View Full Version : Fog in our street

28-05-2013, 11:44am
Always wanted to live in the Blue Mountains, and it looked just like that, here, this morning.

http://i830.photobucket.com/albums/zz228/rafikicat/FoginGilbertPlace_zps226b1cd3.jpg (http://s830.photobucket.com/user/rafikicat/media/FoginGilbertPlace_zps226b1cd3.jpg.html)

Mary Anne
28-05-2013, 12:15pm
Looks beautiful to me Toni though it also looks very cold, I seen on the news about the Fog in Sydney.

Mark L
28-05-2013, 5:56pm
Who ever patented those garbage bins is rich. They're everywhere.