View Full Version : Have I found a solution to my Samyang 14mm lens filter holder dilemma? May suit other lens too.

24-06-2013, 4:45pm
Yes, it may also suit other wide angle lens with bulbous fronts and no filter threads.

This is the basic component, the 'clamp', AKA the secret ingredient. I stumbled on this while looking for something else.


This is a '95mm Mount To Bowens Mounts Ring Studio adapter Flash Strobe' (sic)

I'm sure the seller won't mind me posting a pic from his listing as he may well sell quite a few of these if it works out.


The adapter appears to come in two parts, judging by the series of screws fixing the clamping tube to the main body, and hopefully when detached it will slide over the lens body and tighten with the three screws. I will have to use a sleeve on the Samyang as the diameter is a tad less than 95mm. I was thinking something like a rubber band made from a mountain bike tube.

I've ordered one of these and also a generic X Pro holder, and I'll have to wait till they arrive to determine the size of the adapter ring I'll need to avoid any vignetting, that being determined by location of the adapter ring with the filter almost touching the upper and lower petals on the lens hood. A 95mm adapter ring would fit nicely, but I may have to go to a 105mm instead.

If this works it should come in at less than $70.00 plus the cost of the filter, and they aren't real cheap.

I also stumbled across this listing that pretty much mirrors my concept, however if you look at it, it is showing vignetting at 14mm & 16mm, and to me that is defeating the purpose of the exercise. My set-up will look very similar however.


The Bowens adapter is coming from China so it will be a few weeks before I can update whether it is a goer on not.

Will keep you posted.

24-06-2013, 9:20pm
I think(or at least hope!) that the vignetting won't be an issue if you choose to use only a single filter holder slot .. not two like the one in the ebay listing.

Lens may alter it's focal length as you focus differently too, so this may be something else to watch for in terms of vignetting and focused distance.

Another issue to watch for is the reported problem of stray lighting coming in from the sides. Plan for a bit of lateral light insulation too.

anyhow, hope it works for 'ya.

24-06-2013, 10:03pm
Cheers Arthur.

I'm hoping that the visible vignetting in the link I posted was caused by the adapter ring and not the front of the holder. I'm hoping that by using the front filter slot I'll be able to slide the holder far enough back so that the adapter ring is out of the vignetting equation.

Unlike the Nikon 14-24, the glass doesn't move on the Samyang when focusing so that shouldn't be an issue.

My filter holder should arrive from Hong Kong in the next week so I'll make a mock-up and see how it looks but I really won't know how it will fit together till the Bowens doodad arrives.

Fingers crossed that it works as the little Sammy has some potential.

26-06-2013, 12:04am
The vignetting definitely looked straight edged with a very slight bow to it(suggesting barrel distortion), so the filter slot is most likely the culprit for the vignetting rather than the adapter ring.

Used to see the same thing very often with the Siggy 10-20, with the multi filter holder at less than 12mm. 12mm of more it was gone. Using the single filter holder cured that disease :p

I'm just about to decidedly make a decision that I'm going to stop procrastinating and probably commit(one day soon) to a particular UWA lens that I've needed since last November. I keep swinging between Siggy 12-24, Nikon 16-35, or even the 18-35 AF-S.
But of course being a heavy user of filters(if I ever get out and actually take a photo!) .. either way I need to take this into account.

I'll be curious as to how you fare with your concoction, as my preferred lens would be the Siggy(for that unbeatable 12mm perspective) as this will give me (some) confidence to try out a few ideas I have for filtering this lens too.

26-06-2013, 12:29pm
I'm just about to decidedly make a decision that I'm going to stop procrastinating and probably commit(one day soon) to a particular UWA lens that I've needed since last November. I keep swinging between Siggy 12-24, Nikon 16-35, or even the 18-35 AF-S.

Arthur, I've been considering for some time now forming a society for serial procrastinators, maybe called something like the MIMTAIT Society, 'MIMTAIT' being an acronym for 'Manana, I May Think About It Tomorrow'.
However, and isn't there always a 'however', like most important decisions, I don't want to rush into making it, anytime soon, or at least not before a suitable time lapse to consider any, and all, if any, important aspects that may, or may not, impact on my final decision, when, and if a final decision is ever reached, or indeed ever gets past the contemplation stage.
You, Arthur, have all the desirable attributes for Foundation Membership. When, and if, I ever get around to thinking about a charter, I'll let you know, almost immediately, or at the very least, soon after, maybe.



05-08-2015, 12:25am
Heh Kev,

How did this filter holder work out?



05-08-2015, 10:59am
Hi Wayne,

Samyang and Cokin stopped my development process by releasing this ..... http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Samyang-SFH-14-Filter-Holder-for-Samyang-14mm-F2-8-ED-AS-IF-UMC-Brand-New-/261982136561?hash=item3cff5a28f1

There only seems to be three Cokin filters available .... http://www.samyang-lens.co.uk/samyang-sfh-14-filter-holder.html

I got the Graduated ND4 filter but to be honest I think I get better results by exposing for the foreground and sky separately and then combining the images.



07-08-2015, 7:11pm
I have that same 'Samyang' holder for use on my Siggy 12-24.

Obviously the 12mm end of the focal range is wider that 14mm is, and even tho it's only 2mm difference, it's is a lot more than the 2mm alludes too. (think of the percentage difference!)

I can still get good images at 12mm, with no vignetting, but it is delicate to set the holder up on the Siggy lens.

Note that while the holder is made for the Samyang lens, it does fit the Siggy very well, with some minor mods(some plastic persuasion) on the holder.

My main issue is that I purchased some 150mm filters before I got this holder .. and the filters are smaller.
I carefully measured the holder and it seem to take 161mm (wide) filters, made by Cokin.

So I made an adapter to fit the smaller filters out of strips of aluminium.
Obviously the smaller filter would cause even more vignetting due to the required 10mm obstruction into the holder's opening.
So the lack of vignetting(taking the adapter into account) still surprised me.

Overall, as $30-ish or so, I see my current cobbled concoction as a bit of a success(surprise actually!)

The holder seems to be reasonably sturdily made. Obviously not as strong or sturdy as an aluminimum contraption .. but for $30! .. who cares .. it works(where it really shouldn't)

All up it took me about 30mins to made the adapter plates(out of aluminium strips) ... and that included the short trip to the hardware store to get the aluminium.
But I shouldn't have rushed it so much and drilled the necessary holes( for the filter slide units) aligned properly.

Here are a couple of my last image made using the holder and a 3 stop hard edge Hitech filter(150mm)


In reality there is no real vignetting issue and in the pink lake image the darkening on the edges is an illusion created by brightening up the central part of the sky(so the edges look darker).
No vignetting in the lower corners tho.

So, even with the holder used well out of its intended purpose .. it still works well, and I rate it as brilliant considering the extremely low expense.
Suitable filters on the other hand!! .. now they'll cost a few bucks.

08-08-2015, 7:37am
Arthur, my filter holder now has a permanent home on the Samyang.

Not because I only use the lens with a filter, but because I can't get the bloody thing off ! :lol2:

08-08-2015, 10:48am
Arthur, my filter holder now has a permanent home on the Samyang.

Not because I only use the lens with a filter, but because I can't get the bloody thing off ! :lol2:
Yes, one of those sites you gave, warns that they are extremely hard to get off, and suggests you leave it on once installed:D

Thanks for the imfo,... will be chasing it up myself.

08-08-2015, 11:28am

Not because I only use the lens with a filter, but because I can't get the bloody thing off ! :lol2:


So Samyang obviously designed the holder for the Sigma 12-24mm lens and then, as an aside, thought it may also work well with their own UWA lens :p
