View Full Version : Buying Nikon D7100 from DigitalRev

18-06-2013, 12:50pm
I'm looking at upgrading my D90 to the D7100 and DigitalRev seems to have the best price, but I know they are grey importers. Can anyone comment if their after sales service is any good in case I have a problem with the camera body?

Also I've read cases where grey importers try to substitute items with used/refurbished ones, but seeing Rick is very stringent in who is allowed to advertise here on AP, so I'm comforted I'm not going to be ripped off.


18-06-2013, 12:57pm
I think there has been enough adverse publicity about selling used gear as new on recent months that any of the HK grey marketers doing it now, would find their business being hugely impacted by the repercussions of doing so.

Have you looked at DWI and Eglobal as well, both have good reputations and are also out of HK.

As for after sales service, some require you to send the item back to HK, whilst others have a 'preferred repairer' here in Aus and just ask you to send it to them.

18-06-2013, 1:43pm
I actually bought my D90 from DWI. The box came really battered and opened, so I'm a bit cautious. Not to say they are bad.

18-06-2013, 3:19pm
I can recommend MyCameraFocus, a "local" grey importer meaning not necessarily Australian manufacturers warranty but you do have statutory warranty under ACL. A quick google shows plenty of good feedback. I just dropped $3k on a lens with them, hopefully arriving in the next few days..

Send John an email asking for a price match and you might be surprised!

18-06-2013, 3:31pm
When I switched systems I contacted John from Mycamerafocus and emailed him numerous times concerning warranty, delivery, payment, customs duty etc etc and he was very quick with his responses. The delivery of the gear was also very quick and I have been very happy with his after sales service. He may not be the absolute cheapest grey importer - but you know you are dealing with a fellow photographer who knows his gear and you get a very personalised service from him. Couldn't recommend him more!

18-06-2013, 5:07pm
I have ordered lenses, filters and memory cards on different occasions from DigitalRev and always been very satisfied with the product/packaging/shipping. I have never had an issue, so haven't had to try out their after sales service as such..

18-06-2013, 8:34pm
Have used DigitalRev and EGlobal with no complaints. Purchased a lens from eglobal the other week only to find it was out of stock. Cancelled order and money was refunded some days later. So far so good...cheers Brian

18-06-2013, 9:05pm
I bought my 14-24 Nikon from Digital Rev and was reasonably happy with the service , they were slow to communicate shipping problems and what I was originally told would be shipped in 3 days took 12 days , I think it was a supply problem for them but they should have been straight with me instead of the bullshit . I understand when stuff is out of stock , just tell it as it as ...

19-06-2013, 8:16am
I recently purchased a D7100. Ended up getting it from a Sydney store as by the time I added in postage it wasn't much dearer than the grey import and I also have the Aussie warranty - extended once I registered the camera with Nikon.

19-06-2013, 12:21pm
Thanks for all your replies, guys! :th3:

I've placed an order with John from MyCameraFocus, and he graciously pricematched DigitalRev's price for me. He says he'll personally deliver the D7100 to me, hopefully by Friday afternoon :)

20-06-2013, 6:45pm
Related to this discussion I think


I think digitalrev resolved it ASAP though

21-06-2013, 12:19pm
Related to this discussion I think
I think digitalrev resolved it ASAP though

Yes, see: http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies.cfm?t=1953480&p=3#r55

27-06-2013, 4:50pm
John, the owner of My Camera Focus, delivered my D7100 last Friday but it came with a Korean manual. He apologised and said he'll get me the English version, but I wasn't too worried about it because I've already downloaded the English version on my iPad so I wasn't expecting him to send the English user manual to me.

True to his word, he dropped by my office and gave me the printed English version!!! :eek::th3::th3: