View Full Version : Different cameras different quality

Tassie Devil
07-07-2013, 12:13pm
I am using an Olympus DSLR E520 and a point and shoot Olympus SP800UZ.Technically speaking the E520 should take a better quality picture than the SP800UZ. BUT same shots seem to come out better on 800UZ. I have played with the settings on the E520. e.g. ISO put it up in stages to 1600, aperture priority, shutter priority and exposure bracketing but the SP800UZ leaves it for dead. Any thoughts please?
I can see looking at the settings for each camera that they are different. So I am guessing the answer will be "get them both to the same settings". Sounds easy but that will be my next exercise. To see the settings click the picture.

Here are a couple of examples:E520 DSLRhttp://dansonpark.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/E520-148x300.jpg (http://dansonpark.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/E520.jpg)http://dansonpark.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/P7068613-300x225.jpg (http://dansonpark.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/P7068613.jpg)
Settings E520

Shutter priority, Exp 1/8s, Aperture 5.0, ISO 100, focal length 21.00mm, exposure bias 0.70

SP800UZ:http://dansonpark.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/SP800UZ-158x300.jpg (http://dansonpark.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/SP800UZ.jpg)
Settings SP800UZ

http://dansonpark.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/P7060023-300x225.jpg (http://dansonpark.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/P7060023.jpg)
SP800UZ: Exposure 1/30, aperture 2.8, ISO 64, focal length 4.90m

E520 DSLRhttp://dansonpark.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/E520-2-137x300.jpg (http://dansonpark.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/E520-2.jpg)
Settings E520

http://dansonpark.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/P7068625_1024x768-300x225.jpg (http://dansonpark.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/P7068625_1024x768.jpg)
E520. Shutter priority, exposure 1/8s, aperture 6.3, ISO 100, focal length 22.00mm,

SP800UZhttp://dansonpark.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/SP800UZ-2-139x300.jpg (http://dansonpark.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/SP800UZ-2.jpg)
Settings SP800UZ
http://dansonpark.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/P7060034-300x225.jpg (http://dansonpark.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/P7060034.jpg)
Settings SP800UZ. Exposure 1/30s, aperture 2.8, ISO 80, focal length 4.90mm

07-07-2013, 1:22pm
You need to learn how ISO, Shutter speed, and aperture all work in unison. It is called the 'exposure triangle'. So yes as you have stated, getting the settings the same is the key. When you change one of ISO, Aperture, Shutter speed, you affect the exposure of the photo you are going to take. Even something as simple as changing the aperture from f2.8 to f5 can affect the resultant photo quite dramatically, if you do not understand how it interacts with the chosen shutter speed and ISO.

Get back to basics, forget about comparing cameras. Use one camera, and learn how ISO works. Learn how Aperture works. Learn how shutter speed works and learn how all three combined affect the result. You need to understand them to then learn how to control them, and once you do so, you can then creatively expose your photos, by using the 'correct' settings, to get the results you want.

07-07-2013, 3:33pm
It also must be noted that any comparison such as this, need to be fair.

Did you shoot in raw format on the E520?
Does the SP800UZ have a raw format?

Considering that you are using Lightroom, and the possibility that you have shot raw, there's a high probability that you may have not tweaked the E520's image settings yet?

Also, if the E520 is handicapped via the use of an ordinary kit type lens, then of course this also will impact on the pictorial outcome(to the inexperienced).

And also(again) .. it must be remembered that the e520 is a lot older in technology than the newer SP800 ... even if it is only a couple of years.

Get a good lens for it, learn to tweak the raw images, and I'm guessing that the e520 will eventually outshine the compact camera.

FWIW: if comparing the two images of the meat plate(is that liver?) .. then looking at the two larger res images, my preference is for the E520's image anyhow.

And as per Ricks comments. You must understand that the smaller compact camera uses a small sensor, and with that also goes a smaller lens(both physically and numerically).
Where the E520 uses a 21mm lens, the compact uses a 4.9mm lens. DOF is going to be a lot deeper with the smaller lens even tho the aperture is set to be a lot wider on the compact too.

DOF estimates for:


Subject distance 1 m

Depth of field
Near limit 0.62 m
Far limit 2.57 m
Total 1.95 m

In front of subject 0.38 m (19%)
Behind subject 1.57 m (81%)

Hyperfocal distance 1.63 m
Circle of confusion 0.005 mm


Subject distance 1 m

Depth of field
Near limit 0.96 m
Far limit 1.05 m
Total 0.09 m

In front of subject 0.04 m (48%)
Behind subject 0.05 m (52%)

Hyperfocal distance 21.9 m
Circle of confusion 0.004 mm

So what you will see, is a lot more blur in the form of shallow DOF(or bokeh) in the image from the E520 ..... you've already shown how the two different formats render in terms of FOV.

To get a similar DOF rendering with the E520 and at 21mm, you will need to set aperture too somewhere between f/45 and f/64(quite an impossible setting!)

Don't worry about trying to get them to 'the same settings' that going to be quite hard, if not impossible, to do!
But if you work on getting the settings right on the E520, my feeling is that it will eventually provide greater images in the long run.
There looks to be a slight amount of camera shake in the E520 image too .. did you use a tripod, or hand held?

More importantly .. if one format or type of camera suits you or your need better, then use it in preference. Don't just use a DSLR just because you think it ought to provide better images.
Better images are achieved ..... with a bit of work.

15-07-2013, 10:48am
I'm glad I stumbled upon this thread. There's a wealth of information here that would be very helpful for me as a newbie. Thanks for posting this.

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