View Full Version : Present for cousin - camera and photography course help??

22-06-2013, 11:53pm
Hello everyone,

This is my first post, I thought that this would be a good place to start...

My cousin's 30th b'day is coming up and all she talks about is how she would love to learn about photography.
So a bunch of us family members have decided to put in money and buy her a nice camera and enrol her in a beginners photography class.

Only questions we have is: what's a good starter camera AND can anyone recommend any good beginners photography classes in Perth? I have tried google for the courses but it's hard to know which ones are any good so I thought insider knowledge would be more valuable :)

Thank you, any help would be appreciated.

23-06-2013, 9:00am
IF YOU CAN GET TOGETHER ENOUGH FOR A 7D ITS A GOOD CAMERA and will be right for most subjects
i would then give her a link to this forum instead of money on the course
your cousin will learn heaps on the tutorials etc and participating
cheers macca

23-06-2013, 9:40am
When you say 'starter camera' are you looking for a Digital SLR? How serious do you think your cousin wants to be with photography? Perhaps a high end point and shoot or one of the interchangeable lens cameras would suit? We need to know a bit more about what you think your cousin will do photographically before we can give really good advice here.

As said above, they could learn a lot from this site, but if you want a course or two in Perth, look up the camera clubs in the area. I reckon a membership of one of the clubs could be good, and it will get your cousin meeting other photographers too. Many clubs hold workshops as well.

23-06-2013, 9:40am
Hi Georginaaa - a!
I second the second point by Macca - whether in Perth, Brisbane, Sydney, even Bendig:D , and you could prove it for Belconnen.
But the question of "good" would have to remain "moot". (Pity they don't sound the same!)

23-06-2013, 1:17pm
The other thing that hasn't been mentioned as yet is that it is extremely difficult to recommend what might be a 'good' camera without being told a budget..

As a pretty good beginners camera I might recommend a Sony NEX-5 or similar, but an entry level DSLR may be just as or even more suitable depending on lots of factors.

For what it's worth, my first camera was a Nikon D90 with 18-105 lens and I still think it's a pretty solid option.

Mark L
25-06-2013, 9:04pm
The free course is here ...... http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Indexes:New_To_Photography_Book
The ongoing eduction can also be found by participating here on AP. (as you can see, questions are answered, mmm, sometimes with more questions:))
You then have more money to spend on a camera.:)
As the cousin learns and decides to pursue photography more (or not), then they can decide what course to do later (or have a more expensive camera to sell 2nd hand:)).
They may decide they like a particular area of photography like macro or landscape. They could then choice a course that is more specific. They may have a talent and decide to start a business. Then the money should be spent on a course on how to run a business.:th3:

Are you a photographer Georginaaa? If so, hope to see you around AP. If not, get a camera and start taking photos.:D