View Full Version : Todays Australian Newspaper

01-06-2013, 10:20am
There is a great read and pic on page 7 of the above...;) ;)

Cheers Rev.

I @ M
01-06-2013, 10:37am
There is a great read and pic on page 7 of the above...;) ;)

Cheers Rev.

Do you have a link?

01-06-2013, 10:46am
Do you have a link?
Sorry Andrew, I have no idea how to do links..
Cheers Rev.

I @ M
01-06-2013, 10:49am
Sorry Andrew, I have no idea how to do links..
Cheers Rev.

Simply copy the url of the web page that you are referring to and paste it into this thread.

01-06-2013, 10:57am
Or at least tell us what "the above" means

01-06-2013, 11:15am
Or at least tell us what "the above" means
The above is the thread.....The Australian Newspaper..
Cheers Rev.

01-06-2013, 11:22am
I meant the topic of interest.

01-06-2013, 11:25am
Libs angle for a catch as fisher fury grows..

Cheers Rev.

I @ M
01-06-2013, 12:00pm
Ta Rev, unfortunately that article is behind a paywall and I can't view it. :(
I am not about to pay to subscribe to an online newspaper or make the 35 klm round trip to buy the printed version so I will have to wait till the ABC put it online.

01-06-2013, 4:37pm
It appears to be an article, somewhat one sided in its reporting, anti marine national parks

perhaps summarised by these 2 pars.

" "There hasn't been consultation or a science-based process," Mr Hunt said. "What could and should have been a very collaborative process has been one that's aimed at the parliamentary Greens. That's my judgment."

Mr Burke said last night that "when Greg Hunt says no science and no consultation, what he really means is that he wants no conservation". "

01-06-2013, 4:43pm
Ta Rev, unfortunately that article is behind a paywall and I can't view it. :(
I am not about to pay to subscribe to an online newspaper or make the 35 klm round trip to buy the printed version so I will have to wait till the ABC put it online.

Me neither. They put enough ads on their 'news' sites. If I was going to pay, I would want news and no ads! The pop-up ads that go over the top of the news article are the worst.

01-06-2013, 5:31pm
It appears to be an article, somewhat one sided in its reporting, anti marine national parks
That was the whole idea...to show the other side rather than Jessica Earwigs GREEN version..I am not against MP, as I was on the 12 person committee that formed up the state gov Capes MP. The Fed one was done with no committee and no local input from the areas where they are going. Some were made up with a stroke of Tony Burkes GREEN pen, and weren't to be questioned. So as you might have gathered , I am a fisherman concerned about conservation, but not when it's done badly.

Cheers Rev.

Mark L
01-06-2013, 6:54pm
Based on some of Tony Burke's decisions in the last 6 months, I'm not sure he's that green.
'spose he's greener than Greg Hunt though.

02-06-2013, 10:32am
Me neither. They put enough ads on their 'news' sites. If I was going to pay, I would want news and no ads! The pop-up ads that go over the top of the news article are the worst.

my sentiments, exactly. when did advertising become a privilege?