View Full Version : great wedding photography idea

31-05-2013, 7:54am
I cannot post the photo here, cause I do not own it. But I saw this recently and it really captured my imagination. A very well planned out and executed wedding photo. It stands out for me cause it is so different to what I have seen. Certainly when people say everything has been done before, perhaps they need to think a bit more broadly and creatively.

To put it simply, I love this. Whilst technically it is not the best photo, it has everything that makes it endearing and wonderful. Click HERE (https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/8680_10152843507880024_2113707353_n.jpg) to see what I am talking about. The photographer is : http://www.jquinnmiller.com/

31-05-2013, 8:01am
So far from anything I expected to see when I clicked on the link. Not sure about it being endearing, but it certainly adds humour to more serious occasion - and I always think that's good.

31-05-2013, 8:05am
I reckon it will be endearing to those involved. As they get older this would be the sort of photo that they look back on with fond memories and a smile, rather than the more formal posed stuff. I know if it was my photo, it would be.

31-05-2013, 8:08am
Yes, you may be right. When a photo brings a smile to your face, it's a good photo.

old dog
31-05-2013, 8:16am
well that is creative. I`m a bit of a dinosaur when it comes to new ideas etc....:D

31-05-2013, 8:53am
Hehe, funny. Certainly a memorable photo for everyone involved. :)

31-05-2013, 9:02am
Certainly doing the rounds on facebook.. saw it more than a few times yesterday...

31-05-2013, 9:20am
Maybe after many, many years they'll have fun and superimpose each other's photo over that of the dinosaurs? :D

31-05-2013, 9:53am
That's a great idea! Love it! :lol:

31-05-2013, 10:35am
I love this Rick! :D

31-05-2013, 10:56am
the forgotten guest make's an appearance I like the creativity ;)

31-05-2013, 11:59am
Always make sure the in-laws are well fed ;)

Jks aside, its very infrequent you see an original wedding shot these days. And this is just a fantastic bit of imagination.

31-05-2013, 7:05pm
kudos to the photographer involved - thinking outside the box. Love it!

01-06-2013, 9:12am
novel idea. Could kinda sum up marriage in some cases - unexpected happenings and really scary

01-06-2013, 10:31am
I saw this one a few days back too.

Not really a huge fan of such photography, but kudos to the photographer for doing something weird like that.

My only reservation about the image, more so the editing style of the photographer ... is you go to all the effort to create a photomanipulation like that .. and they leave in the two bystanders, obviously watching the wedding party running for no reason in a park. Half legs and body poking out from the trees over on the RHS. If you were to go to all that trouble to clone/heal/merge/blend/etc you'd think that cloning out such distractions would come naturally to the image creator.