST YOUR IDEA/S HERE ASAP. :tog: :)

09-07-2013, 9:45am
Please come to the North side so I can come down and join in! I'm getting bored in my retirement already!!! I would have joined you at Wilberforce but I couldn't manage it on the relatively short notice. (If you can't manage it, that's ok. I just thought I'd stick my oar in anyway. :p )

09-07-2013, 10:37am
I'll put my thinking cap on......what about a waterfall shoot....I know of a couple but I'm sure I could find some more!

09-07-2013, 11:46am
I'll put my thinking cap on......what about a waterfall shoot....I know of a couple but I'm sure I could find some more!

If you do it really quickly, that's next week's Members Challenge covered off.

09-07-2013, 2:41pm
If you come up with something let me know I don't check this to often.

Mark L
10-07-2013, 6:37pm
You all need a weekend in Mudgee!!!!:)

10-07-2013, 8:29pm
You all need a weekend in Mudgee!!!!:)

Sounds good to me Mark. I loved it the last time I visited there. :D

10-07-2013, 9:50pm
The Aroma Festival is on Sunday 21 July 2013 (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/x-apple-data-detectors://10) at the Rocks. Check out the website at:


Come along for heaps of coffee and chocolate stalls and lots of interesting photography.

I'll be there with a few friends. You are all welcome to join us, drop me a PM and I'll send you the details.


15-07-2013, 7:26pm
I keep needing an excuse to get to the beach to do some early morning seascapes... Ive heard up along the northern beaches has some good vantage points... If anyone would care to give a few more details about were's a good location, Id be happy to do that...

Ideally a Saturday or Sunday morning.


18-07-2013, 10:45pm
I am in for anything provided the date works. I haven't been doing much photography of late.

21-07-2013, 8:43pm
Here's a great guide for NSW, has plenty of locations guides for northern beaches locations : http://www.freephotoguides.com/oceania/australia/new-south-wales/ :)

I keep needing an excuse to get to the beach to do some early morning seascapes... Ive heard up along the northern beaches has some good vantage points... If anyone would care to give a few more details about were's a good location, Id be happy to do that...
Ideally a Saturday or Sunday morning.

21-07-2013, 9:32pm
Not too many ideas coming forth. I have to say I have been a bit slack as well - I have been planning my trip to Scotland so haven't really had the time to think about a meet.

So far we have suggestions for:
Waterfalls, The Aroma Festival and a sunrise shoot at one of the northern beaches.

Personally, I would love to put some of my studio lighting equipment to good use before it starts to be covered in cobwebs. :D

There have been 37 members view this thread but only 3 suggestions. Come on guys , I have run out of ideas - surely somebody could come up with some new ideas. :)

21-07-2013, 10:05pm
I'd love to have a go at studio lighting!!:):):):)

22-07-2013, 7:21am
We would need a model - do you know anyone Karen? The alternative is that we use each other as models. If someone can provide a big enough room or alternately find a suitable outdoor location I would certainly be up for it.

When I say studio lighting I mean wireless triggered flashes with soft box, beauty dish, reflector, snoot, etc. :)

22-07-2013, 8:30am
I'd even drive to Cronulla for a model shoot, Narelle! I also have some (minimal) studio kit wasting away waiting for me to get a round tuit. :p

22-07-2013, 10:13am
We would need a model - do you know anyone Karen? The alternative is that we use each other as models. If someone can provide a big enough room or alternately find a suitable outdoor location I would certainly be up for it.

When I say studio lighting I mean wireless triggered flashes with soft box, beauty dish, reflector, snoot, etc. :)

I don't know anyone off the top of my head but i'll put my thinking cap on again! I've had no experience with flashes triggers or anything else of that nature so I'm up for anything. How big a room do we need? I may be able to wangle the boardroom at hubby's work in Crows Nest but it is not a big room...the size of an average lounge room with a big round table in it that we could possibly move out.:)

- - - Updated - - -

Alternatively at one of my local community centres you can hire rooms for really cheap. We could all chuck in $5 or so for hire costs....the rooms are much bigger! Then maybe we could make a day of it and do a variety of shoots.....the waterfalls are very close to the centre and there's the beach or Pittwater etc for for those with with landscape yearnings.....just a thought......biggest catch is everything I've suggested is close to me!!:lol2:

22-07-2013, 11:10am
Alternatively at one of my local community centres you can hire rooms for really cheap. We could all chuck in $5 or so for hire costs....the rooms are much bigger! Then maybe we could make a day of it and do a variety of shoots.....

What about a dance studio somewhere? Those are seldom in use during the day, aren't they? How much would it cost us as a group to hire model from Model Mayhem?

22-07-2013, 11:26am
What about a dance studio somewhere? Those are seldom in use during the day, aren't they? How much would it cost us as a group to hire model from Model Mayhem?

Between $45 and $70 an hour depending on experience and usually a minimum 2 hours plus travel costs. I used MM a couple of times including "free" in exchange for photos but I have found both free and paid models unreliable from MM.

22-07-2013, 5:58pm
Between $45 and $70 an hour depending on experience and usually a minimum 2 hours plus travel costs. I used MM a couple of times including "free" in exchange for photos but I have found both free and paid models unreliable from MM.

Thanks, Peter. That's a bit more expensive than I expected. I wonder if it varies with location? A pity about the unreliability issue. I had heard that before as well.:th3:

@Narelle - at this rate I'll probably be in Queensland on holiday before the meet is organised, so don't count my requirements too highly in your planning. :o

Mr Felix
03-08-2013, 7:59pm

I'll put it out there.

I have spoken to someone who is willing to be our victim/model.

They would like some details of when/where.

They would be able to do Friday night, Sat/night, Sun.

The other nights would not be good for them because of the next day.

Anyway, if the date/time could be posted I can relay the details and then let you all know.

Mr Felix
05-08-2013, 4:15pm
I'm feeling guilty as a "thread killer".

There are a couple of threads I posted in and since then no more posts.

05-08-2013, 5:07pm
I thought I had replied to your first post Andrew - I am not sure what happened. I have been having some phone connection problems so I must have lost the connection at the same time I posted.

What I said was - thank you for the offer of a model but unfortunately we don't have a venue at this stage and I don't have time before I go OS to organize one.

Ness has given me the name of a local photographer in Bella Vista who is hiring out studio space and equipment to professional togs. I will try and find out if they are willing to hire out to a bunch of amateurs. :D

If you guys want a meet you will have to organize it amongst yourselves and then when I return in September we will see if we can get a studio portrait shoot together. How does that sound? :)

Mr Felix
05-08-2013, 6:09pm
Thanks Nell.

I just posted it so if/when we get a venu we have someone who is willing to be photographed.

06-08-2013, 4:03pm
I thought I had replied to your first post Andrew - I am not sure what happened. I have been having some phone connection problems so I must have lost the connection at the same time I posted.

What I said was - thank you for the offer of a model but unfortunately we don't have a venue at this stage and I don't have time before I go OS to organize one.

If you guys want a meet you will have to organize it amongst yourselves and then when I return in September we will see if we can get a studio portrait shoot together. How does that sound? :)

Sounds like a plan Narelle.....I am out for next few weeks as well as we are off to Hamilton Island for race week again so I'll look forward to a portrait shoot in September sometime:) I'm working on some people to be models
Have an amazing time on your trip take lots of:flash:

Cheers Karen

Mr Felix
06-08-2013, 6:25pm
Well my offer is still there for when we all get organised.

So I hope every one has fun where they are going.

Hear all about it when you get back.

Mark L
07-08-2013, 7:42pm
There was an AP member that offered free use (for other AP members) of studio space and equipment that they had set up somewhere near Sydney.
It was a while ago and I haven't been able to track down the thread the offer was made in.
Have a bit of time to spare tomorrow, so will try to find the thread. Will post it here if I find it.

08-08-2013, 3:46pm
Does it have to be indoor lighting shoot, why not an outdoor lighting shoot ?
Just a thought.........:tog:

08-08-2013, 5:51pm
Maybe we can combine the two. I personally am a natural light lover but I also want to hone my studio lighting skills.

Keep an eye out folks. I am leaving on the 29th August and returning around the 24th September. Just don't all disappear on me. :D

10-08-2013, 6:34pm
Sculpures by the Sea at Bondi from 24 October - 10 November 2013. A meet before then would be good. I wouldn't mind doing a portrait shoot - I rarely do portraits any more.

Mr Felix
13-08-2013, 4:59pm
Last week end I received a letter in the letter box.

It is my local council "advertising" that they have venues for "events" of "functions".

I haven't asked too much as they want number of people etc.

For now it is something which is on the table as an option if this comes into happening.

13-08-2013, 5:59pm
What about Sydney Olympic Park, There should be heaps to shoot around there

Kind Regard

13-08-2013, 6:48pm
I would love to do a themed portrait shoot - I will have a think while I am away. In the meantime if you guys want to do a shoot such as Livio suggested (thanks for that) then you need to organise it amongst yourselves. :)

16-08-2013, 11:24am
As Narelle (Nikon Nellie) mentioned above, if you want to organise a meet, create a new thread. The key to getting people to come is to have a specific idea for a meet, a defined time that is suitable to a broad range of people and some local knowledge of the spot to organise a meeting point.

I am travelling around in the near future so I won't be organising anything. For others, it isn't hard to do.

Mr Felix
18-09-2013, 8:54am
Obviously nothing happening yet?

18-09-2013, 7:41pm
Anyone interested in a Sculptures by the Sea sunrise from Bondi Beach on Saturday 26 October?

19-09-2013, 5:46am
I Should be ok for this.. This is a year since I dropped my 2 week old d600 (thank goodness for insurance)

19-09-2013, 7:30am
Plenty of venues wildlife and beaches down here (Narooma). Could combine something with the local camera club, could also organise a whale, seal, Montague Island tour. Why not take turns using each other as models. http://www.eurobodalla.com.au/

Mr Felix
15-11-2013, 6:29pm
Any updates of what is happening?