View Full Version : Photographer didn't have enough crack

Bear Dale
26-04-2013, 6:07am
Another 'photographer' gets sued.

With this camera I thee behead -


26-04-2013, 6:22am
Well after looking at the photographers pics you can't blame the couple, at all.

26-04-2013, 7:18am
At the end of the article the 'photographer' blames the location. I think we are going to see more and more of this in the media as people get a DSLR and think they can start shooting weddings etc. Just my guess, but I reckon these were all taken on auto. From what we can see there is no attempt to control depth of field, sugggesting that the photographer either doesn't know what they are doing, or they were letting the camera decide all the settings (again suggesting they did not know what they were doing). The compositions are just woeful. I do however wonder if the happy(?) couple got to see a portfolio of the 'photographers' previous work before hiring her.

26-04-2013, 7:43am
I've only done a couple of weddings.
The 2nd one had terrible weather on they day (grey and rain)
-- but with the use of umbrella's; remote flashes and a covered part of the gardens I ended up with quite a reasonable set of photos.

The location and weather is something you have to adapt for.
It does not change posing and composition and the tech aspects of taking good photos.

The client is happy (family connection - which is always dangerous)

26-04-2013, 10:03am
Wow is all I can say. These pics were truely horrible. I can honestly say I don't know one professional or good amateur that would want their name attached to those photos. This is clearly someone who thinks that having a DSLR makes them a professional.

JM Tran
26-04-2013, 10:10am
The onus also lies with the couple in doing their research properly with the said photographer or anyone before going ahead with them.

During my first initial meeting I always give my client a sample DVD - which contains various slideshows of past weddings, as well as folders containing high res shots etc. Not to mention letting them borrow albums to take home to peruse over.

26-04-2013, 10:13am
The onus also lies with the couple in doing their research properly with the said photographer or anyone before going ahead with them.

During my first initial meeting I always give my client a sample DVD - which contains various slideshows of past weddings, as well as folders containing high res shots etc. Not to mention letting them borrow albums to take home to peruse over.

True but I'll put money on it that this photographer probably sourced their portfolio from other photographers and I'm not talking about with their permission.

26-04-2013, 7:06pm
Please dont take this as me stating that I am a pro... BUT i reckon I could honestly get better shots using my phone :p

These would have naturally been the worst images (imagining that the newspaper wanted to be as dramatic as possible) but still the photographer (if that is what you could call him/her) still gave the images to the couple so he/she must have thought that they were ok. My mind is boggling with what the photographer was thinking. And the poor couple... how horrible for all.

I remember when I hired our photographer, it must have been one of the BIG discussions we made sure we went over their previous work and met with them several times.


26-04-2013, 7:43pm
Makes you wonder. i have only ever done 1 wedding and that was after having force applied to me. Having told the couple (former friends) I hated people photography, did not want to do it and did not have kit to do the task justice, they determined, due to financial reasons, I was the only choice. i delivered 15 rolls of film (thats how long ago it was) and have never seen any of the images. Now when i am asked to take photos at weddings or any other occasion, I refuse the invitation and head bush with the phone on silent.
Seems to me the first thing is now what you can do well. Stick to that when $$$ are on offer. Enhance skills for sure but at your expense not a client.

Mark L
26-04-2013, 9:12pm
Wonder how often this happens and people just move on, or don't have the finances to sue.

.. Now when i am asked to take photos at weddings or any other occasion, I refuse the invitation and head bush with the phone on silent.
