View Full Version : Voigtlander lens from '56 onto digital back?

09-06-2013, 6:52pm
I have an Ultron 1:2/50 and a Skoparon 1:3.5/35 originally form a Prominent '56 model. Is there any way to mount these onto a current Canon that anyone knows about? If so would it be worth doing even if possible?

09-06-2013, 8:10pm
There doesn't appear to be any adapter for Prominent to Canon EF, possibly because of lens register differences, but I'm not sure.

There are adapters for Prominent to M39 range finder, http://www.ebay.com.au/sch/i.html?_sacat=0&_from=R40&_nkw=prominent+adapter&LH_PrefLoc=2&_arm=1&_armm=63&_ruu=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com.au%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_sacat%3D0%26_from%3DR40%26_nkw%3Dprominent%2Badapter%26_arr%3D1, not that that is any good to you.

10-06-2013, 6:33am
eek! :eek: those adapters are horrendously priced tho.

Once the Prominent to LTM 39 adapter is fitted, you should be able to then mount the LTM39 adapter onto an M39 to EF adapter without too much problem. The minimal added expense is nothing ($5-20) compared to the prices of those Prominent to M39 adapter.

10-06-2013, 7:25am
eek! :eek: those adapters are horrendously priced tho.

Once the Prominent to LTM 39 adapter is fitted, you should be able to then mount the LTM39 adapter onto an M39 to EF adapter without too much problem. The minimal added expense is nothing ($5-20) compared to the prices of those Prominent to M39 adapter.

M39 (LTM) is a much shorter flange distance of around 28mm whilst Canon EF is 44mm, so putting the M39 adapted lens on an EF body won't get infinity focus. You may also need to use it with the mirror up, ie in Live View only, if bits protrude into the camera.

Flange focal distance:

10-06-2013, 1:52pm
Yeah, but do we know the register distance of the Voigtlander in question.

I can't find any info on it(maybe you'll have more luck) but from what little I did find out the register distance is longer than the Leica is anyhow.

As a compact range finder system I doubt it'll be equal too, or longer than the EF mount, so either way, infinity focus was never going to be guaranteed anyhow.

While there's always the possibility that the rear of the lens could get in the way mirror with the use of a M39-> EF adapter the design of the adapter SHOULD ensure that all mechanicals will be catered for.
Of course this should be checked for as carefully as possible, but having seen the lens in question(there's one on ebay for sale with a Nikon S adapter) it looks as tho the Prominent to M39 adapter takes care of most of the rear lens protrusion anyhow.

The other question is whether this is a worthwhile pursuit .. considering the cost of the adapters!
Note tho that those adapters are also focusing helicoids too(hence the inflated cost).

So to answer part of the question ... No!(not when you take the cost of the adapter into account).

10-06-2013, 6:12pm
Thanks gentlemen, the "maybe possible" status with the cost seems to point towards going for a more up to date piece of glass or some filters perhaps.