View Full Version : Photoshop Lightroom Workshop

30-04-2013, 7:57am
Hi everyone, I've enrolled to a full day workshop to learn all the aspects of Photoshop Lightroom. The photographer running the workshop claims that it's the only software package you need as that's all he uses to process and edit his own images.
The workshop costs $399.
Not sure whether this is a rip off not and whether I'm wasting my time? Thoughts? It's just that it's a lot of money to spend and I don't know anyone who has done the workshop.
Wasn't sure if I sould mention the photographer on here so I've left that part out!

30-04-2013, 8:37am
*removed - read the site rules , in particular rules 3-7*

30-04-2013, 9:44am
Go and buy Scott Kelby's book 'Adobe Photoshop Lightroom for Digital Photographers' for your version on lightroom. Work through the book and you will not need the course.

Also as you have less than 50 posts on the site, you cannot name who is running the course (refer to the site rules, 3-7 re your restrictions on posting to AP at this time).

We also have a series of FREE lightroom tutorial videos that start with the basics and move through to very advanced techniques : http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?107195-Want-to-learn-Lightroom

30-04-2013, 11:47am
Spend US$200 on Kelby Training subscription and get videos on LR and much much more with 12 months access to their site.

30-04-2013, 4:40pm
I use Lightroom 3 and find it does everything I need, if you do a google search there are several Lightroom tutorials out there either on line or you can buy a DVD, this is how I got started, they cost about $45, Scott Kielbys book is also a good reference, this just my humble opinion, I would not be forking out $400 for one day course when you have access to this site and the references mentioned above.
I have recently bought Photo Shop Elements 11 but have no idea where to start with it :o

30-04-2013, 5:22pm
i just ordered the book 20% off at www.booktopia.com.au looks the goods.

Mark L
30-04-2013, 9:05pm
Hi everyone, I've enrolled to a full day workshop to learn all the aspects of Photoshop Lightroom.....

I wouldn't really know, though I reckon if you're a begin to photography, you wouldn't learn "all aspects" from a full day workshop yet!
Some good advise posted already. Also use this site to ask questions as you go along.
I'm looking at buying an UWA lens for not much more than a full day workshop!! I'll learn post processing later. :):confused013

30-04-2013, 9:23pm
$400!! Gees.. I need to rethink my choosen career. Mate not intending to rub it in, bit I think I know just about every square inch of LR, not through paying for the knowledge, which personally I don't think will be that effective. Rather, through playing around, reading websites and blogs and experimenting.

There is a lot of functionality bound up in the LR application, there is no way it will 'all' be covered in a one day workshop. My feeling is the workshop will cover small parts of all the functionality, ultimately overwhelming you. Or it will show users the basic workflow such as importing, basic editing techniques and exporting, probably including how to put a watermark on your shots in the export process.

My suggestion to you is.... There are many, many tutorials on YouTube which are 'Free' one in particular is a tutorial on LR 4 by BHPhotoVideoProAudio. Just type in Lightroom 4 and its a 1.5hr tutorial that comes in as the first result. Also might pay to look through some of the other clips that come up too.

Fro knows photo by jarred polin is another good YouTube Channel to check out. That guy does live CC and re edits on LR whilst talking through the steps.

Good luck with the workshop, hope it gives you some foundations to the power of LR.

02-05-2013, 8:03am
Learn it from scratch is the best way, that way it's harder to forget what does what. Youtube has a vast array of tutorials.

Best way to learn is just tinker with it.

03-05-2013, 5:06am
I've been tempted by workshops to learn PS and Lightroom but what always turns me off is their duration - usually 1 day. I know I won't remember 75% of what is covered cramming all that info into 1 day. I love the Scott Kelby books and have found them plus You Tube invaluable. Can also refer to them whenever I need to reinforce something also.

03-05-2013, 7:59am
I will +1 on Kelby Training too.

Lightroom is a very powerful tool when you know how to use it properly, but it does have it's limitations. That's where photoshop CS comes in and takes over.

I do 90% of my editing in lightroom, and it's only for the tricky stuff do I look to CS, for example: Exposure blending or removing anything more significant then some dust.

03-05-2013, 5:06pm
Utilise the FREE tutorials and spend the $400 on equipment.
Maybe use it to buy Lightroom if you dont already have it .. ;)

13-06-2013, 3:14pm
I agree with what has been said here.....there are plenty of free tutorials on how to use those programs both through this site and all over Google/Youtube.
I have also used Lynda.com in the past.......$25 for a month subscription and there are tons of tutorials on there for the software

Linda R
13-06-2013, 8:23pm
Hi, I have just attended a course on Photoshop which was $250.00 and went over 5 weeks with each class being 2 hours. We also have access to the teacher after the course has finished. Dont know if this helps but might give a comparison?

13-06-2013, 10:59pm
Also check out killer Lightroom tips very good resource