View Full Version : Nikon 300mm f4 + 20E111 wide open

30-05-2013, 3:15pm
Sorry to hound you all again with more on this remarkable little lens.

Mongo has posted a few tests already but this will be the defining one. If this lens can work this good with a X2 converter at wide open aperture, it deserves a gong !

This is one of many images Mongo took after finally fine tuning the lens with the X2 converter on D800 today in park. This was a reasonably long way off across the river. You judge for yourself if cuts the mustard - Mongo thinks it does and he is happy with it now.

The image has had minimal work and sharpening done on it so it is not PP that accounts for the result. Have included the RAW file which has had nothing done to it except resizing for the web.

D800, nikon 300 f4 with 20E111 converter wide open at f8, Monopod, ISO1400, 1/640th, -0.7EV, camera in 1.2 crop mode


original RAW file below


I @ M
30-05-2013, 3:58pm
But the trees in the background are out of focus and the horizon is crooked ------

Somehow I knew that you knew I was kidding.
In all seriousness, the results are brilliant and fly in the face of all those who say converters degrade images.
Or maybe they are Canon users? :rolleyes:

30-05-2013, 6:50pm
A nice side-by-side comparison which shows the remarkable quality of the lens + converter, notwithstanding the skills and competence of the operator!;)

I do enjoy these “real world” or “in-the field comparisons” so much better than the traditional lens chart shots.:)



30-05-2013, 7:00pm
Good lighting well focused, if they are the true colours no one would know you were using what I've come call a double adaptor.

Are there examples on AP that show photos let down by the use of a x2 converter? (Canon or otherwise ;) )

mmm getting to be just the weather for roast duck. :2tgnew:

Miss Jane
30-05-2013, 7:00pm
Mongo can I ask what you did to fine tune the lens?

Lance B
30-05-2013, 7:10pm
Looks fantastic to me, mongo! Well done! :th3:

30-05-2013, 7:40pm
Thank you all for your feedback and questions Mongo will try and work through them as follows:-

ANDREW, converters work with varying success depending on the converter, the lens it's been put on and the operator. Photographers should not expect this sort of result straight out of the box. It took Mongo quite a bit of experimentation to actually fine tune the lens to this converter and camera body to get these results. It was working very poorly BEFORE the fine tuning. As an example, this converter required -15 adjustment to give this level of sharp focus. Some lenses like the 300 f 2.8 VR and 400 f2.8 VR are just made to give incredible results with this converter. THe 300 f4 Mongo is using is not born to it lie these other lenses but can be trained to give good results if we are prepared to put the effort in.

DENNIS - thanks and true, Mongo likes the real thing to compare if possible over and above a simulation, or graph etc. Glad you appreciate the post and information.

SALTY - not sure if there are examples posted for comparison purposes on AP. You could try a "search". Of course, when members post images and give the details of the equipment used etc, that may indirectly give some idea of how that combination works or fails to work. The variable may be the member's post processing skills though. So, it is always a good idea to post the original unedited image also when doing these tests.

MISS JANE - most modern upper end camera body DSLRs these days have a "fine tune" feature you can use to individually tune the camera's auto focus to each auto focus lens. Mongo thinks the camera body can save about 20
settings. This can be used for 20 different lenses on their own on the camera OR as Mongo has done, each lens has 3 settings stored - one with the lens alone on the camera , another with a X1.4 converter and yet another with a X2 converter. The camera sees these combinations as a different lens and stores the information separately for each. Mongo can assure you that the same lens will have different fine tune adjustments in each case !! You need to read your camera manual under "auto focus fine tune" or something similar. It is accessed through the camera's menu. There are many ways of then doing the exercise to use this feature to set up each lens. Rather than Mongo try to tell you (as it is a little lengthy and may be misunderstood) , can he suggest you google this topic and watch one of the many youtube short videos on the subject. They are very useful.

Lance, thanks - it took some work but it was well worth it.

Miss Jane
30-05-2013, 7:54pm
Thanks Mongo i read a bit about it the other day and i have ordered a lens/camera calibration chart. Just making sure i was on the same track as you. How long would it take to fine tune a lens, 10 mins or longer?

30-05-2013, 8:15pm
Hehe! No wonder the duck is flighty ... it's only just discovered that mongo now has 2X reach!! :p Excellent results with the 2X on mongo. I wouldn't have believed that possible but there's the proof in the pudding (sorry, mongo, are you hungry?). ;)

I haven't yet tuned my 300 f/4, with or without the 1.4X converter. Your results convince me that it is well worth the exercise and I may even put in my order (birthday next month) for a 2X as well! All the little birdies should quiver in fear ... as though it were mongo himself stalking them! :D

30-05-2013, 8:20pm
RE: the reply to MISS JANE : I can confirm such an item is in the manual for my Canon 5D MK II under AF Microajustment.

I see even the use of an extender is taken into account.

I suppose there are some people out there with 20 or more lens, it'll be while before I'm one.

I' a bit miffed that although my Canon x2 extender (EF III) works with my 70-200, my 24-105 won't go on it.

30-05-2013, 8:54pm
looks great to me Mongo..this is one lens Id like to own..its good to see it performs well with TCs....what's the AF like ..do you notice much of a difference with the TC and without

Miss Jane
30-05-2013, 9:06pm
Salty I have a D700 which has the fine tune option. I am not even going to look at it until i get the calibration tool and a lot of time. Really keen to try it on my 80-200 2.8 and I have a 1.4 tc. I'll be happy if it makes some difference.

30-05-2013, 9:24pm
Thanks Mongo i read a bit about it the other day and i have ordered a lens/camera calibration chart. Just making sure i was on the same track as you. How long would it take to fine tune a lens, 10 mins or longer?

it should not take more than about 20 minutes at best. Mongo being Mongo , did and redid the tests many times and tested in between times, so it took a very long time. However, Mongo was just over the top. You should get through each one in the time mentioned earlier. NB - despite the lens chart (which Mongo also used), some real world testing should be also carried out. Mongo is not certain (but pretty darn confident ) that the distance you set the lens up and tune it for is very important . He says this because it may be from his testing that he discovered (and yet to be tested again to confirm) that fine tune with a converter at say, 30 meters, may be a little different than tuning it at say, 45 meters. So, Mongo's advice is think of the most likely ways and distances you are likely to use your lens in that combination and fine tune using that distance. For example, Mongo has set up the 300mm on its own with the camera at a much shorter distance than he did with it and the X2 converter attached. Simple, Mongo just guessed what the outer most distance would be using the lens on its own and used that distance and then did the same exercise for the distance at which he would roughly begin putting the converter on and used that distance to tune it with the converter on.

- - - Updated - - -

looks great to me Mongo..this is one lens Id like to own..its good to see it performs well with TCs....what's the AF like ..do you notice much of a difference with the TC and without

Steve the Af is very quick with the lens alone. When you add a 1.4 converter it is marginally slower. Adding a X2 is a little slower again but relatively speaking, it is still reasonably quick. It helps if you have good light

- - - Updated - - -

Salty I have a D700 which has the fine tune option. I am not even going to look at it until i get the calibration tool and a lot of time. Really keen to try it on my 80-200 2.8 and I have a 1.4 tc. I'll be happy if it makes some difference.

Mongo already has that lens tuned on its own and with a 1.4 and with a X2 converter.

Warren Ackary
30-06-2013, 7:53pm
I like it Mongo.. 2x coverter on a 300mm

How do you find the F4? I tried one in Georges in Sydney, didnt like it personally (guess due to my sports background I like 20.8)

01-07-2013, 3:44pm
I like it Mongo.. 2x coverter on a 300mm

How do you find the F4? I tried one in Georges in Sydney, didnt like it personally (guess due to my sports background I like 20.8)

Mongo is used to a 300 f2.8 also but he certainly loves this f4. Can't really fault it