View Full Version : Fuji X-E1 shooters

03-07-2013, 5:32pm
Just curious if there are any fuji x-e1 or x-pro1 shooters in this forum.
Considering how great these cameras are, I feel they are being slightly under-represented in this forum.

I @ M
03-07-2013, 5:54pm
Considering how great these cameras are, I feel they are being slightly under-represented in this forum.

Greatness is a very subjective quantity to me at least. The proof of the pudding is in the eating print to me at least so I guess we need to see that proof before we assign a "great" tag to a tool.

Would you care to provide some your edible material so that we may form an opinion on quality.

As for being "under represented", they are a fairly new product, time is needed before others adapt to old reinvented products, much the same as it was when people debunked the idea that digital imaging was the way of the future 10 years before film died.

Having said that I am a very happy user of Nikon technology with their digital imaging products and equally as happy with a Fuji x100s, albeit in differing scenarios.

Abandoning one system to entirely embrace another is not a smart move methinks, what are your views?

03-07-2013, 7:12pm
Agree, greatness is a very subjective thing, but since i was expressing my own opinion, I'll be happily standing by it.
It's not a camera to replace all before it, but mirror-less systems matured greatly over the last few years, and I suspect their popularity will only increase.
Given that their image quality is comparable to at least mid-range prosumer cameras, Yes, IMHO, in a couple of years people will wise up and stop buying all those cheap and nasty, plastic Nikons and Canons.

I have always shot with Canon, still do for my paid work; the focusing on the fujis is nowhere near good enough to replace a high end SLR.
But I enjoy shooting with x-e1 much more than with a Canon. It could be because Im' actually taking pictures for pleasure, rahater than money, but mainly, I think it helped me remember how much fun photography is.

Another reason I like this camera is the fact that with a 35mm f1.4 it weighs less than some of my Canon lenses.
Last year was THE last year I lagged around an SLR with me on a holiday. Never again will I travel with 5kg worth of camera gear around Europe.

I have not abandoned Canon. I still like it and as a professional camera it does a great (IMHO) job, but I dare say that maybe 70% of amateur photographers who forked out good money on a cheap SLR never actually produced an image that required an SLR. Seeing as up to 80%(according to some survey) of them never actually took the camera off Auto mode.


03-07-2013, 8:47pm
....... Yes, IMHO, in a couple of years people will wise up and stop buying all those cheap and nasty, plastic Nikons and Canons.

I have always shot with Canon, still do for my paid work; the focusing on the fujis is nowhere near good enough to replace a high end SLR.

Another reason I like this camera is the fact that with a 35mm f1.4 it weighs less than some of my Canon lenses.


I have not abandoned Canon. I still like it and as a professional camera it does a great (IMHO) job, but I dare say that maybe 70% of amateur photographers who forked out good money on a cheap SLR never actually produced an image that required an SLR. Seeing as up to 80%(according to some survey) of them never actually took the camera off Auto mode.


Errr .... so it's a great camera that doesn't focus as well as the cheap and nasty junk!
If CanoNikon made their cheap and nasty junk not focus as well too .. would they also become great cameras!! :rolleyes:

While it is your opinion, and you're more than welcome to it and to share it, I think the opinion is heavily tainted with rosy coloured glasses, rather than any strict sense of requirement or need.

I actually like those cheap and nasty plastic cameras (Nikons for me tho) .. as they do everything asked of them .. including focusing quickly and accurately!

Contrary to popular opinion .. not all amateur photographers only do street photography .. some of us like to indulge in many other aspects of photography, some of which warrant quick/accurate focusing systems.
So your belief is that these amateur photographers will also wise up to some fact that a small uncomfortable camera, 1/20th the size of the lens it's attached too ..... that may or may not focus .... or if it eventually does focus it may not be entirely accurate in it's choice ... and that this is the better option for those of us looking for our next camera.

If weight is a priority issue, then why even choose a mirrorless camera of any make or model .. and do the really sensible thing and just use your smart phone, which will almost invariably be carried along the trip anyhow .. why the clutter and annoyance of any such peripheral device such as camera or lens?

if my reply has an overtone that I've felt offended in some way, it has because I've found it offensive that I'm now judged not wise enough to make my own choice of camera .. be that cheap/nasty plasticky thing, or a 5x4 Speed Graphic .. if I choose.

And finally we have to deal with some strange generalisation that because an image was captured by an SLR, that it has to be of a specific quality concomitant with that of an SLR sourced image.
I suppose focus may come under that heading, but this is more of a satirical outlook on a proposition that doesn't even make sense.
What exact specifications in an image do we need to adhere too, to produce an SLR type image.
I've been taking photos for what I believe is 'long enough' and never has it occurred to me that my SLR image need to have a look to them to imply that an SLR camera was used in their making.

Enjoy what YOU have, but also remember to allow others to enjoy theirs .. which hopefully will preclude denigration of their intellect in the foreseeable future.

03-07-2013, 10:59pm
I looked into the X system about 6-12 months ago but settled on m43 as my lite cam system.
Like you, I still shoot DSLR (Nikon in my case), but now the two systems serve two different purposes.
But I was quite surprised how much overlap there was in usage.

Not so sure it's under represented, more so it just reflects the user base dominance of Canikony.
But it really is a great system IMO, and getting better. But the niche nature will likely remain so users are more likely to congregate at specialized Fuji forums rather than general photography forums.

Do you own one? If so, let us know your experience. I'm always interested in individual perspectives.
Btw, from my limited testing, I feel the XE1 (and X100s for that matter) handles better than my EM5. But I feel currently the overall system favors m43.

I @ M
04-07-2013, 4:06am
Yes, IMHO, in a couple of years people will wise up and stop buying all those cheap and nasty, plastic Nikons and Canons.

Perhaps you should apply for a position as head of the marketing dept at Canikon in order to save the company from certain doom and gloom.

Strangely enough there is a cheap and nasty plastic bodied DSLR in this household.

Hang on, I had better have a second look. No it isn't nasty and in fact has produced a couple of images that are long time favourites.

Hang on, quick rewind back to when it was bought new, it aint cheap either because it cost more than a Fuji body not all that long ago in terms of human life span.

I have always shot with Canon, still do for my paid work; the focusing on the fujis is nowhere near good enough to replace a high end SLR.

But it must be better than one of those cheap and nasty plastic DSLRs though, or am I mislead?

But I enjoy shooting with x-e1 much more than with a Canon. It could be because Im' actually taking pictures for pleasure, rahater than money, but mainly, I think it helped me remember how much fun photography is.

I find that a strange concept, I certainly haven't lost the joy of taking photographs whether it be for paid reward or pleasure and that applies equally to when using either a DSLR, a higher level compact or a point and shoot.
Maybe you need a break from photography to see whether photography is really for you?

I looked into the X system about 6-12 months ago but settled on m43 as my lite cam system.

Do you own one? If so, let us know your experience. I'm always interested in individual perspectives.
Btw, from my limited testing, I feel the XE1 (and X100s for that matter) handles better than my EM5. But I feel currently the overall system favors m43.

Swifty, this is where I looked at things in order to have a lightweight body. In the end I decided that a new "system" was not the way to go so instead of having another body and a rapidly expanding bag of lenses :D I would deliberately not subject myself ( + credit card :( ) to lens lust and the X100s won out cos ya gets all the goodness of the Fuji line up with a lens that you need a pair of stilsons to remove. ;)

04-07-2013, 5:29am
I started this thread in the OTHER manufacturers forum to get in touch with Fuji x-e1 shooters to exchange ideas and share experiences. Why am I being hounded by trolling Nikon fan-boys?
I'm not allowed to call my own camera great because it's not a Nikon? ... wow!

YES you bought a magnificent camera, congratulations. Now go and worship your Nikon in your own forum. PLEASE!

04-07-2013, 5:45am
I started this thread in the OTHER manufacturers forum to get in touch with Fuji x-e1 shooters to exchange ideas and share experiences. Why am I being hounded by trolling Nikon fan-boys?
I'm not allowed to call my own camera great because it's not a Nikon? ... wow!

YES you bought a magnificent camera, congratulations. Now go and worship your Nikon in your own forum. PLEASE!

You called it great and they have asked your to quantify that. Entirely appropriate I think. After all I could say the Diana is the best camera ever, and without providing any proof, I would be laughed at (except maybe by the Inst.gram crowds). Show us some photos, including high iso, low light stuff that gives us examples of how this Fuji is so great, especially under trying conditions. I (and I guess) the other members are hearing what you are saying, but we want proof..photographs. After all, talking about gear is easy, but to get us thinking that the Fuji is great, like you do, we want to see how it actually performs. The onus is on you to show us how great the camera is, as it was your claim.

Your first post also mention that you feel the camera is under-represented on this forum. Under-represented compared to what? If you look at this year's poll of brand use (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?120760-The-2013-Ausphotography-Camera-Brand-Poll), Fuji is way down the list, thus you would expect just one camera body from that one brand to have very limited member uptake. I very much doubt that you will ever see more than a few members buying one. Whilst Fuji make great gear, they are not a major player in the market, and have not been for some time.

Also members are entitled to post anywhere on the site with their views, not just in their 'own' forums. As long as the topic is discussed and it doesn't get personal, it is all good, in our books.

I @ M
04-07-2013, 5:46am
Gees CandidTown, you sound just a little tetchy with that reply.

I certainly don't see any Nikon fanboyism in this thread, I see posts from 4 people referring to the brand of camera that they choose to use,
Arthur mentions that he uses Nikon, Swifty mentions that he uses Olympus and Nikon, I talked about using a Nikon and Fuji, no, not an XE1 but a current Fuji camera and you mention that you use Canon and Fuji.

I certainly don't see much Nikon fanboyism as you put it, certainly nobody beating their chests about how Nikon are better than Fuji, Canon, Olympus etc etc etc.

The forums exist to share thoughts on products, comparisons between brands will always occur and peoples opinions count, yours included.

And, if you want to see my Nikon fanboyism at work, this thread (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?120124-Fuji-X100s-first-thoughts) , that i see you haven't viewed yet might give you an idea of how inferior I feel that the Fuji range is compared to my Nikon that I "worship".

04-07-2013, 7:09am
Don't worry Candidtown. Enjoy your camera. That's the main thing. Thanks for giving us your views.
Take the responses as a bit of critical peer review (with a bit of jousting and swordplay) thrown in, because ultimately that's (usually) what it is.
Learn what you can from the replies. You'll be surprised at what you can find out. Feel free to candidly criticise weaknesses in anything you use/see/read about.
Every camera system has its +s and -s. Me, I'd like to see some pics from it.

PS: I think it was your general disparaging of "all" the Canons and Nikons that was found wanting.

04-07-2013, 8:10am

I decided after our last holiday to get a smaller camera.
Had a look at the OMD as well, but thought going from full frame to 43ds would be too much of a sacrifice in image quality.
However I heard a lot of good things about the omd, adn my friend just ordered one last week so I will be able to have a play with it as well.

I bought the X-e1 late last year and i'm loving it. Kind of brings back memories of shooting with an old russian Smena8... Yes, I'm THAT old.. :)
I carry it everywhere, while my Canon sits in teh cupboard waiting for the next assignment.

I still would not take teh fuji to a wedding shoot. I may be able to get the auto-fucus to work ok, but I somehow don't think the bride would be too impressed with her photographer arriving with "this little thing" instead of a big Canon or Nikon.
Because, as we all know that it is the camera that takes great pictures, not the photographer, and the bigger the camera, the better the pictures :)
I shoot weddings much less now, and may stop alltogether soon, I also dont intend to shoot birds, or sporting events, so the Fuji will do me just fine.

They are releasing firmware updates quite regularly. The autofocus improved since I bought it and in July they are supposed to include focus peaking as well, which is good news for me, as I just ordered an old Asahi Super-Takumar 135mm f3.5 lens and I'm really looking forward to shooting with it.

I liked this camera enough to buy one for my wife as well, adn I think I might have discovered a hidden talent.
She learned quickly, joined an agency recently and one of her Sydney Vivid festival photographs was picked up by an Italian magazine.
I'm VERY proud. She can now call herself a published photographer...

Just as a side note: I hear so many men on the forum complain about their wife's nagging about their gear,and how they have to beg them to buy a new lens.
I say, teach your wife to take great pictures and in 6 months she'll be begging you!! :)

Swifty, what i mean by under-represented is the fact that there was no mention of this camera anywhere on the forum, and I'd love to hear from other users about their experiences.
I am too old and have too little time to fight the brand wars. I dont care about Nikons as little as i care about the Canons. They are just tools, and a good photographer would be able to take good images with both of them.
And now I enjoy shooting with a fuji...
I may post some images with my new(old) Asahi lens when it finally arrives..

04-07-2013, 9:01am
Just as a side note: I hear so many men on the forum complain about their wife's nagging about their gear,and how they have to beg them to buy a new lens.
I say, teach your wife to take great pictures and in 6 months she'll be begging you!! :)

Perhaps you need to realise that these comments are jokes.:D

04-07-2013, 9:23am
Because, as we all know that it is the camera that takes great pictures, not the photographer, and the bigger the camera, the better the pictures :)

so TRUE, to a point. a MF Blad will give amazing quality that a P&S cannot. So dissing the size of the gear is not really relevant, cause it is BOTH the photographer and the gear that create the results. But the point is that every camera, no matter how small or big has limitations. You are praising this Fuji, but not showing us any examples of why you think it is great. No one is saying DSLR are better, what we are asking is that you put your money where you mouth is and show us what you can do with this camera. Show us that it is great. All we have at present, is you saying how wonderful it is. Prove it! Show us, give us evidence, enlighten us, inform us.

04-07-2013, 10:34am

I don't worry too much about responses... I guess its my first lesson on a forum, I only joined recently.
I don't shoot as much anymore so decided to join a photography forum to see what it's all about.

I did dump on both cheap canons and nikons, but I thought it makes sense for anyone who shoots more than a 1000 images a year. These cameras are cheap for a reason and offer very little advantage over mirrorless cameras. Especially when they are being used in Auto mode and with the cheap kit lenses. Cheaply made body,cheaply made lenses and shutter rated for about 50K shots. Can anyone in the enthusiast community really disagree with that statement? RHETORICAL QUESTION!

It just frustrates me that when I ask a question about a specific camera the responder berates me that I should have bought the camera he/she owns or I need to "prove" to them that it takes as good images as their brand.
What the?....

I really don't care about brands... and if i wanted to know about Nikons, I would have asked a question in the Nikon forum.
Instead I get pages of preaching, but only 2 responses about the actual subject matter.

I shoot Canon, but I don't want to be berated about that brand either. I have absolutely no passion for either canon or nikon. They are just tools.
Only about a week ago I recommended to someone to buy a Nikon D7100 because judging by the specs it looked like a better camera than the equivalent 60D or 7D from Canon. Now that Canon released 70D the field seems to even itself out again.. and again, as I always recommend - it is up to the user to choose the camera that feels good in their hands, rather than choose a particular brand.

There are tons of websites that review cameras in every technical detail, which should "prove" to those who seek it, the "greatnes" or otherwise of any digital camera.

This is NOT about fuji being greater than nikon... or any other brand. I did NOT even mention those brands in my initial post. I am NOT comparing it to anything... I'm not counting pixels or shutter speeds or god knows what else proves to anyone the superiority of one camera over another!

My fuji rekindled my passion for photography and i enjoy it immensly and THAT is what feels great to ME; And I would like to share MY experiences with other Fuji users if there are any on this forum. How can one prove to you that taking pictures with one camera feels better than with the other? I'm at a loss here.

This forum, I thought was about opinions and experiences. And I was hoping that we can stick to the actual subject matter.

So in my opinion and to ME an x-e1 is a great camera... and would still love to hear from someone who actually OWNS an x-e1.
How they deal with the Autofocus issues, do they know any tricks.
Has anyone used this one or x-pro1 for any serious/paid work
Can anyone recommend a decent flash. I'm using a 580ex but its a bit .. big.


04-07-2013, 10:48am
This forum, I thought was about opinions and experiences. And I was hoping that we can stick to the actual subject matter.

JIt is, and all we are asking is that you prove that your claims are justified. After all I could say the world is flat, as my opinion and experience, but we all know that not to be true, and I would be asked to clarify and explain why the world is flat. All we are asking is that you show us why the fuji is great. Not hard really. For all we know you could work for Fuji and your post is simply a way to get us talking about the camera, and thus promoting it.

So yes you can have your opinion, but we can also choose to ignore it, unless you can prove it! Again, show us some photos. After all you must have some, otherwise you would not be claiming how great the gear is! I also have 2 Fuji cameras and in the past had a Fuji DSLR, so I have zero against their gear. I just like to be given information and examples of why any product is deemed 'great'. Show and Tell!

Will be interesting to see you reply or if you ignore this post too.

04-07-2013, 11:05am
Candid. I see what you mean, but here is a forum, which is in ways equal to a hat-throwing ring - sometimes the hat gets stomped.
No big deal, though, you just put it back on and off you go. Tomorrow you tread - oh, accidentally! - on someone's hat, and so it goes.
Don't feel lonely - after all, Andrew has one such camera, doesn't he? - so that makes two of you. Mostly, don't take anything said here
as anything personal.

You might as well give us a bit of a review of it - pics, discoveries of its proclivities, etc. Dates plus facts (make history, they say:rolleyes:),
so pics plus text should scuttle opinions.

Cheers, Am.

04-07-2013, 11:47am
Like they say ... a picture is worth 1000 words :D

There is not one 'best' camera other than the one in your hands (or if its a :plogo: :p in which case there is no argument).

Seriously, we are swamped with technology options, and depending on your need a given technology will work for you (or not).
Just take photos! Lets see them and share ideas!

04-07-2013, 2:56pm
Sorry for not using the 'quote' function but editing on an iPhone is quite a pain.

Andrew: I had similar thoughts for the light travel cam. But just thought I would feel limited with just one focal length. But even with my EM5, I only need 2 primes, 1 portrait and one semi-wide. But I get what you mean, the temptation is to build the system and end up with a bag full of lenses.

I actually picked m43 partially because it is a fair bit smaller than FF (I otherwise shoot Nikon FX). I felt APS-C was a bit close to FF and even the move to mirrorless doesn't reduce the size as much as I'd like when considering the lenses. Admittedly I hadn't had the chance to handle the Fuji pancakes.
I also occasionally shoot weddings and agree fully that current mirrorless options aren't quite up to it, IMO especially when considering flash photography and AF. But this will largely depend on your style of shooting. I made some comments in the thread about the recent 70D in regards to AF but just to rehash, I think it's potentially a game changer for mirrorless as a whole.
Sorry I can't share more EX-1 specific experiences as I haven't handled it enough.

I'll try and stay on topic but will echo Ameerat's sentiments. Don't worry too much, just take it as light hearted jousting and a little misunderstanding.

04-07-2013, 4:15pm
It is, and all we are asking is that you prove that your claims are justified.

I don't see how I can possibly prove my claim and convince anyone that I really enjoyed taking these picture, but here are a few.
Hope the upload works, I dont think i can use a link ...




04-07-2013, 4:26pm
Can't give much CC here in the Gear Talk forum, Candid, but from #2 it sure packs in the detail, and #3 shows some nice colour reproduction.
Post them up in the appropriate forums for full CC.

04-07-2013, 5:13pm
I agree with AM. Though I did not want to see them to give CC.

I don't see how I can possibly prove my claim and convince anyone that I really enjoyed taking these picture, but here are a few.

I wanted to see how the camera performed technically. The photos look great. I would have liked to see EXIF data so I could say check the ISO of the night bridge shot as it looks very clean and devoid of noise and EXIF would have told me the long exposure time, and thus long exposure noise comes into play. Knowing the Fuji can handle that well, is an important factor that needs to be considered when purchasing, esp for landscapers. All of the photos show good detail in the shadow areas which shows the sensor has a good dynamic range. Providing photos is of course going to prove your claim, cause the technical aspects of the photos tell us a lot about how good the equipment is. Yes you as a photographer need to be creative compositionally etc to get photos that have the wow factor, but the quality of the sensor etc is also very important.

Thank you for giving us some examples so we could assess the quality of the output. EXIF would have been interesting, but this is why I kept asking to see examples. I wanted to see what the sensor could do. Certainly from what you have presented, it looks like you are right, in that it is a good camera, from a technical ability point of view.

04-07-2013, 5:25pm
the bridge from memory is f11 at 30s iso 200 shot in raw.
the other are hand held can't recall exact specs.

04-07-2013, 5:35pm
the bridge from memory is f11 at 30s iso 200 shot in raw.
the other are hand held can't recall exact specs.

thanks, do you get why I wanted to see photos now?

04-07-2013, 9:33pm
I started this thread in the OTHER manufacturers forum to get in touch with Fuji x-e1 shooters to exchange ideas and share experiences. Why am I being hounded by trolling Nikon fan-boys?
I'm not allowed to call my own camera great because it's not a Nikon? ... wow!

YES you bought a magnificent camera, congratulations. Now go and worship your Nikon in your own forum. PLEASE!

I've been on AP for quite a while now, and this is the first I've heard that specific groups of members 'own' particular areas of the forums!!
(interesting attitude)

But(for a moment) lets go back to the topic of the cheapness and durability of the plasticky cheap DSLRs at the lower end of the spectrum, and compare the quality of the product(at least one) with the higher quality mirrorless system of your choice.
(my knowledge usually only extends to Nikon products, and I'm unsure if most other manufacturers will have similar specs .. but my interest is only with Nikon related camera bodies)

So by your reckoning, the cheap plastic entry level Nikon(in this instance say a D3200) is going to provide 50,000K shutter actuations .. a figure of random and unfounded hyperbole of which I have no idea where you conjured up from.

From Nikon's own literature:

".... The D3200's shutter unit is tested for 100,000 cycles with the shutter actually loaded to prove its high durability."

see here (http://imaging.nikon.com/lineup/dslr/d3200/features02.htm) for source.

Yest it is cheaper than a Fuji XE-1, but as for this apparent cheapness(of quality) .. compared to the XE-1 ... well that's compare the durability of the XE-1's shutter system:

" ..... :confused: .... "

Quoted from Fuji's site: Yep! that's right .. no one iota of information as to it's shutter durability from my searching.
This leads one to the conclusion that it most likely has no durability as such ... and most likely that it won't match the Nikon D3200's 100,000(as opposed to your random guesstimate of 50,000 .. which by the way is still quite substantial anyhow!)

So to begin with, your assertions of cheapness are muddied by an emotional response to some abstract endearing affair with the XE-1 .. and not really bound in any way by factual knowledge.

Secondly, I made no reference in my initial reply about any affair with Nikon .. and hence your conclusion of my fanboism to the brand is yet another random emotional response(again).
My reply was simply that this is what I have .. I certainly make no bones about my dislike for many things that Nikon do(or more accurately don't do). Fanoboi .. most certainly not.
(but of course you haven't been here long enough to know that)

But what is obviously clear is that you have a serious case of fanboism for the Fuji brand .. based on the total lack of understanding, that you have displayed, of how to assess facts and figures when it comes to choosing a durable, quality product!

Chosen for it's lightness .. fair enough! It'd certainly be a lighter smaller alternative to a DSLR. But choosing an XE-1 over a plasticky DLSR(eg. D3200), using quality and durability as a basis, can only be described as a laughable conclusion.

With no hard data from the manufacturer, the durability of the shutter in the XE-1 could be any random value .. which basically covers their behinds if it breaks down at 10,000 actuations.
And in contrast, Nikon have categorically stated that the lowliest in their stable can in fact last for 100,000 actuations, which comes back to the consumer as a specific in terms of warranty terms.

So if durability of the shutter is a concern .. which camera would the knowledgeable person choose?

if you're going to create an argument for one product over another, at least have the courtesy to provide some usable information!

Am mentioned something about the disparaging remarks towards Canon/Nikon .. and that really has no bearing on anything in the scheme of things ... you don't like X, you're most welcome to describe this dislike any way you like. But to insult one's intelligence for their choice of product is usually a cause for concern as to the intent of those comments.

As said many times already in this thread .. shoot with what pleases your own sense of self .. and allow others to choose theirs(without insulting their ability to reason).
If you want to believe that the Fuji is more durable than the cheapest of plastic DSLRs .. then that's your choice, but keep the facts and figures at a realistic level.

05-07-2013, 7:08am
Ok, now you have piqued my interest too. I just noticed the three photos above are named:

fiji-xe1-001.jpg / fiji-xe1-002.jpg and fiji-xe1-004.jpg

Now I have a few concerns that these photos were not even taken with the said camera. Firstly they are called FIJI, not FUJI and the file sequence suggests they were taken basically straight after each other. This to me suggests the files have been renamed, (with incorrect spelling) for some unknown reason. Now I am going to ask, please place one of these files on the site, with EXIF intact so we can all assess it. Being able to assess EXIF lets us see how well a camera performs in low light etc by being able to see what settings were used.

As someone who has been a photographer since they were 8 years old and who had a wedding photography business,as your website states, I seriously doubt you would rename files in such a manner. DAM conventions have been completely missed in these filenames. You would also keep the originals (whether that is RAW or JPG) for future alternate edits, or to provide prints to others.

I think the onus is on you to prove to us your claims re the Fuji now. Put up one of the photos with the EXIF intact.

05-07-2013, 8:40am
Rick, seriously, I'm bored with the subject now.
First, you ask me to "prove' to you that a fuji camera is capable of taking a picture.
You, out of all people here, being the owner of a photography forum should have heard of the fuji brand..
They have been pioneers of digital photography. Asking someone to prove that a fuji can take a picture is like asking a toyota owner to prove that their car can drive. It's just embarrassing.

Second, you are comparing a Fuji camera to some Diana, you mentioned before...
With a statement like that, do you really think you are qualified to judge my or other people's work?

I could not care less whether you or the likes of you believe if I took these images with a Fuji. Your continual questioning it borders on paranoia.
You asked me to provide you with an image taken with a Fuji x-e1 and I provided you with 3. I chose a few that I liked from my collection and I renamed them. Yes, I made a typo, you can crucify me for that.

And Arthur, save yourself the trouble.
You’re off topic and I could not be bothered reading it. Life’s too short, mate.

05-07-2013, 11:24am
For those who are genuinely interested in this camera and its capabilities, here is the same bridge image WITH EXIF included.


05-07-2013, 2:50pm
thanks. For a 30 second night exposure that is very clean, did you use any noise reduction in post? How much shadow detail did you need to recover, if any? Certainly it looks like this camera offers the goods.

05-07-2013, 3:09pm

You’re off topic ....


05-07-2013, 3:31pm
With night shots and with sunsets I always recover a little bit of shadows, more with sunsets. With this image I did very little pp.
It wasn't even cropped in any way.
I did reduce the highlights a tiny bit as teh city lights were a little overpowering .. and recovered the shadows quite a bit.
The camera has a very good Dynamic Range so I usually expose more for the highlights knowing that the shadows will still retain a fair amount of detail.
I did a tiny bit of sharpenning and increased clarity a bit... but no noise reduction, and at ISO 100 i didnt expect too much anyway.