View Full Version : The NSA's new data centre

01-07-2013, 6:10am
The NSA is building a new datacentre in Utah. Once operational it is capable of storing over 600gb of data on each and every person on the planet. http://www.npr.org/2013/06/10/190160772/amid-data-controversy-nsa-builds-its-biggest-data-farm

Makes you wonder what information they have stored on you, eh?

Edward Snowden's leaks are probably only the tip of the iceberg, so to speak

01-07-2013, 7:38am
George W Bush's Patriot Act opened up the door to enable this sort of intelligance gathering. I cannot believe that they can state "we don't hold data on U.S. citizens", since the act makes no distinction.

Their need to build this, IMO, is fueled by paranoia. Storing data is one thing. How they hope to process this data in a timely enough manner to do anything with it is another thing entirely.

01-07-2013, 7:45am
It makes me sick to my stomach that what would be considered a gross invasion of privacy by any individual is not only sanctioned but justified as essential for national security. I agree with the EU diplomat's assessment that George Orwell understated the risks in "1984" when you look at this out-of-control so-called ally!

01-07-2013, 8:35am
I bet they still don't know what I want for christmas :rolleyes:

01-07-2013, 10:47am
Good luck to 'em... that only just covers the amount of photos I took last year. :rolleyes:

01-07-2013, 11:07am
If they don't want to keep it I'm sure I could run AP off it :)

01-07-2013, 12:14pm
If they don't want to keep it I'm sure I could run AP off it :)

What!. And become just another one of those American forums. :(

01-07-2013, 2:25pm
Now I'm dizzy from shaking my head.
No wonder aliens don't want to come here!

01-07-2013, 3:50pm
i better get off my butt a get busy generating data for them to fill my 600 gigs worth

01-07-2013, 9:41pm
Yep I agree with mudman. In my 61 years on this mortal coil I doubt if I have done anything interesting enough to fill 6 or 7 KiloBytes!
Err...does anyone even remember KiloBytes??

01-07-2013, 10:02pm
What happens once I've uploaded my 601st gig of text via AP? :D
(I think I only need another gig or so)

01-07-2013, 10:32pm
Yep I agree with mudman. In my 61 years on this mortal coil I doubt if I have done anything interesting enough to fill 6 or 7 KiloBytes!
Err...does anyone even remember KiloBytes??
don't worry wanderer, you have nearly nine years more than me to get your 600 gig. let the creative juices flow.
wasn't a kilobyte a quantity of flour with fleas in it?

- - - Updated - - -

What happens once I've uploaded my 601st gig of text via AP? :D
(I think I only need another gig or so)
you would probably crash the system A .K

02-07-2013, 4:53pm
Fair dinkum! She'll be apples!

(My contribution to befuddlement.)

Mark L
02-07-2013, 6:33pm
Came across a quote today by Sir Humphrey Appleby.:)
"I need to know everything! How else can I decide whether or not I need to know it!"