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13-06-2013, 12:52pm
..... Kodak

..... Koffin

..... coffin!

Kodak will longer to make it's own film bases (http://rochesterhomepage.net/fulltext?nxd_id=394722)

We knew it was going to happen.

While this doesn't actually mean that Kodak is no longer making film at all, this news is just an inevitable consequence of falling demand.
Kodak can't viably produce it's own film base in an economically viable manner, and so will end up buying it in.

And so it goes that at some point in the foreseeable future Kodak will eventually stop producing photographic film altogether. The question is when!

13-06-2013, 1:47pm
I shall go about with downcast eyes and a sombre face at these infelicitous tidings, AK.

I wonder if a pandemic of amnesia wold help? What if we all forgot about digital cameras?

Mark L
13-06-2013, 9:16pm
...... What if we all forgot about digital cameras?

Then AP wouldn't exist!

13-06-2013, 11:15pm
Then AP wouldn't exist!

Well .... it would, but in a much reduced form(ie. thread/post count).

(Am)I don't believe that the loss of film(to the world) is such a bad thing(idea) personally.

Whilst digitally producing images may not be the most environmentally friendly process, it is much more environmentally sustainable than the production of and consumption of film based photography!

I believe that in the short term(say 5 .. 10??? .... or so years) Kodak will cease to produce film completely, even for the cinema industry(which accounts for over 90% of their film sales).
Fuji had stopped production of cinema films about a year ago(from memory).
And I'm not sure that any manufacturers even manufacture film based movie cameras any longer either?(not 100% sure, but I think Panavision may have been the last and they stopped making film based movie cameras a while back too).

14-06-2013, 2:02am
To a klutz' like me, the benefits of digital are obvious. I'm not sure that film will ever die. However, I can see it becoming a niche market that will appeal to the uber wealthy and trendsetters. As the means of purchasing film and then getting it processed becomes more difficult, perhaps the use of film will become the realm of artisans?????? cheers Deb

14-06-2013, 7:39pm
I don't think the question of whether film will die is actually in doubt!

Of course it will ... eventually, just like most 1000year old inventions .. it has to eventually die out.
It may not in our lifetime, but that's only because most people that invest in it do so more because of some sort of emotional response with it rather than subjective reasoning.
So the only question regarding photographic film is when will it finally disappear ... 5 years, 10? 100? 1000? .... only time will tell.

18-06-2013, 10:25am
Film won't die, but is is not mainstream either.

With the advent of 4K movies (4,096 × 2,304 pixels) the volume commercial need for film is dead.

There are needs in niche areas such as medicine, but even there digital is taking over big time.

Film is fun, interesting and niche.
Digital is now and gives easy access to the masses for sharing their imaging needs.

In the end the film v digital debate is moot, it is all about supply and demand.
The lack of demand for film means there is no need for volume supply.

A bit like buggy whips.

Steve Axford
19-06-2013, 8:31am
".. debate is moot"???
I think film will die as those who learnt on film die. There are not enough new users to justify the production costs, which are not trivial. If it was cheap for a single user, then maybe it would have a chance, but it's not.

19-06-2013, 9:31am
We are not recording sound on wax rolls (or even on vinyl or tapes) any longer.... so why would anyone wish to use film for photography?

21-06-2013, 12:17pm
We are not recording sound on wax rolls (or even on vinyl or tapes) any longer.... so why would anyone wish to use film for photography?

Why do people restore model T fords? For fun!!
Film has a different imaging quality, but as said before its now niche.

21-06-2013, 2:42pm
We are not recording sound on wax rolls (or even on vinyl or tapes) any longer.... so why would anyone wish to use film for photography?Hmmm...why would anyone wish to use a room full of radio equipment for communication when there are much simpler, more portable options available these days? :)

(You can still buy music on vinyl btw...)
