View Full Version : Dropped lens

04-06-2013, 7:10am
I dropped my Tamron lens on Saturday. It didn't break the glass but the apature blades are a mess. Given the lens cost about $400 is it worth repairing or do I just chuck it out?

04-06-2013, 8:18am
depends of what the quote would be to repair..find that out and then decide

04-06-2013, 9:06am
Presumably, you wailed miserably and at some length over this mishap? I certainly would have.
Anyway, if you can afford another, you could them try a repair yourself. If unsuccessful, well...
I did the same on a couple of 35mm rangefinder cameras once, and with success.
(Of course, good eyesight helps.)

04-07-2013, 8:41pm
If you value your gear, get it insured.

Get a quote. I dropped one of my (expensive) lenses recently and was pleased the quote and repair was only $170. Though mine was just a internal mount and small electrical component.