View Full Version : confused about software ...

19-06-2013, 9:45am
I know that there are alot of posts about what people use for editing but I just need some clarification if possible.

I have been playing with lightroom and its been doing a great job but I was looking at heading into photoshop, I have played with is before, nothing major just tinkered away.
I started looking into it for a while now but the CC has got me confused, Do i need to have a yearly subscription?

On another note what are some recommendations for editing programmes? Im looking for something other then what comes with my camera. I am using a new iMac.


19-06-2013, 9:52am
Tastris I'm with you Adobe's CC is very confusing and seems expensive for the amateur photographer.. Will be interested in what others have to say here..

19-06-2013, 10:33am
There is always the option of Photoshop Elements, a "cut down" version of Photoshop, but still a very powerful tool.

Most photographers probably never go anywhere near using anything but a very small portion of the power of Photoshop

19-06-2013, 12:18pm
Thanks Mark, i might give elements a go and see how that goes.
Thanks so much.

19-06-2013, 4:10pm
I have been playing with lightroom and its been doing a great job but I was looking at heading into photoshop, I have played with is before, nothing major just tinkered away.
Ok, are you really SURE you need to move on from Lightroom? Why do you think that is necessary?

Yes, Photoshop Elements is the logical move, but only IF you really need it! I have both, and hardly ever touch Elements. Now that I have LR5 I expect that will continue to be the case, only more so. Things like multiple exposure blending or selective colour, in fact anything that requires work on multiple layers for a combined effect, then you will need PSE. Otherwise, stick with LR and explore its full potential rather than just "playing with" it.

Either way, forget CC in my opinion. There is simply no way to justify the expense when you'll only use a fraction of the services on offer. It's fine for those who have the need but that is a relatively small fraction of the photography community IMHO.:confused013

19-06-2013, 5:34pm
Well we always hear about Adobe LR & PS, but does any one use Corel PaintShop Pro & what are your thoughts about their software. It is a cheaper product and the company I used to work for used it all the time and the main person who did all the photography & graphics said it Adobe wasn't worth the extra expense & corel could do just as good a job.

Interested in others thoughts.

19-06-2013, 7:06pm
I'd hold off with Adobe CC for now. They are supposed to be introducing a special combination for photographers (that I assume will include Lightroom and Photoshop). Unless you stand to benefit from the other apps (I do because I use indesign, photoshop, acrobat pro etc), its not cost effective for you to buy it for only lightroom and photoshop.

If you wanted to go for it now, I'd recommend purchasing Lightroom outright and then taking the CC for just one application which would cost $20/month.

21-06-2013, 8:55pm
Mongo thinks the whole business is an outrage !!!

21-06-2013, 9:08pm
I reckon Corel should jump ship and go to the Linix, Ubuntu, or Mint side then some of the other software companies might see that when everyones drops M$ that M$ is a joke.

21-06-2013, 10:02pm
I'm sure there will be many parties coming to the fore if adobe keeps this CC going as is. Corel for one, Oneon maybe, and I'd be surprised if google (who bought nik 12 months ago) would let the opportunity slip.

Anyway, I started using Photoshop Elements first, then a student edition of CS5 with youngest sons student ID.

I eventually started using LR and now do most of my pp using it, but still use PS on a small number of shots.

If you want Elements then the download in AUD is as good as any with our dollar where it now is.

If you want CS6 it is still available to purchase on disk, as both the full version and student version, from Amazon. They will not ship to Aus directly but you could use a re-shipper like hopshopgo. I think they charged about $20 when I purchased CS6.

28-06-2013, 5:47am
Likewise I use lightroom for most my work. Stick with it and learn it. You will not regret the use of it. Great for cataloguing your photo collection and really good for quick fast edits in batches. Learn to utilise the presets and add more presets to your application. I rarely use photoshop but turn to it now and then for more intricate work.

28-06-2013, 8:11am
I reckon Corel should jump ship and go to the Linix, Ubuntu, or Mint side then some of the other software companies might see that when everyones drops M$ that M$ is a joke.

You mean like Aftershot Pro ? http://www.corel.com/corel/product/index.jsp?pid=prod4670071&cid=catalog20038&segid=6000006&storeKey=us&languageCode=en

28-06-2013, 9:20am
I have got CorelDRAW Graphics suit 4 & have just purchased Lightroom 4. I have got Corel loaded but it has been playing up a bit for some reason and haven't got round to doing a reinstall yet as i am now going to look at doing a clean install and re arranging my system which I did do awhile ago but started setting things up for photography with proper filing but as time goes by well yeh.

My main thoughts for raising the Corel point is that you never hear anyone talking about, it whether that's because it's not in the ball park (no good) or because Adobe is all that is talked about I'm not sure but if anyone is using it, it would be nice to hear any feed back regarding it's viability as a product. As you would have noticed I only have a couple of shots posted,

1. I haven't sat down with the locked in attitude of having a proper try at it because when I do It's later at night and to hard then.
2. The monitors I have are quite old and really need calibrating and don't have equip. to do that but good opportunity to get Kym & his Wife over for a coffee & well overdue get together, (:shh:) who has.

So if Corel is a good package it would be nice to hear some feed back so that others could have another possibility added to their options I have any preferences either way. I have fumbled my way around this IT stuff with a modicum of success but as my son would say "Here Dad just let me do it":lol: hence another reason I suppose I haven't put in a bit more effort. :rolleyes: .

So hopefully I have stirred a few interesting responses and raised a more positive option toward Corel if it is a good option.

And can you have to many software programs then causing conflicts with in ones system.

So more food for thought and interesting feed back I hope that might be of help to others and little old me oops enough of the old. :lol:

PS Speaking of Lightroom just picked up a Mag. which gives a technique for processing Photos to B & W " Australian Photography + Digital hence partly the reason for stepping out and buying LR. Got that for $88's locally cheaper than any other outlet I had looked at. So I will be keeping them in mind for sure.

28-06-2013, 9:31am
While we are talking about software alternatives, has anyone tried Rawtherapee? I am playing around with it at the moment. Also, I have to throw Gimp in the ring as yet another alternative that I use all the time.

28-06-2013, 9:40am
lightroom 5, cs6..... now lightroom 5 has included the spot healing tool which is very similar to CS6 and the radial filter, i find myself doing more and more with just LR5. don't get me wrong i started out using Gimp... but the power of Photoshop and lightroom really does leave it in the shade.

28-06-2013, 9:44am
It keeps changing all the time. Gimp has a great spot healing tool as well. :)

28-06-2013, 12:45pm
There are plenty of editing programs out there, but it really depends on how much pp / manipulation you want to do. The various bit of software that ship with Canon cameras are pretty good.

28-06-2013, 5:46pm
What would be the best recommendation for software to start using layers, panorama & photo merging? Mainly want to try my hand at these tools with landscapes.

Using LR4 for management and PP at the moment and think it is excellent. Would only be using a second program occasionally so free would be good for now:D

28-06-2013, 6:51pm
What would be the best recommendation for software to start using layers, panorama & photo merging? Mainly want to try my hand at these tools with landscapes.

Using LR4 for management and PP at the moment and think it is excellent. Would only be using a second program occasionally so free would be good for now:D

No question ... go for Photoshop Elements. It's cheap and has all the power you need for photography, including layers, blending, etc. What's more it can be called from within LR4 for specific editing and then you can shift back to LR for the finishing touches. No brainer, O45. :th3:

- - - Updated - - -

Oops, missed the bit about "free". That means GIMP, which has all the power you want BUT it does come with a pretty steep learning curve for some operations.:o

28-06-2013, 7:08pm
No question ... go for Photoshop Elements. It's cheap and has all the power you need for photography, including layers, blending, etc. What's more it can be called from within LR4 for specific editing and then you can shift back to LR for the finishing touches. No brainer, O45. :th3:

- - - Updated - - -

Oops, missed the bit about "free". That means GIMP, which has all the power you want BUT it does come with a pretty steep learning curve for some operations.:o

But it does do layers, stacking, and all that stuff. I think part of the learning curve difficulty is if you are coming from other software. If Gimp is the first you experience, I don't see it as any harder than most other pieces of software I have come across. I could name worse ... :)

28-06-2013, 9:44pm
But it does do layers, stacking, and all that stuff. I think part of the learning curve difficulty is if you are coming from other software. If Gimp is the first you experience, I don't see it as any harder than most other pieces of software I have come across. I could name worse ... :)

Yes, it most certainly does layers AND layer masks and the latest version even does content-aware fill (although not to the standard of CS6). If you start with LR4 and try to take on GIMP, it's a culture shock. If you start with GIMP and use the tutorials to get right inside it then it will come more easily. Only problem is GIMP doesn't do RAW editing. You have to use Ufraw or DCraw or Raw Therapee or ... can't remember the name of the BEST free raw converter that's GIMP-compatible, but I'll dig it up if you're really interested. GIMP also doesn't do 16-bit editing ... yet. You have to be content with 8-bit colour depth. Otherwise it's brilliant and there are a host of add-on tools for photographic processing.

I started with GIMP, and still have it on my iMac along with PSE9 and LR5. I resort to it when I can't find what I want in PSE or LR ... pretty rare but who cares if it's free?

29-06-2013, 7:07am
Yes, it most certainly does layers AND layer masks and the latest version even does content-aware fill (although not to the standard of CS6). If you start with LR4 and try to take on GIMP, it's a culture shock. If you start with GIMP and use the tutorials to get right inside it then it will come more easily. Only problem is GIMP doesn't do RAW editing. You have to use Ufraw or DCraw or Raw Therapee or ... can't remember the name of the BEST free raw converter that's GIMP-compatible, but I'll dig it up if you're really interested. GIMP also doesn't do 16-bit editing ... yet. You have to be content with 8-bit colour depth. Otherwise it's brilliant and there are a host of add-on tools for photographic processing.

I started with GIMP, and still have it on my iMac along with PSE9 and LR5. I resort to it when I can't find what I want in PSE or LR ... pretty rare but who cares if it's free?

I currently have UFRaw for when I want to open a RAW file directly in Gimp, but I find Rawtherapee is such an outstanding program in it's latest incarnations (I just compiled yesterday) that I am using it more and more, and Gimp is becoming the just editor for preparing for web publishing and stuff like that.

Gimp is only a few versions away from using GEGL (scheduled for v3). Then it will be full 32bit floating like Rawtherapee, bypassing 16 bit altogether. As for add-on tools - the G'mic under Gimp is one I use all the time and think is very well done. With that and FX-Foundry, you have more options than you could wish for. I have not yet needed to even think of writing my own script - but it's nice to know that fallback is there too.

Maybe that will whet the OP's appetite for giving it a go :)

30-06-2013, 12:57pm
Thankyou both. I am a student so have found somewhere selling CS6 for about $180 which looks like an excellent option. Sleeping on the couch when (or if:D) the minister of finance finds out many not be so good though. Worth it?

30-06-2013, 3:19pm
Thankyou both. I am a student so have found somewhere selling CS6 for about $180 which looks like an excellent option. Sleeping on the couch when (or if:D) the minister of finance finds out many not be so good though. Worth it?

At student rates, the combination of Photoshop Elements and Lightroom should cost about the same amount or less, shouldn't it? There will be a heap of stuff in CS6 that you probably won't use, but it's your call.

03-10-2013, 1:30pm
Gimp is quite a powerful tool, but when you try and search for instructions on how to do something the information isn't as readily available as photoshop
Maybe you aren't looking in the right places, Endo? There are a myriad of online tutorials for GIMP and there is also an online, searchable manual that can be downloaded if you'd prefer. Just saying. :confused013

03-10-2013, 2:44pm
I have to agree. I have always been able to find out easily how to do things in Gimp. The more people that refuse to pay ridiculous sums of money to greedy companys, the faster the available info grows too.

03-10-2013, 3:42pm
For those using MAC's have a look at Pixelmator. Cheap, has almost the same functionality of PS, cheap, buttons / icons / etc very similar to PS, cheap and if you have used PS or PSE in the past it has a very familiar layout and the swap over was smooth. Did I mention it is cheap?

Only downside is it still has a few bugs and crashes occasionally, but the latest release seems to have improved a lot of this.

03-10-2013, 4:41pm
For those using MAC's have a look at Pixelmator.
... or GIMP for Mac, which I have alongside my PSE and Lightroom 5. ;) I go back to GIMP when I want to do something and can't work out how in either LR or PSE. Go figure. :confused013

03-10-2013, 5:05pm
Well we always hear about Adobe LR & PS, but does any one use Corel PaintShop Pro & what are your thoughts about their software. It is a cheaper product and the company I used to work for used it all the time and the main person who did all the photography & graphics said it Adobe wasn't worth the extra expense & corel could do just as good a job.

Interested in others thoughts.

I have used Paintshop Pro for years mainly for general graphics work and web sites. I think it lost its way a bit when Corel bought it and released the X series in that those releases seemed to be a compromise on both the straight graphics design and photo processing (which wasn't a strong feature in early releases). When I moved to an iMac, I lost the ability to run Paintshop so I have installed Corel Aftershot but haven't really had the time to fully evaluate it. I find that Nikon View NX2 is more than sufficient at the moment for my requirements given my fairly basic camera skills but as time goes on and my camera skills (hopefully) improve I will do more work with Aftershot rather then the Adobe products based on both cost and familiarity.

03-10-2013, 6:04pm
I have used Paintshop Pro for years mainly for general graphics work and web sites. I think it lost its way a bit when Corel bought it and released the X series in that those releases seemed to be a compromise on both the straight graphics design and photo processing (which wasn't a strong feature in early releases). When I moved to an iMac, I lost the ability to run Paintshop so I have installed Corel Aftershot but haven't really had the time to fully evaluate it. I find that Nikon View NX2 is more than sufficient at the moment for my requirements given my fairly basic camera skills but as time goes on and my camera skills (hopefully) improve I will do more work with Aftershot rather then the Adobe products based on both cost and familiarity.

I would agree. I learned to process photo using paint shop pro many years ago. I swapped to photoshop and Photoshop CS (1). From memory I was using PSP v4 or V5 at the time. I swapped purely cause Photoshop was the 'industry standard'. I found it a bit of a learning curve and that some of the features in photoshop were more convoluted to get to the same result as Paint Shop Pro methodology offered. I then just used photoshop more and more cause I had paid for it and thus my reasoning was that it cost to much to not use it, and I have not used Paint Shop Pro for years now.

But I would be more than happy to recommend it to anyone, as it is a good bit of software. Though I think the releasing of photoshop elements bit into their price market a fair bit.

04-10-2013, 8:47am
+1 for Wetpixels recommendations using Gimp - Ufraw - RawTherapee free software.
True, starting off from scratch initial experience with these can seem daunting.
Without question PS is 'the' industry standard. Free software mentioned here seems at odds with what we
feel/imagined is needed. If you have the time and sometimes more than a dash of patience in the initial process
this software can meet 95% of most amateur togs needs without $$$ cost.

04-10-2013, 11:36am
I reckon Corel should jump ship and go to the Linix, Ubuntu, or Mint side then some of the other software companies might see that when everyones drops M$ that M$ is a joke.

Unfortunately, for me at least, Linux photography software just isn't up to scratch.

I have a separate Windows machine that I use almost only for Photography, Lightroom 4 in particular.

Corel AfterShotPro (previously BibblePro) runs on Windows and Linux.
I used Bibble for a while but kept getting frustrated with the interface but it's actually quite a good product.
Unfortunately for it (and me) Lightroom 4 just works so much better I'm willing to continue to maintain a separate machine for photos.


- - - Updated - - -

What would be the best recommendation for software to start using layers, panorama & photo merging? Mainly want to try my hand at these tools with landscapes.

Using LR4 for management and PP at the moment and think it is excellent. Would only be using a second program occasionally so free would be good for now:D

I use LR4 and Photoshop Elements.
The only thing I use Elements for is stiching panoramas, LR4 does everything else I need.
I also use the TPG-Elemental LR plugin to provide callout to Elements from LR similar to the LR callout to Photoshop. It's a bit clunky but, since I use it so little, I can live with it.

I don't want to pay for Photoshop when I'll use so little of it's function, plain and simple.


- - - Updated - - -

While we are talking about software alternatives, has anyone tried Rawtherapee? I am playing around with it at the moment. Also, I have to throw Gimp in the ring as yet another alternative that I use all the time.

I often check how Rawtherapee is going since it is available on Linux.
It looked quite promising in the beginning but, IMHO, has failed to progress and in particular has failed to fix some annoying problems.

The noise handling is very poor and I don't really want to have to save as a JPEG and then process using NeatImage and end up with a RAW and a JPEG when the LR4 noise handling is so good.

My point here is that loading an image into Rawtherapee I can "see" the noise straight away wheras in LR I need to zoom in to see it.
That's not good to start and then the reduction itself is poor.

I've found the interface hard work out too and some of the adjustments appear to add stuff that just isn't there, like the white haze you might see in low contrast images.

Maybe I'm just fussy and in many ways the product is quite good, I've just focused on the reasons I chose not to use it.

AfterShotPro is better than Rawtherappe, IMHO, but won't use that either, ;)


- - - Updated - - -

I currently have UFRaw for when I want to open a RAW file directly in Gimp, but I find Rawtherapee is such an outstanding program in it's latest incarnations (I just compiled yesterday) that I am using it more and more, and Gimp is becoming the just editor for preparing for web publishing and stuff like that.

Please don't get me wrong, what I say is just my personal opinion, nothing more.

I check out ufraw from time to time as well and I have to say my experience with it has been terrible but if that wasn't the case there is the lens correction limitation.
There aren't enough lenses in the database and the things that are corrected are limited and performing even a simple lens calibration is a big pain when all the lenses I have are already present in LR4.

The lens correction limitation isn't restricted to ufraw either, it's also a problem with AfterShotPro and is one of the reasons I'm not willing to work harder to learn how to use it (but maybe the frustration I've experienced in the past would drive me away anyway).


04-10-2013, 1:03pm
My point here is that loading an image into Rawtherapee I can "see" the noise straight away wheras in LR I need to zoom in to see it.
That's not good to start and then the reduction itself is poor.

That's odd, as you can only see the real noise when zoomed 1:1 (or in the 1:1 zoom window), sort of how you describe LR to work also. None of the sharpening, noise reduction, and a bunch of other stuff is applied until you view it at 1:1, or until you export it.

04-10-2013, 6:51pm
That's odd, as you can only see the real noise when zoomed 1:1 (or in the 1:1 zoom window), sort of how you describe LR to work also. None of the sharpening, noise reduction, and a bunch of other stuff is applied until you view it at 1:1, or until you export it.

Yeah, I just had a look at v4 and it does actually seem better so I may have to take that back, at least partly.
What I was implying is that the RAW conversion isn't as good as I'd like it to be.

I end up using high ISO a lot and that's why I'm sooo noise sensitive.
The visible noise on conversion doesn't happen often and when it does it's usually seen in things that are black.
The noise handling in the current version does seem better than it was last time I looked.

Also, I hadn't noticed that Rawtherapee can use LCP lens profiles which is pretty cool.


04-10-2013, 6:59pm
just a thought but did you know Photoshop is the worlds most pirated software as is lightroom and any other adobe program.......... just thought id let you know
i personally use LR5 and Photoshop CC ;)

04-10-2013, 8:12pm
just a thought but did you know Photoshop is the worlds most pirated software as is lightroom and any other adobe program.......... just thought id let you know
i personally use LR5 and Photoshop CC ;)

Be careful where this thread heads. Discussion about pirating software is not allowed on AP. Refer to the site rules - rule 17

04-10-2013, 9:30pm
sorry rick , i was not condoning pirating the software i was merely stating a fact that i thought other members might find of some interest. once again i apologizes

05-10-2013, 5:45am
sorry rick , i was not condoning pirating the software i was merely stating a fact that i thought other members might find of some interest. once again i apologizes

all good, just posted to make sure the thread did not head in a direction that meant we would have to ban people. We can talk about piracy in general and issues around piracy, but I just wanted to make sure that your post did not turn the thread into a discussion of where/how etc

05-10-2013, 7:40am
Within the context of the site rules - rule 17 we do need to recognise that software © infringement is rife.
NB: Piracy is what greenpeace have been charged with in Russia, © infringement is the actual offence we are dealing with.

I will start a thread on the subject -- which will be moderated -- to discuss the impact of © infringement on photography.

12-10-2013, 1:56pm
I joined a local group, and a lot of its members are singing the praises of ACDSee, i used it years ago and thought i would check it out, it is a big improvement over its earlier versions, i have it on my PC but mainly use PS (creature of habit i guess), but i would say ACDSee is worth looking at if your looking for budget software.:)

12-10-2013, 6:44pm
I joined a local group, and a lot of its members are singing the praises of ACDSee, i used it years ago and thought i would check it out, it is a big improvement over its earlier versions, i have it on my PC but mainly use PS (creature of habit i guess), but i would say ACDSee is worth looking at if your looking for budget software.:)

At the start of the year I made usd of the trial periods for LR5 and ACDSee. Some features about both I liked and some I didn't. In the end it was price that got me. On sale ACDSee was a third the price that I could get LR5. I haven't regretted that decision.