View Full Version : I really can't comprehend some people.

I @ M
27-06-2013, 5:32pm

27-06-2013, 5:51pm
Looks like the type that would be where the camel expectorates, too!

Ms Monny
27-06-2013, 5:52pm
What an absolute idiot!!!

27-06-2013, 6:46pm
Deserved what he got!

27-06-2013, 6:52pm
I had no eye deer that the buck had such a pathological hatred for the goose! :confused013

Steve Axford
28-06-2013, 8:31am
Not knowing how docile these deer usually are, it's hard to say if he was silly or not. Anyway, it's hardly like getting out of your car to get a photo of some wild lions, and he didn't get hurt. I've had kangaroos get a bit testy when I got too close, as many people here have done.

28-06-2013, 9:15am
Not knowing how docile these deer usually are, it's hard to say if he was silly or not. Anyway, it's hardly like getting out of your car to get a photo of some wild lions, and he didn't get hurt. I've had kangaroos get a bit testy when I got too close, as many people here have done.

The front of this part:
Not knowing how docile these deer usually are, it's hard to say if he was silly or not. proves! he was silly. - Unless you're saying that you know that these deer are docile. (Antlers for adornment only?)

Steve Axford
28-06-2013, 11:48am
Have you never done anything that was a bit silly in retrospect? I would have to admit to the occasional silliness. Life would be very boring without.

28-06-2013, 12:40pm
Wow, that was scary.

28-06-2013, 1:44pm
i agree with steve, we have all maybe " pushed " the limits of safety at some time or other, havent we?? so saying he is silly is like saying dont go take that great macro shot of a wasp ...it could sting you, or dont go to the rocks on a sea front at certain times of the day to get that " magic " long exposure, because a wave may crash in taking you with it....life IS too short to walk around in cotton wool, the guy thought a stag that close may be a once in a lifetime opportunity and grabbed it. as would i ( and i guess most of you guys too )

28-06-2013, 2:32pm
I really can't comprehend some people.

after years of dealing directly with people every day I have come to the conclusion that for the most part about 80% of the general public are quite stupid......however other peoples stupidity does seem make life a little more interesting at times :)

28-06-2013, 3:35pm
...at least it dint eat him.

28-06-2013, 3:38pm
1. Steve: Yes, perhaps not to this extent - and then broadcasting it to the world.
2. Fisho: Is that because they do not fulfil your expectations? 80% is a big number.
3. Are we still discussing the video above?
4. Am.

28-06-2013, 3:52pm
they eat meat!!!!


Steve Axford
28-06-2013, 4:23pm
1. Steve: Yes, perhaps not to this extent - and then broadcasting it to the world.

Well, it was quite amusing and it could serve as a warning to others - be careful. I've done some very silly things in my time. The last was probably "rescuing" a black snake from a hen house. The farmer said he would kill it if it wasn't removed, so I removed it. In retrospect, a cramped hen house was probably not a great place to catch a large, angry black snake. Fortunately it quickly left the hen house and it was quite easy to catch in the grass. No camera this time, but I will always poke a camera at a snake if I can. That's probably silly too.

28-06-2013, 4:26pm
Have you never done anything that was a bit silly in retrospect? I would have to admit to the occasional silliness. Life would be very boring without.
hell yeah i have!

ever wonder how some of the most outstanding shots are made? there is often risk involved.

28-06-2013, 5:31pm
On some level I guess we need to ask ourselves what are we willing to do to get a shot? If you were told that you would destroy your gear for sure, but you would most probably have a unique shot, would you do it?

I @ M
28-06-2013, 5:39pm
On some level I guess we need to ask ourselves what are we willing to do to get a shot?

For fame and glory on failbook, twitter or flikr, nah, I'm not a "hit junkie" who needs to destroy gear or risk bodily injury for "likes".

If you were told that you would destroy your gear for sure, but you would most probably have a unique shot, would you do it?

If the guarantee that the shot would pay to replace the gear and turn a handsome profit was in place --- probably.

Steve Axford
28-06-2013, 6:06pm
For fame and glory on failbook, twitter or flikr, nah, I'm not a "hit junkie" who needs to destroy gear or risk bodily injury for "likes".

If the guarantee that the shot would pay to replace the gear and turn a handsome profit was in place --- probably.

So you would only risk something for ........... money?

I @ M
28-06-2013, 6:54pm
So you would only risk something for ........... money?

In context,

I am not about to risk my health or any expensive gear for mere adulation by happy slapping social media types.

I am not going to risk expensive gear unless I know that there is a viable financial return.

YOUR needs may differ ----

28-06-2013, 10:05pm
I don't think it was silly at all.

Afterall, had been taking a photo of me, I'd also have boofed him having seen that he'd mounting such a great Nikon lens on a Canon body! :p

The deer was obviously a Nikon fanboi too! :D

Mark L
29-06-2013, 10:31pm
Wish he was taking a photo of an elephant!

29-06-2013, 11:42pm
.. or a rhino!

29-06-2013, 11:49pm
Did he get the shot?

30-06-2013, 6:32pm
Deer usually are docile - but I still wouldn't get all up in the face of one until I knew for sure it was happy with me being there.

01-07-2013, 1:29am
I think it was a risky thing to do and he was lucky nothing worse happened but the comment he made about the deer and vegetarianism meant he was blaming the deer for his own actions and I found that ridiculous .... and I am not a vegetarian! :D

01-07-2013, 2:52pm
Deer like kangaroos in the bush are wild animals and need to be treated as such especially bucks as they can be agressive. I have stopped and photographed a lot of roos but am always wary of bucks and don't approach too closely. too many people see these animals in reserves and people patting them then forget there is a huge difference between tame and wild animals and they sometimes get hurt.

Steve Axford
01-07-2013, 7:21pm
Patting kangaroos is dodgy as they don't like being touched on the head. They think it's aggression and react accordingly. It's always smart to know your animal, but sometimes you get taught a lesson - like this guy did. No big deal really.

02-07-2013, 9:37pm
Unfortunately, the animal would have been "put down" if it did any harm to the idiot.

People just don't know how to respect wildlife, they just think every creature is there to be at peace with them like in a Disney movie.

03-07-2013, 9:32am
:DLike Bambi and butterflies:D

Dylan & Marianne
03-07-2013, 8:20pm
There are some people that are just lunatics all the time
There are more people who usually have their head screwed on but for some reason or another, adrenaline gets a hold and you start doing things you wouldn't usually (often without considering the future ramifications ) - I don't think for instance that these guys anticipated this episode having this outcome.
There are many people who just never take a risk - if you are one of these people, then that's all fine but if everyone was like this, this world would be rather robotic wouldn't it?
Ad docile as these cows look, I probably shouldn't have been in a fenced off paddock with them for instance........

03-07-2013, 8:56pm
It is a wild animal after all. Mongo has actually been in places where other similar idiots have been attacked by wild animals by getting too close with their camera as if they were just domestic pets !! In one particular case in NZ, a tourist got out onto the rocks where very large wild seals were sun baking (despite Mongo's strong warning to move back and not get so close) but he didn't - the seal literally attacked him. It was only that he cr****d in his pants and managed to outrun the seal that it did not manage to bite him. Mongo thinks he is still running...........dorks !

I @ M
04-07-2013, 5:30am
Ad docile as these cows look, I probably shouldn't have been in a fenced off paddock with them for instance........

But --- were you encroaching upon their "personal space" with a very wide angle lens or hanging back sensibly with a more appropriate focal length? :rolleyes:

Dylan & Marianne
04-07-2013, 8:57am
Andrew , lets just say, not as close as those hoons in the video were doing ;P (oh and I rehearsed my ability to jump the fence quickly too lol)