View Full Version : File saving in the future, PSD of TIFF?

19-05-2013, 12:08am
Now that Adobe has come out with Creative Cloud as the only option to use PS in the future, I am starting to wonder if I should start saving my new files as unflatten TIFF and not as PSD files. It is a new concern seeing a PSD file is strictly a formatted to work on Adobe products. I currently use CS5 and it is doubtful I will subscribe to new C.C. What are your thoughts?

19-05-2013, 4:46am
Not sure why you set your post up as a table with white background and light text. It was impossible to read. so I fixed that.

I have never saved as psd as it is a proprietary format. It's annoying enough that camera companies use proprietary raw formats. so I have saved all my working files as tif and so hopefully they will be easily accessible in the future with ps or whatever other editing software comes along that offers me what I need,

p.s. If you want your blog address in your posts go to settings, top right corner of any Ausphotography page and edit your signature to include it. Just posting it with your post each time makes people think they have to click it for more information on the topic you have raised, and they gets annoying when you click and there is nothing there on the topic.

20-05-2013, 10:59am
Thanks, I am new here and still finding my way around.

20-05-2013, 12:36pm
I usually only save as PSDs when I want to keep some particular Photoshop features for a while. It is not my permanent record of an image. Those are the original raw
(plus metadata, but which is easily undone) and a finished jpeg, perhaps a tiff.

And how's the trip?

20-05-2013, 1:54pm
So I agree with the proprotary image issue, but wouldn;t a DNG be a better format as it's still a RAW format?

If PS can't save as a DNG (been a while since I played with it) then a TIFF would be the next best I guess.

I also have converted a lot of my NEF files (raw nikon) to DNG as well and it would appear that I am forced to now since CS3 cant be updated to the latest ACR (Adobe Camera Raw) needed for the D600.


Dylan & Marianne
21-05-2013, 8:33pm
After I've finished editing a file, I keep a copy of RAW (catalogued in lightroom) , a 'base' edited TIFF file (which can then be reworked for print on different media), and a jpeg for web.

21-05-2013, 8:52pm
Same as Dylan.

21-05-2013, 10:44pm
I usually only save as PSDs when I want to keep some particular Photoshop features for a while. It is not my permanent record of an image. Those are the original raw
(plus metadata, but which is easily undone) and a finished jpeg, perhaps a tiff.

And how's the trip?
That is similar to my approach. Not every image I make is worthy of PS processing but I keep them much like I did with a film negative. My important images are my main concern and I will make sure I adapt them to any new changes in software of storage hardware so I have access to them in the future. Keeping your files current to the changing technology is a real concern with digital photography. I have thousands of 4x5 negatives that are archival processed and stored properly. There is a satisfaction knowing I never need to worry about them becoming obsolete because of new technology. We will be heading into the mountains of West Virginia to make some photographs The rain we are having this week will make for good waterfalls pictures.

22-05-2013, 5:00am
Most of my touch ups are in Lightroom which allows me to work with the raw. When I have to do something in Photoshop, its TIF.

22-05-2013, 6:32am
for the guys using LR..do you convert your camera Raw files to the Adobe DNG format?.....or can you work on the original Raw file such as a .NEF for Nikon ?

22-05-2013, 6:45am
You can work on the original NEF files.


22-05-2013, 12:56pm
Like some other comments, I do most my work in LR 3.6 but and special edits in PSE9 but have found some issues with post sharpening etc back in LR with a TIFF file so for a while now I have been using PSD to save the workings of PSE and then jpeg or tiff for a final product file that will be printed or supplied to a customer.

27-05-2013, 2:51pm
If it's an image that has had a lot of adjustment in PS I will save a PSD before flattening the image and exporting to JPG just so I can go back later and either remind myself how I did something or in case I want to make any changes in the future.

- - - Updated - - -

If it's an image that has had a lot of adjustment in PS I will save a PSD before flattening the image and exporting to JPG just so I can go back later and either remind myself how I did something or in case I want to make any changes in the future.