View Full Version : Flickr alternatives

02-06-2013, 10:49pm
I'm not exactly loving the recent Flickr makeover.
Any recommendations for linking photos to this site etc?

02-06-2013, 11:36pm
A lot of people are swearing by 500px, especially since it will also let you give you a web gallery option for public display. Personally, I'm hanging out a bit longer to see how things shake out at flickr. At the moment the choices are just way too limited, but changing has its own problems (what about all of the images I already have uploaded? If I kill my account, images I've linked to here will no longer appear - maybe that's a good thing?):confused013

03-06-2013, 12:45am
A lot of people are swearing by 500px, especially since it will also let you give you a web gallery option for public display

500px have recently upgraded their portfolios and they have made a real mess of it. Images display at 1200 wide and larger, but all uploaded shots are resized to 900 wide and then resized again to the larger size, resulting in poor image quality. I'm in the process of switching over to squarespace for my portfolio.

Check my sig for an example of a 500px portfolio.

03-06-2013, 5:04am
photobucket?. or if you just use it as a file repository. . dropbox.

03-06-2013, 8:04am

A while back I was using photobucket as a host for some images I posted here but the colours weren't matching up with my local files or the ones I posted to flickr so I stopped using it. I've heard of a few other people having the same problem.

03-06-2013, 2:18pm
A while back I was using photobucket as a host for some images I posted here but the colours weren't matching up with my local files or the ones I posted to flickr so I stopped using it. I've heard of a few other people having the same problem.

I had a similar issue but it was because I was saving images as adobe colour profile instead of sRGB which wouldn't display correctly in browsers. I would guess you are probably very familiar with that though already based on your editing skills.

Duane Pipe
03-06-2013, 2:52pm
I am finding it hard to navigate in photo bucket its actually giving me the irret's. I might give dropbox ago:th3:

03-06-2013, 4:38pm
I came across this site ipernity (http://www.ipernity.com/) recently on a blog post (Junk for Code (http://www.sauer-thompson.com/junkforcode/archives/2013/05/after-flickr.html)), but don't know much about it (although it looks somewhat familiar :)).

I have a couple of Flickr accounts, one of which I'd recently renewed/paid. The other is a lapsed pro account which I was about to renew to overcome the file restrictions but I don't think I need to do that now. I'll probably stick with Flickr for the time being...


03-06-2013, 4:45pm
Another vote here for 500px.

A don't mind some aspects of the new flickr layout, but seems to be quite slow at times with the page of thumbnails. But also obfuscates some features like viewing a users profile (I still haven't worked this out - gave up).

03-06-2013, 5:37pm
I am not happy with the new Flickr lay out and some options load terribly slow. Have looked at other sites but haven't found the right alternative for Flickr yet. I keep my hopes up that they'll let the user choose between various start page options (like with a tad more white around the images and less crowded). There was such an option in the past and with all the complaints they have had on their help forum I hope they listen to the customer. I have a pro account until mid 2014 and plan to renew if they offer some more options. Deleting the account....??? Not really an option with the number of linked photos I have on the www.

04-06-2013, 10:39am
cheers everyone. I do have a 500px account but I neglected it because it didn't provide links for embedding.
It looks like they've recently changed that. There's also a button that allows you to transfer everything from flickr.
It's not a big deal but my family know that I'm still alive if photos are being posted on flickr but lately it's too difficult to navigate and the account needs renewing in a couple of weeks.

04-06-2013, 11:07am
I have found that the simplest way for me to do it, is via Ubuntu One. This is a free 5GB of storage synchronised with a local folder on my hard drive. I just copy a photo to this local folder, right click on it to "publish" it, then right click again to copy the randomly named link to the published photo. When you want to show it to people here, just add an image to your message by pasting the copied url link into the popup dialog.

04-06-2013, 12:25pm
i use a smugmug account..cost $60 per year for a power account..does most that I need....the max photo file size is 50mb..so could affect some..I notice that the flicker account allows 200mb for a single image ....

theres also Zenfolio..again a paid account...but for me Id rather pay something and have no adds..or spam...and better control

I have a free flicker account also..but haven't used it for ages

17-06-2013, 7:09pm
Been trying to work with the new Flickr layout but there is one thing that is really getting up my nose now... With the old Flickr, when you logged out it also asked if you wanted to log out of the Yahoo network. Didn't think about it when the new Flickr came along, but while on the Yahoo website the other day I noticed I was logged in and took me a while to work out why. So now when you log out of Flickr you also have to go to Yahoo and log out there too.

I am a bit paranoid about these things and don't like being logged into sites with knowing it. Unless someone knows a work around for this.

17-06-2013, 8:29pm
never had any issues with my smugmug account, costs $40 a year but their support is swift and very good if there are issues