View Full Version : The Beginning of a Creative Journey

06-07-2013, 9:04pm
Have you ever felt inspired so much through the works of another person that it immediately changes your thought process and you in turn immediately change your perspective on how you view your work?

For me, I was wonderfully inspired by the works of Phil Koch a fantastic landscape photographer who likes to "break the rules" so to speak on landscapes. His fabulous and vibrant work I find awe-inspiring. His landscapes are all pretty much always set at 50/50 (land/sky) and pretty much all in portrait mode. And it works!!

You can find his work here on Flickr here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/philkoch/

Not only is his work incredible but he's a nice guys too. Recently friended me on Facebook he is all too keen to impart his knowledge and seemingly outlandish camera settings in his works!

So, who has been your greatest influence and inspiration in your photographic art?

Some of my recent landscapes in portrait orientation:
http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5482/9219431509_ebdc3cfbd0_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/outstarwild/9219431509/)
A celebration in Verticles (http://www.flickr.com/photos/outstarwild/9219431509/) by Adam Brice (http://www.flickr.com/people/outstarwild/), on Flickr

Ms Monny
06-07-2013, 9:10pm
You know, Adam, I have been seeing your work for a while now and I can honestly say that you have recently gone 'BOOM'! I totally love your new work, and the fact that Phil Koch has inspired something in you, it was obviously meant to be. I totally love the vibrance and composition of these recent pieces. Well done, mate! :th3::th3::th3:

07-07-2013, 12:26am
Each one of your portrait landscapes are good enough to adorn my (your) walls and putting them together like this says to me "I must be up and on display". Yes, I do like your work. Well done.:D

07-07-2013, 6:52am
I have been seeing your work for a while now and I can honestly say that you have recently gone 'BOOM'
It's not only your landscapes either Adam. Your whole outlook on photography has changed, it's like someone has given you an injection of composition, exposure, experimentation and clarity. And a big dose of it. :D
But it's not only you... Monika above also has improved. I see her images on facebook now, and each one is an improvement.

07-07-2013, 7:23pm
You know, Adam, I have been seeing your work for a while now and I can honestly say that you have recently gone 'BOOM'! I totally love your new work, and the fact that Phil Koch has inspired something in you, it was obviously meant to be. I totally love the vibrance and composition of these recent pieces. Well done, mate! :th3::th3::th3:

Thanks Monika, and your work is coming along greatly too!! I'm really interested in hearing whether other togs out there could find these singular moments where someone or something has instilled a "great change" or motivated them into whatever style of photography they do? :cool:

- - - Updated - - -

Each one of your portrait landscapes are good enough to adorn my (your) walls and putting them together like this says to me "I must be up and on display". Yes, I do like your work. Well done.:D

Cheers Peter, though as above - have you been influenced in such a way by anyone's photographic art? :th3:

- - - Updated - - -

It's not only your landscapes either Adam. Your whole outlook on photography has changed, it's like someone has given you an injection of composition, exposure, experimentation and clarity. And a big dose of it. :D
But it's not only you... Monika above also has improved. I see her images on facebook now, and each one is an improvement.

Thanks for the kind words Geoff and I always enjoy looking at your landscapes, I guess because your area reminds me a lot of mine too!! And yeah, Monika's work is coming along famously - always to pleasure to see her work too! :th3:

08-07-2013, 8:07pm

I browse a lot of things, be it photography or other, and my lifestyle is similarly broadbrush, something that I feel is reflected in my photography.

I push myself to do better and rethink assumptions, but I've never felt like someone has nudged me into plunging in a particular direction or style.

Mark L
09-07-2013, 9:36pm
... but I've never felt like someone has nudged me into plunging in a particular direction or style.
And maybe that's why I like to take photos, but haven't found a passion for ...... whatever!