View Full Version : Request help with how to take a photo.

Mr Felix
30-05-2013, 6:59pm
Not wanting to be biased, but there is a run of Canon adverts and they end with a close up of someone's eye with a reflection of something in it.

Is this a fake picture?

I'm guessing it can be done, but I would like a bit of help how to set up the environment to do it.

30-05-2013, 7:52pm
Mr Felix. Can you post A LINK to the said image?

Mr Felix
30-05-2013, 7:56pm
Alas it is on the television.

So kinda hard to do that.

30-05-2013, 8:03pm
If I could find it...
(Load of garbage that it is!)
So could you.

Unfortunately, I can't help you, because I am not "creative" enough.

Mr Felix
30-05-2013, 8:08pm
Yeah, well, what can I say?

I didn't know the name of the advert.

So: How do I do it?

Is it possible - within reason.

(and it isn't exactly the advert which I saw, but what I want to do is shown)

30-05-2013, 8:33pm
Most close up eye shots with interesting reflections seen in advertising are done on the computer. For all we know the eye itself maybe digital art rather than photography. But if you want to do it, you need to get a great eye shot, then the shot of the reflection image and work with layers and opacity to blend the two images together in your editing software.

Mr Felix
31-05-2013, 7:56am
So there isn't any way to do it "for real" easily?



31-05-2013, 7:59am
Well it is a reflection, after all. But depending on the angle, you might
just get yourself and cam.

Mr Felix
31-05-2013, 8:05am
Yeah, I was playing with reflections last night.

If the eye person AND the reflection are to be in focus I am going to need a HUGE DOF, as the reflection is further away than the person - obviously.

So to get the reflection "lit up" I will need it to be brightly lit, but the rest of things dark. The person's eye/face would need to be slightly lit also.

I would have to take the picture from an angle to no get the camera in the shot.


Not having a guinea pig/victim/subject it is going to be fun trying.


31-05-2013, 8:09am
Get a little further away, and zoom in on eye.

31-05-2013, 8:16am
Cause eyes are spherical, the hard bit about doing it, in camera, will be getting the subject in the right place, with the right light, with the right scene to capture reflected and without superfluous stuff reflecting also, including the photographer and camera. Give it a go, but it will not be that easy. You will find unless you, as the photographer, are off to the side, you will be prominent in any reflection, and even off to the side, you will most likely be visible in the resultant photo.

31-05-2013, 8:22am
Anyway, getting back to it after re-reading your last post above, I have great pleasure in letting you know that it is not the case for huge DOF.
As in a car external mirror that is convex, just focus on the mirror itself, as the image will be pretty much in focus.

The reflection in the eye would be similar.