View Full Version : Help with Lightroom 5

04-07-2013, 1:03pm
I have been using LR3 and decided to upgrade to LR5 after a lot of thought. I was feeling quite comfortable with LR3 but decided the few little extras would be an advantage.
so it has installed LR5 and it seems to have automatically upgraded the Cataog BUT....
I use a laptop and my original images stored on an external HDD which has worked very well with LR3. But now the catalog has disappeared from LR3, it is on LR5 but when it is indicating in LR5 that I am offline .....the little question mark has come with the message photos are missing.
Which means I cant work on LR3 nor can I work on LR5
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I have done wrong and what needs to be done to rectify it
A big thanks for any help Maureen

Mary Anne
05-07-2013, 1:03pm
I cant help you Maureen as I only got my first LR yesterday and its LR5 and I dont know a thing about it.
Bumping this up so some one may be able to help you, I wonder if you got it moved up to the Post Processing Help more members may reply.

05-07-2013, 1:35pm
I think, from memory, all you need to do is right click on the file choose find missing location ... and use the browser to find it...
You also may want to look at the folder and drive list on the left in the Library module. Add the new drive if its missing.

I got my LR upgraded a couple of weeks ago, but i've been swamped with other work and have not had a chance to use it much.
I know that upgrade from 3-5 should be a significant one, i was already on 4... adn so far not seeing a huge change.

05-07-2013, 1:39pm
I'm far from an expert but if you go up to the top menu,click on file then open catalogue or open recent does the catalogue appear there?

05-07-2013, 2:20pm
I have lightroom 4, but i'm sure the process is the same. In the Library module, on the left hand side, there should be a folders drop down box, with the destination of your old folders with question marks on them. Right click one of the folders and choose find missing folder, location the folder and choose select folder. if you have more than one folder you must repeat the precess, to restore all of them.

Just noticed,Candid town has already answered similar to mine, oops