View Full Version : Screw-on ND Grads?

25-05-2013, 2:09pm
Ok, so I'm thinking about ND AND ND grad filters...

Google would suggest LEE & Cokin plates at the top of the tree and then working down the price range to cheaper screw on types.

Tiffen do what would appear to be a middle of the road screw-on 0.6 ND Grad, but what's people's thoughts on the screw-on ones?

From my limited knowledge I can see that you will be stuck with the line through the centre if the frame and can't move it up & down, only rotate about the centre...

Any other issues to consider?


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25-05-2013, 2:52pm
Q- From my limited knowledge I can see that you will be stuck with the line through the centre if the frame and can't move it up & down,

Exactly why the better solution is the slide version, as you never know where you want to put the 'horizon' line. I use Cokin P series, and a variety of cheap eBay ones without any problems. The cheap eBay ones are handy if you need to 'modify' the holder to suit an ultra wide angle lens (10mm +\-) You can always upgrade yourself later to a more expensive Lee set, or dive right in at the beginning. Comes down to your budget.

25-05-2013, 3:05pm
I've got one. I've never used it.

25-05-2013, 4:04pm
i have a screw on type but wish i had got the COKIN one
If i were you i would get the COKIN type as i intend to do :)

26-05-2013, 9:34am
Thanks All, looks like I'll give the screw-on's a miss.

Only yesterday I could have done with one, and guess what, I didn't want the horizon in the middle!!!

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Dylan & Marianne
26-05-2013, 9:51am
Don't do the screw on! I was trying to think of exceptions , but struggling to do so lol

27-05-2013, 7:12am
Don't do the screw on! I was trying to think of exceptions , but struggling to do so lol

Thanks Dylan.

Can anyone confirm if the Cokin system will accommodate 82mm Dia filter sizes?

I seem to recall they are only big enough to attach to the front of a 77mm. May need to google when I get to a 'puter. If so, then its gonna have to be a LEE system so it can attach to the 16-35 Mkii.


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31-05-2013, 7:18pm
Jon cokin do have 82mm adapters

04-07-2013, 7:47pm
Glad to see you are getting good advice.

Unless you can think of a specific reason why you would want a screw on ND Grad, which would produce a gradient at a specific area of exposure, don't get one.

If you can possibly afford it, get the LEE filter system. I have them and they are freaking awesome. No colour cast, high quality plastics or glass etc and they will preserve the image quality of your equipment.

I had the Cokin system and could never really get rid of the colour cast and my images were never really sharp with them on. With LEE on board, the images are as sharp with the filters on or off.

04-07-2013, 7:53pm
I've got a really excellent B&W 77mm...optically brilliant but as said before you are stuck with your horizon at mid frame. Shoot wide & crop??.I've also got a set of cheap Cokin knockoffs & for experiments or B&W they are fine.

04-07-2013, 8:55pm
I've got a really excellent B&W 77mm...optically brilliant but as said before you are stuck with your horizon at mid frame. Shoot wide & crop??.I've also got a set of cheap Cokin knockoffs & for experiments or B&W they are fine.

Cokin knockoffs? Someone actually bothers to counterfeit these?

I have heard/read about the B&W's they have a cast as well.

All the casting filters are fine for monochrome which would explain why so many long exposure image are monochrome. Some careful experimentation will almost eliminate the casting altogether.